Wednesday, March 13, 2013

BTK Confessions (2006)

Runtime: 78 min

Ako tražite savršen primer psihopate međ' serijskim ubicama, onda je to definitivno Ted Bandy, bez premca, ali moramo priznati da je BTK ipak dig'o sranje na i te kako viši nivo, jer za razliku od Bandija bio je totalno organised, i to do najsićušnijih detalja, i jedino što ga je sjebalo na kraju je to vreme koje ga je nažalost pregazilo, inače ga nikada, ali bukvalno nikada ne bi navatali. Dakle, kada kažem žešće zajebani serijski ubica, mislim pre svih na BTK-a i tu nema boga. Ta hladnkrvnost, taj stav, to je upravo onaj X faktor o kome svi toliko pričaju. Znači, šauma jednom rečju. Je-zi-va ispovest!

"He was dubbed "BTK" because he bound, tortured and killed his victims. He operated with impunity for thirty-one years - a serial killer police thought they might never find, might never stop. But when he was finally caught, this killer's identity was a shocker: Dennis Rader, a mild-mannered father, husband and church president.

Everyone wondered: how could this man commit such shocking crimes?

In this feature-length NBC News documentary, originally seen as part of Dateline NBC, the "BTK Killer" speaks out in his own words about what drove him to kill. This exclusive interview was conducted by Harvard neuropsychologist Robert Mendoza, who was hired by Rader's defense team to assess his sanity. In it, Rader chronicles the growing obsession inside him, his cat-and-mouse game with police and the media, and finally, his willing confession.

Includes never-heard-before details about these crimes, and is a unique, startling, and in-depth journey inside the darkness of a notorious criminal."


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