Werner Herzog
Ovo čisto da se ispoštuje lista 69 Documentaries You Must See Before 2012, a inače ja se nadam da smo ovaj film svi gledali, ko nije - sad je prilika. (131 min)
"Grizzly Man, a visually stunning and sensitive portrait of one man's life - and death - in the wild was the talk of the film festival circuit in 2005. Now, the critically-acclaimed film which documents author and outdoorsman Timothy Treadwell's obsession with the magnificent and deadly grizzly bear, is set to make its broadcast debut. After committing 13 years of study to the great bears, Treadwell presumed he could live safely among the grizzlies of the Alaskan wilderness - until he was killed and devoured by one of the very animals to which he had devoted his life. Written and directed by Werner Herzog, Grizzly Man paints a complex portrait of Treadwell, a tireless and passionate advocate for grizzly bears who died at 46 in Alaska's Katmai National Park and Reserve in 2003, after being mauled and devoured by a grizzly, along with his girlfriend Amie Huguenard. At the heart of Grizzly Man is spectacular footage of enormous grizzlies hunting, playing and fighting just feet from Treadwell and his camera. Distilled from more than 100 hours of footage Treadwell shot and left behind over his years spent with the grizzlies, many of these scenes were filmed during his last visits to the Alaskan wilderness, apparently with the intention of creating a wildlife documentary. Intimate and captivating, Treadwell's story pushes the boundary between human and nature and provides the ultimate in first-hand knowledge of grizzlies. "My life is on the precipice of death," said Treadwell. Named best movie of the year by TIME Magazine's Richard Schickel and heralded by Roger Ebert as "brilliant," Grizzly Man also received the Sundance Film Festival's prestigious "Alfred P. Sloane Feature Film Award" and the "Best Feature Documentary" award at the Telluride Mountain Film Festival. Grizzly Man has also been selected "Best Documentary of 2005" by both the New York Film Critics Circle and the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, honored by all major critics associations, and nominated for numerous awards."
Ja nisam pogledao,do sad...
Lici mi na onog lika iz "into the wild".
Odican, pogledaj obavezno, jedan od najiskrenijih likova u celoj ovoj prici sa fanaticima, jer ljudi se skroz drugacije ponasaju kad su sami sa kamerom, znaci predivan film, i vizuelno i emotivno. :)
mozda nije nacin i mesto u komentarima (ali mi je lakse) pa bih zamolio REPOST za LAIBACH PRVI ALBUM REIZDANJE
Linkovi su OK, sad sam proverio za oba, ali verovatno ako koristis Mozilu ili Firefox nece da ti prikaze cele linkove, proveri dal' ima .RAR na kraju. Ako nisu celi probaj da otvoris sa IE7 ili mi posalji mejl pa cu ti dodam linkove.
Odličan film, zanimljiv lik za kojeg još uvek nisam odlučio da li mi se sviđa ili ne. Plus onaj Herzogov stil ispropovijedanja priče koji bi mogao slušati danonočno...
Grizzly Man (2005) - new MU link added!
Grizzly Man (2005) - NEW SINGLE RS LINK!
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