Monday, July 30, 2012

Dark Days (2000)

Marc Singer

Za crne dane koji nam dolaze, noc sve duza, dan sve kraci, svi cemo umreti 2012. (reko Cartman), jedan skroz prikladan dokumentarac. Naime ovde je rec o beskucnicima Nju Jorka koji su okupirali tunel kod jedne od stanica metroa, i sagradili sebi ko neke kucice koje najvise lice na ovaj nas domaci "karton city" fazon samo shto je u podzemlju. Autor boravi sa njima u tom mraku i tu mozemo da vidimo kako oni zive, neko bi reko da prezivljavaju ali nije bas tako, svakakih zivotnih prica tu ima, i veselih i tuznih, ovakvih, onakvih, definitivno must see.


"Near Penn Station, next to the Amtrak tracks, squatters have been living for years. Marc Singer goes underground to live with them, and films this "family." A dozen or so men and one woman talk about their lives: horrors of childhood, jail time, losing children, being coke-heads. They scavenge, they've built themselves sturdy one-room shacks; they have pets, cook, chat, argue, give each other haircuts. A bucket is their toilet. Leaky overhead pipes are a source of water for showers. They live in virtual darkness. During the filming, Amtrak gives a 30-day eviction notice."


  1. Svaka čast autoru, samo kraj je malo "limunadast"

  2. Thank you very quality blog and work here
