Saturday, May 19, 2012

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)

William Gazecki

Ovaj dokumentarac je mozda i najbolji na temu WACO incidenta jer prenosi u celini svedochenja i jedne i druge strane sa saslushanja u Kongresu gde su eksperti dokazali snimcima i masom drugih dokaza shta se zaista dogodilo, da je pozar izazvala pucnjava federalnih agenata pri napadu tenkovima a ne kako drzava tvrdi da su Davidijanci sami podmetnuli pozar da bi izvrshili masovno samoubistvo. Ko voli dokumentarce o sudjenjima a posebno sa detaljnjim iznoshenjem dokaza sa i najmanjim sitnicama koje su jako bitne u ovom sluchaju, tipa da li se na snimku infracrvene kamere iz helikoptera vidi bljesak koji je zapravo samo odsjaj od nechega ili je to bio pucanja iz vatrenog oruzja tog i tog, uglavnom jaaako zanimljivo i drzi paznju preko 2 sata , kao da si bukvalno tamo u Kongresu i da prisustvujesh saslushanju i bash zato mi je ovo jedan od najboljih ako ne i najbolji dokumentarac tog tipa koji sam ikad pogledao.


"This controversial documentary about the stand-off between an unorthodox Christian group - the Branch Davidians, under the leadership of the young, charismatic David Koresh - and the FBI and ATF in Waco, Texas, from February to April 1993 presents a different spin on the events from that of the United States government, which held that the Branch Davidians set the fire that destroyed their compound, and killed the vast majority of them, on April 19, 1993. Using footage from the 51 day siege, from the congressional hearings afterwards, from people involved in all aspects of the siege, and from experts technical, psychological, and religious, the movie suggests that the Branch Davidians were not a cult, but a valid religious group practicing under First Amendment freedoms who fell victim to first the ineptitude of an ATF raid designed to garner the agency positive attention and later the cruel, methodical work of the FBI, who over-saw the murder of the Davidians and then quickly covered it up."


  1. Keep up the great work. This is must see stuff. thank you

  2. Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997) - new MU links !

  3. Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997) - NEW SINGLE RS LINK + EXTRAS

  4. For some reason I can only download the second file. The file for the CD 1 times out, I assume because something is wrong with that particular JumboFiles server? Thanks for putting these up though. I've been trying to download the CD 1 file for days now. Is it possible you could reupload that particular one? Thanks!

  5. E da gledao sam dokumentarac o Timothy McVeigh-u gde se pominje da je on pratio desavanja o Davidijancima i kako je smatrao da su i ljudi nepravedno poubijani te ga je to i inspirisalo da uradi ono sto je uradio.

    Kao sto kaze pevac iz Sektion B na kraju pesme Oklahoma City: Rest in Peace Timothy McVeigh !

  6. Just tested it and it works fine.

  7. Yes, I finally got it to work. Someone explained to me that sometimes their servers ( will be temporarily down. I would like to thank you again. You are a very great person to keep the work up on this blog. Many people have good things to say about you. I know a lot of people out there appreciate everything you do. Especially me. Also, I think we may have spoken on the phone during a conference call for Charlie's 76th Birthday, was that you? Heh. Peace.

  8. @Plutonium Product - upravo tako, nego da nemas taj album od Sektion B, ne mogu nigde da ga nađem?
