Monday, February 25, 2013

The Master (2012)

Paul Thomas Anderson

Runtime: 144 min

Odličan, ali vrlo dobro odličan igrani film. Ko i malo zna o istorijatu Sajentološke Crkve i legendarnom L. Ron Hubbardu, čiji lik ponosno krasi zaglavlje bloga, uživaće bar upola jače od onog koji ama baš ništa ne zna. Joaquin Phoenix i Philip Seymour Hoffman znači iskidali. Moja ultra najtoplija preporuka, dakle, gledaj, ne oklevaj, i daj bre, ne zajebavaj. :)

"Returning from Navy service in World War II, Freddie Quell drifts through a series of PTSD-driven breakdowns. Finally he stumbles upon a cult which engages in exercises to clear emotions and he becomes deeply involved with them."


1 comment:

  1. The movie is good, actings are amazing both seymore and phoenix, I a question. What you know about secret scienctology documents like OT8?? do you know where I can find more info about that subject.

    Thanks Bojan.

