Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Death Scenes vol.1 (1989)

Nick Bougas

U originalnom a ujedno i najjačem delu Death Scenes serijala, kroz scene užasa iz 30-ih i 40-ih godina prošlog veka, vodi nas Anton LaVey lično. Death Scenes Volume 1 is in no way sensationalistic. This film does not glorify death but affirms life. I da, što se tiče linkova, ne obraćajte pažnju što na linkovima za vol.1 piše da je to vol.3 i obrnuto, to je greška koju je napravio čovek koji je ripovovo ovo sa DVD-a a nije se udostojio da pogleda film, mada ima tu grešaka koje su do samih autora ovog DVD izdanja, jer npr. na drugom delu koji sam juče postavio u uvodnoj špici stoji da je to prvi deo, a ako proverite na imdb-u to nema veze sa realnošću, tamo je to drugi deo. Uglavnom ako budete skidali ovo samo preimenujte fajl ako vam je baš stalo ko meni do tačnosti i to je to. Znači ovo je Death Scenes vol.1 a ne 3. Živeli! (86 min)


"Famed Satanist Anton Lavey hosts this morbidly fascinating mondo documentary about violent death. The film is unusual for being presented entirely as a series of still photographs taken from the notebooks of a Los Angeles crime photographer of the 1930s and '40s. Lavey's dry, witty narration is never as vulgar as that in similar series such as Faces of Death or Traces of Death, and serves as an informative counterpoint to the images presented. Unfortunately, later films in the series went the more traditional mondo route, loaded with tiresome war-atrocity footage and gory video clips."

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