Friday, August 16, 2013

Cabin 28: The Keddie Murders Part I (2005)

Josh Hancock

Runtime: 45 min

Ovaj dokumentarac bavi se čuvenom, i dan danas nerešenom misterijom vezanom za tzv. Keddie ubistva kada su aprila 1981. godine u kampu na padinama Siera Nevade, u drvenoj kolibi broj 28, žena i dvoje dece prvo mučeni a onda na veoma brutalan način i ubijeni, a jedno dete je kidnapovano. Znači, skroz-naskroz zamršen slučaj i samim tim vredan pomena. 5 godina posle ovog dokumentarca snimljen je i nastavak sa novim detaljima koji ću takođe postaviti ovih dana. Inače, malo je poznat podatak da je skroz solidan horror Brajana Bertina - The Strangers (2008) sa prelepom Liv Tajler u glavnoj ulozi, insiprisan upravo ovim ubistvima, mada ako ćemo realno, osim činjenice da su žrtve ubijene u kolibi, ništa drugo nam zapravo ne ukazuje da se radi o baš tom incidentu. Uglavnom, jako zanimljiv slučaj i još veća misterija, te vam je najtoplije preporučujem!

"On the morning of April 12th, 1981, fourteen year old Sheila Sharp stepped into Cabin 28, her home in the remote town of Keddie, California, to discover a horrific sight. Bound on the floor with wire and tape were her mother, Glenna "Sue" Sharp; her brother, fifteen year old John Sharp; and John's friend, seventeen year old Dana Wingate. The victims had been knifed, claw-hammered and strangled to death--a scene that one police officer described as a "homicidal frenzy of violence."

Inside Cabin 28, blood stained the floors and spattered and smeared the walls, and police officers even found stab marks in the walls. The victims, particularly Sue Sharp, had been viciously attacked, beaten, bludgeoned, stabbed, and asphixiated. To this day, despite countless tips and potential suspects, the murders remain unsolved. It is one of Northern California's most notorious cold cases and has been inactive for over two decades, leaving family members and an entire community bewildered and angry.

But the tide is turning for this famous unsolved crime. Due to the efforts of a team of filmmakers and a loyal online community, there is distinct cause for hope that the Keddie Murders will finally be solved. Two documentaries (listed below) delve deep inside this case like nothing before, pinpointing suspects and possibly even proving their involvement in the homicides."

"Cabin 28: The Keddie Murders Part I features interviews with Sheila Sharp, Gary Wingate, former sheriff Doug Thomas, and retired FBI agent Larry Ott, along with other members of the Sharp and Wingate families. You'll hear from Justin; his mother, Marilyn; and from people who have lived in Keddie and Quincy all their lives. You'll see crime scene photographs, learn what happened to Tina Sharp, and witness how her memory lives on over twenty years after her disappearance and these brutal homicides."