Friday, July 31, 2009

What Happened on the Moon? (2000)

Directed by:
David S Percy

Ovo nikako nije klasičan conspiracy dokumentarac kakve smo navikli da gledamo, a posebno zato jer ga nisu radili tamo neki dokoni šarlatani, teoretičari zavera, već ozbiljni ljudi koji se zaista bave Apolo misijama i uopšte NASA programom, a što i može da se vidi iz načina na koji je rađen dok. Postavlja se pitanje da li smo sleteli na Mesec, ja kažem JOK, e sad zašto ja kažem na keca JOK, pa zato što MI nikako nismo, Ameri možda i jesu ali je i to pitanje, a zašto je pitanje to ćete moći da vidite u ovom odličnom filmu. Ljudi koji su ovo pravili se nimalo nisu šalili, skroz ozbiljno su pristupili tematici, pa eto čak nema ni one jalove priče o tome kako se zastava vijori a na mesecu nema vetra, ali zato ima na stotine drugih dokaza, od filmskih i fotografskih, preko priče o radijaciji sa sunca koja je van naše orbite smrtonosna, pa do najlogičnijeg pitanja kako to da su tamo neke '69 godine uspeli da tek tako olako pošalju raketu sa ljudima na mesec, da se IZ PRVOG pokušaja komotno prizemlje i što je još luđe, da se vrati nazad, a danas kada je tehnologija navodno toliko uznapredovala, to nisu u stanju da ponove. Znači ko da npr. sa fićom pre 40 godina obiđeš celu Jugoslaviju, a danas 40 godina posle sa Audijem A8 ne možeš ni do Ljiga da stigneš. Nerealno, mada oni tu imaju neki gistro izgovor kao nema se para, trte-mrte, ma čisto foliranje. Uglavnom, ono što valja istaći, je da je ovde prezentovano zaista dosta dokaza koji idu u prilog tome da su Amerikanci MOŽDA, ali samo možda i bili na Mesecu, ali da snimci koji su prikazani kao dokaz, a posebno onaj čuveni LIVE prenos, nemaju veze sa realnošću i da su najverovatnije snimani na zemlji u nekom studiju. Znači čovek je navodno 6 puta bio na Mesecu od '69 do '72, i aj da kažemo hipotetički da od svih ovih dokaza 99% može da se naučno objasni i pobije, ali setimo se : Dovoljan je SAMO JEDAN dokaz da se ispostavi kao tačan pa da cela ta priča padne u vodu, naravno ovi iz NASE će se iz sve snage truditi da to opovrgnu, jer bi to naravno bila prevara milenijuma, i baš zato pogledajte ovaj dok. ako budete našli vremena jer traje preko 3 sata, ali verujte mi na reč, drži pažnju samo tako, ja sam ga pogledo iz dva dela. Zaista odličan materijal, i stoga se batalite Penn & Teller Bullshit propagande, mislim jeste to smešno, ali veze s' mozgom nema kad je u pitanju ova tema, jer otvoreno podržavaju priču koju plasira američka vlada, a zna se ko su najveći lažovi na svetu. I ne da su ih raskrinkali, razbucali su ih. (220 min)

"Behind the official record of Apollo, has the 'hidden hand of history' recorded vital chapters that rightfully belong in the Apollo account? The majority of us believe we went to the Moon in 1969 – it represents a tremendous achievement for mankind, the first time we have landed and walked upon another celestial body.

But what really happened on the Moon in 1969?

Five years in the making, WHAT happened on the MOON? An investigation into Apollo, is a double DVD as well as a two-tape video set. This compelling production throws into serious doubt the authenticity of the Apollo missions and features information that challenges the declared abilities of NASA to successfully send a man to the Moon and return him safely to Earth. Did the Apollo missions really achieve NASA's aims? This enthralling production presents the flaws in the record of this land mark event in a graphic, dynamic, easy-to-follow way. What happened on the Moon? examines the problems with rockets and associated technologies as well as the serious dangers-that to date have not been overcome-concerning deep space radiation. Why was faking necessary? Hear what NASA has to say in response to these disturbing findings.New evidence revealing significant errors in continuity between the Apollo still photos and the 'live' TV coverage suggests that NASA hoaxed the official record of mankind's first visit to the Moon.These new findings are supported by detailed analysis and the testimony of experts from various disciplines. These include photographer/filmmaker David S Percy ARPS and physicist David Groves PhD. The numerous inconsistencies visible in the images are quite irrefutable. Recent research indicates that the errors evidenced were deliberately planted by individuals determined to leave clues pointing to the faking of the record of Apollo.

Deals with the Apollo still photographs and the TV coverage.
Looks at the dangers of radiation during deep space travel.
Explains the problems with rockets and associated technology.

During Project Apollo, six highly complex manned craft landed on the Moon, took off and returned to Earth using a relatively low level of technology. An 86% success rate. Since Apollo, twenty-five simple, unmanned craft with increasingly higher levels of technology have attempted to fulfil their missions to Mars. Only seven succeeded.A mere 28% success rate for Mars.

Were the Apollo missions to the Moon blessed?"

Download :

No Pass

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Laibach - Final Countdown (1994) 12"

Final Countdown mi je sigurno "najdizačkija" pesma Laibacha još od genijalne "Life Is Life" sa Opus Dei albuma. Kontam da će se fanovi Laibacha složiti sa ovom mojom konstatacijom, ali ako sam slučajno zaboravio neku pesmu tog tipa do '94 oglasite se opušteno. Nemam pojma, jer zaista, kada sam u bedaku, kad se ne osećam baš najbolje, kad mrzim jutro što je svanulo, ja samo pustim ovu pesmu i odma' mi dobro. :)

Single: Final Countdown
Release Date: 12th September 1994

1. Final Countdown (7" Euro Mix)
2. Final Countdown (12" Mark Stent Alternate Mix)
3. Juno Reactor Version – Beyond The Infinite Mix
4. Final Countdown (Fortran 5 Version II)

"The 12" single "Final Countdown" was released on the Mute Records label in September 1994. A promo video with the same title accompanied the release, featuring technical processing by the Ljubljana computer animation studio Arxel. The disc also contained remixes by Mark Stent, Juno Reactor and Fortran 5. The "Final Countdown" single was a hint of the forthcoming NATO project and "NATO" album."

Court TV Crime Stories: John Wayne Gacy

Najbolji dokumentarac o Gacy-u koji sam iskopo do sad, jer pored standardnog biografskog dela, dobar deo je posvećen suđenju i zatvoreničkim danima, a tu je i jedan jako zanimljiv intervju, gde on naravno uporno poriče svoju krivicu. Po njemu su urađena i dva igrana filma, To Catch a Killer (1992) i Gacy (2003), a kome ni to ne bude bilo dovoljno tu je i opširniji tekst na Crime Library. (46 min)

"In this installment of the Court TV series Crime Stories, the case of John Wayne Gacy is covered. Gacy was a businessman who was active in his community; he often dressed as a clown to amuse children at local hospitals. But there was a different side of this sociable man, that of a serial killer. Jeffrey Ringall was one of the few to survive the rape and torture committed by Gacy. Many of his tortured, raped, and murdered victims were found under the flooring of his home and in a local waterway. This installment explores this serial killer."


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Baader-Meinhof: In Love with Terror (2002)

Ben Lewis

Za sve one koji su pogledali odličan nemački film Der Baader Meinhof Komplex, a i za one koje to još nisu uradili, evo vrlo dobre dokumentarne priče o ekstremno-levičarskoj terorističkoj grupi Red Army Faction poznatijoj i kao Baader-Meinhof.

Putem ovog dokumentarca imaćete priliku da uporedite gomilu arhivskog materijala i svedočenje preživelih članova RAF-a sa radnjom u igranom filmu, i ja mislim da su tim filmom u potpunosti uspeli da dočaraju burna dešavanja u Zapadnoj Nemačkoj krajem 60-ih i početkom 70-ih godina prošlog veka.

Naravno, pored filmova na ovu temu preporučujem i skroz zanimljiv tekst Denisa Noa koji možete pročitati ovde. (70 min)


"In October 1977, the leadership of the German leftwing terrorist group Baader-Meinhof, died in a German high-security prison. Their apparent suicides hailed the end of a long and bloody struggle to start a revolution in one of the world's richest democracies. 25 years on In Love With Terror traces this astonishing story through extraordinary interviews with former group members, never-before seen archive footage, secret police reports and obscure government files."

Download :

Monday, July 27, 2009

A2 (2001)

Tatsuya Mori

Isti fazon kao i prvi deo (A), samo što je ovde malo opuštenija atmosfera, mnogo više ljudi je uključeno u priču, ne samo Araki. Radnja se dešava '98 i '99 i prati članove Auma koji su konačno odlučili da se izvine za počinjeni zločin, zvanično menjaju ime u Aleph i odriču se kontraverznog dela svoje filozofije. Ali retko ko im zaista veruje da su se promenili, tako da su protesti svakodnevni u svim gradovima gde ih ima, i lokalno stanovništvo želi da ih protera. Neki su u tome agresivniji kao npr. japanski nacionalisti u Yokohami, a neki su ih i zavoleli u međuvremenu po manjim mestima.

Isto kao i u prethodnom filmu Mori jedini ima pravo da sa kamerom uđe svuda gde i oni, jer policija ih obezbeđuje od gnevnih građana. Uveden je i poseban zakon pod nazivom Anti-Aum, gde se njihove prostorije i hramovi stavljaju pod nadzor 24 časa. Oni se bune zbog toga, drže konferencije za štampu, svuda gde se pojave medijska je frka, protesti, uglavnom ovaj film govori o njihovim naporima da pokažu javnosti kako samo žele da ih se ostavi da u miru praktikuju svoju religiju, ali im to nikako ne polazi za rukom jer se japansko društvo dosta promenilo za tih par godina, i to baš zbog Aumovog terorističkog napada u Tokijskom metrou iz '95. (131 min)

"The captivating story of the notorious Aum Shinrikyo cult continues in director Tatsuya Mori's fascinating follow-up to the 1998 documentary A. In 1995 Aum leader Shoko Asahara went to trial for his role in the 1995 poison gas attack on the Tokyo subways, but even as he languished behind bars his followers continued to maintain their extreme beliefs and doctrines. In the years that followed a name change and a new leader found the Aum cult attempting to distance themselves from the horrors of the past, though harsh criticism and constant attacks from the media, the authorities, and everyday citizens made the prospect of lying low increasingly difficult. In addition to broadening his scope to get a better understanding of Aum's inner workings, director Mori's sequel also provides remarkable insight into the more unseemly aspects of modern day Japan."


Invocation of My Demon Brother (1969)

Kenneth Anger

Na današnji dan, pre tačno 40 godina, 27. jula '69, Bobby Beausoleil, muzičar i glumac, ubio je Garija Hinmana u njegovoj kući u Topanga Kanjonu, u predgrađu Los Anđelesa, i tako otpočeo niz događaja koji će odrediti sudbinu mnogih pa i njega samog. Opšte je poznato (u svetu, ne kod nas) da je Bobby bio član Čarlijevog ganga, ali ono što se slabije zna je da je Bobby odigrao neke jako bitne uloge u 2 filma okultnog režisera Kennetha Angera, tako da je Bobby i bez priče o Čarliju bio veoma poznata faca tih godina. E sad, zašto je ubio Hinmana, ono što je plasirano u javnost je da mu je Hinman, inače nastavnik muzike, prodao veću količinu lošeg meskalina, koji je ovaj trebao da uvalja članovima bajkerske bande Straight Satans, i da je Bobby zbog toga došao 25. jula sa još dve devojke, Susan Atkins i Mary Bruner, da od Hinmana zatraži da mu vrati pare. Hinman navodno nije imao pare tako da su ga dva dana "ubeđivali", ali pošto "lepa reč" nije urodila plodom, Bobby je bio prinuđen da pozove Čarlija telefonom. Čarli je ubrzo došao, i bez puno priče mačem odsekao Hinmanu uvo, poručujući tako da se on i njegovi saradnici nimalo ne šale kad je u pitanju taj keš. Kada je Čarli napustio kuću, Bobby je hteo da pomogne Hinmanu sa tom povredom, ali je ovaj skroz popizdeo i pripretio da će pozvati policiju. Ostalo je istorija.

To je bilo samo prvo u nizu ubistava koje će uzdrmati Holivud pa i čitav svet tog leta '69. U roku od nekoliko dana Bobby je uhapšen, i početkom sledeće godine osuđen na smrtnu kaznu za ovo ubistvo. Pošto je smrtna kazna u Kaliforniji opozvana kao neustavna '72, sve takve kazne su preinačene u doživotne robije, tako da se Bobby i dan danas nalazi u zatvoru, ali to nikako nije razlog da se ovih dana ne podsetimo na dela ovog istaknutog umetnika i ubice.

Danas ćete imati prilike da pogledate, pa malo je reći kultni, znači okultni film Kennetha Angera "Invocation of my Demon Brother" iz '69 godine, u kome Bobby igra logično Lucifera, a postoji priča da ga je Kenneth Anger skroz slučajno sreo na jednom parkingu i čim ga je izvalio povikao je "Ti si Lucifer", mislivši naravno na lik koji mu je bio potreban za njegov sigurno najpoznatiji film "Lucifer Rising". Invocation of my Demon Brother je kratki, eksperimentalni film, koji zapravo govori o prizivanju Đavola, jer Anger je veliki fan lika i dela Aleistera Crowleya, a ovo "Demon Brother" u naslovu zapravo znači da Anger priziva svoj alter-ego, tj. Lucifera, ZLO koje je deo svakog od nas. I tu se pojavljuje Bobby u skroz specifičnom liku Lucifera, liku koji definitivno ulazi u podsvest, jer ova slika gore govori više od 365 reči. Naravno, to je samo jedno od tumačenja, jer film je takav da svako može da ga posmatra na svoj način. Pored Bobija, u filmu se pojavljuje i Anton LaVey, zatim sam Kenneth Anger u ulozi Magusa, čoveka koji na bini izvodi ritual prizivanja, a moći ćete da vidite i članove Rolling Stonesa, a posebno Mick Jaggera koji je radio i muziku za ovaj eksperimentalni film. Uglavnom, za one kojima ne bude baš najjasnije šta se zapravo dešava u filmu, tu je odličan esej Chris Morrisona koji pojašnjava mnoge stvari, ali bolje je prvo pogledati film pa onda pročitati, barem sam ja tako uradio, ili što bi reko naš narod DO brate what Thou wilt.

"Invocation of My Demon Brother was Kenneth Anger's return to filmmaking after a brief two year retirement from the business. He always dealt with controversial, provocative, and even taboo subjects and this film follows suit. The first image is of three white dots arranged in a pyramid on a black background. A white haired man is then shown raising his head and opening his eyes, like he is waking up. The shots then go back and forth between his gaze around the room he is in and the things or people he sees in the room, such as a cross-legged figure with a dagger, two boys lounging on a couch, and a tattoo that looks to be on his forearm. After he sees this he raises a clear stick of glass to his forehead. A shot of soldiers being deployed from a helicopter is shown, followed by a superimposition of the man's face, the tattoo, and an Egyptian eye, an image which is repeated many times during the film. A shot of a band is flashed on the screen, and then the cross-legged figures is shown again with his hand on his knees.

The scene and focus seems to change here. Now we see two men and a woman sharing a marijuana joint and smoking it out of a skull. The band is flashed again, as is a cat and a dog. Someone is then shown peering through the leaves of a plant, probably watching the smokers.

- Bobby -

A man known as the Magus is introduced dressed in a long, decorated robe. This shot has fire falling from the sky superimposed on it. The Magus is played by Kenneth Anger himself, and is shown in accelerated motion performing some kind of ritual on stage. Some of the ritual scenes are overlapped with others, so you see two events happening at the same time. Images with the top half of the screen reflected upside down on the bottom half are introduced, one of which shows a man's torso and arms but ends up looking like there are eight arms swaying about.

A door is opened and a horned devil in a cape walks in with a skull which he places on the floor. Scenes of Hell's Angels bikers are superimposed over more scenes of the devil, as well as of the ritual.

Another devil with brown curly hair is shown. The shots jump between the Magus and this new devil, juxtaposing the two. The next phase of the film shows many repeated images from earlier in the film. It seems to contrast all the images at once, as well as introducing new ones like scenes of fans at a rock concert. The Egyptian eye is seen in many shots, most of which are superimpositions or altered in some way. The smokers from earlier are shown again walking down a flight of stairs followed by the members of the band. Shots of men and woman raising their arms and reaching out are overlapped over on another. Shots of the Rolling Stones performing are briefly edited in at the same time a man's face with a moire pattern projected on it. The final message of the film comes with a shot of the staircase again. This time a smoking mummy comes down the stairs with a sign that reads,"Zap. You're Pregnant. That's Witchcraft." This is followed by that all seeing Egyptian eye. The film ends with the moire pattern being projected this time on the man' s whole torso. He slowly raises his arms up over his head until his hands meet, then reaches them up high in a triumphant looking pose. The final image is of the three white dots again, this time arranged in an inverted pyramid.

- Bobby -

The film seems very much like a montage of images with some central theme interrelating them. The shots change on average about every four to six seconds. Invocation is eleven minutes long and was filmed on 16mm color film. The soundtrack was done by Mick Jagger and features an electronic sound loop done on a Moog Synthesizer. Anger uses many techniques in this film such as accelerated motion in the ritual scenes and the mummy coming down the staircase, projected and superimposed images, and other forms of cineplastics. It could be argued that Anger displays a sense of narcissism by appearing in the film himself as the Magus.

Invocation is definitely a non-narrative film. It can be classified as categorical because it takes a particular subject( the occult, magic) and explores it. Specifically what the subject is difficult to decipher. The film can also be described as abstract. there are many unrealistic images in the film, such as the superimposed and projected images and the devils. All these things are representations of other things, such as the idea of magic or evil or of the devil himself. Abstract films are a selection from one's world of experience. These images are not from my world of experience or anyone else's that I know, but they were apparently part of Kenneth Anger's.

There is a theme which becomes evident early on in the film. The theme seems to be evil and the occult. The images seem to get more abstract and symbolic as the film goes on. The symbolism used throughout of devils, spiders, and tattoos are all associated by that theme. Repetition of images adds to the abstractness of the film. The white haired man in the beginning is shown again later as well as his tattoo. The helicopter with the Marines is shown twice during the film. The Magus is shown repeatedly throughout the film.Toward the end of the film the band members, who were flashed on the screen briefly twice before, are shown again walking down the staircase. The Egyptian eye in probably the most repeated image throughout the film.

The film's inner meaning is evidenced by the shot of the mummy coming down the stairs with the sign around its neck. The sign reads, "Zap. You're Pregnant. That's Witchcraft." I interpreted this to mean that Anger wants to instill his ideas and his theme into the viewer. The film is supposed to do that, which he interprets as a form of magic or witchcraft. You become pregnant with the images and ideas that Anger presents to you. They become part of your experience. The very first image in Invocation is of the three dots arranged in a pyramid form. The very last image is the same three dots in an inverted pyramid form. This can be interpreted as a sign of evil (2 horns on top of a head). You begin the film innocent, not knowing what you will see. Then, after seeing the images of the film, they get put into your experience and/or consciousness and you are transformed. The dots are symbolic of the viewer before they watch the film and then after, further evidence that Anger's goal was to transform his audience and work his form of magic through film on us.

The description Anger himself gives for Invocation of My Demon Brother is as follows:
The shadowing forth of Our Lord Lucifer, as the Powers of Darkness gather at a midnight mass. The dance of the Magus widdershins around the Swirling Spiral Force, the solar swastika, until the Bringer of Light- Lucifer- breaks through.
From this it may mean that the ritual being performed is a sort of seance to "invoke" the devil. In that interpretation, Anger is saying that the devil must be his other side, his alter-ego, his "demon brother."

-- Chris Morrison

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ambush in Waco: In the Line of Duty (1993)

Dick Lowry

Nažalost, ovo je jedina filmska priča o Waco incidentu, a s'obzirom da je rađena iste te godine, ne postoji vremenski otklon, a ni informacije nisu baš najtačnije, ima dosta fikcije, ali autori su to i napomenuli na početku filma, znači jasno piše da sva dešavanja treba uzeti sa dozom rezerve jer je istraga još u toku, tako da je sa te strane to skroz OK.

Film se bavi dešavanjima na Mount Carmel ranču u Wacou sve do početka opsade, tj. do 28. februara '93, znači završava se onom zloglasnom ATF racijom kada je poginulo dosta ljudi na obe strane, i to je u neku ruku dobro jer te 1993. nikako nisu mogli da iznose detalje vezane za samu opsadu jer je bila pod istragom zbog te paljevine i pogibije 76 ljudi, od toga 20-oro dece i dve trudnice.

Meni se film inače skroz svideo i pored tih nedoslednosti u događanjima, i patetične ATF propagande, jer je ranč bukvalno preslikan u originalu, pa i cela zgrada i unutrašnje prostorije, tako da možemo i bukvalno da proživimo sa Branch Davidians te poslednje dane, a i pruža uvid u međuljudske odnose na ranču, sa posebnim osvrtom na harizmatični lik Davida Koresha, njegove mesijanske tripove, odnos prema pastvi, poligamiji i sve ono zbog čega je bio prozivan tih godina, i iz onoga što sam ja čitao na ovu temu, mogu da zaključim da nisu puno preterali, jesu ga malo više zacrnili i izneli neke totalne neistine, ali u principu može da prođe za film rađen '93, jer tad je američka vlada plasirala takvu propagandu, i malo toga se zapravo znalo o Branch Davidian.

Znači rekonstrukcija mi se jako svidela, a najjače je urađen upravo napad ATF-a, jer se jasno sećam tih snimaka u dokumentarcu, i to je bukvalno to, nema greške. Svaki "fan" Wacoa će definitivno uživati u ovom filmu i pored svih nedostataka što se tiče istinitosti. (89 min)

"Religious fanatics are barricaded in a building, and surrounded by police. But they're not going to surrender, they prefer to die."

Download :

Pass : apollo130470

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Prepare yourself for Paradise Lost 3 (2009)

Evo najnovijih vesti, tj. malo su i zastarele ali ja sam tek danas ovo doznao, naime očuh dečaka koji je ubijen, John Mark Byers, koga vrlo dobro znamo iz prva dva dela jer se najfanatičnije zalagao za smrtnu kaznu, pa i otvoreno pretio i izvodio svašta što beše jako sumnjivo, izgleda je skroz promenio stav, i zato evo eksluzivnog intervjua sa njim, a snimite i "FREE THE WM3" majicu koju ponosno nosi :

Kad se na sve ovo dodaju i DNK nalazi i bite-mark iskreno mislim da u trećem delu možemo da očekujemo neočekivano, znači jedva čekam !

A evo malo i da se podsetimo kako je tekao slučaj, od '93 do '08 :

Teenage Tourettes Camp (2006)

Dakle ovo je genijalno, najzanimljiviji dokumentarac koji sam pogledao u poslednjih mesec dana, izmamio mi je sve vrste emocija, i smejao sam i još svašta mi se dešavalo, za nepoverovati s'obzirom da je tema jedna vrsta psihičkog poremećaja. Znači radi se o Touretteovom sindromu, e sad meni ko neukom čoveku prvo što padne na pamet je ona okultna epizoda South Parka gde Cartman to uvati pa zlorabi da bi zajebavo ljude, i iz te epizode se moglo zaključiti da deca koja imaju taj problem imaju po samo jedan tik ili dva, ali prva scena ovog dokumentarca, klinka od 15 godina u prvom planu sedi, Jessica se zove, iza nje keva kreće da priča o njenom problemu, a ona uporno pokazuje srednji prst, i čovek se tu logično zbuni, a onda počinje i da psuje i to najstrašnije, znači sa britanskim akcentom sve ono što npr. na tekmama može da se čuje, i mene krenula da vata neverica, jer ja sam bio ubeđen da je ona Cartmanova akcija bila zapravo preterivanje, da to ne ide tol'ko daleko, jer ja se sećam jednog dečka još iz obdaništa koji je stalno pravio specifičnu grimasu, ali tad ja nisam znao da je to zapravo tourette i nisam imao ideju da to može da bude toliko ekstremno. Znači prvo nisam mogao da verujem, onda kad sam video da svima redom jebe sve po spisku, onda sam krenuo da se smejem, da umirem znači, a dalje kako se to nastavilo skont'o sam da je to zapravo taj poremećaj, da to nije namerno, da su to nizovi tikova izazvani genetskim poremećajem, znači nasledna bolest. E sad, ko je imao ili ima nekoga u bližem okruženju sa tourettom ovo mu neće biti smešno ali ko nije, znači džaba sva pristojnost, saosećanje itd. ima da se raspadnete ko Cartman kad se smeje onom midžetu.

Neverovatno nešto, ali kad se čovek konačno sabere onda tu kreće regularna dokumentarna priča o 5 tinejdžera iz UK od kojih svako ima svoj specifičan problem sa tourretom, i tu je jako lepo opisano na primerima da se tourretov sindrom javlja u vidu različitih vrsta tikova, pa tako je tu dečko koji stalno kašlje i uzdiše, devojčica koja se nekontrolisano trese, i ovi ostali koji prave razne grimase i psuju sve redom. Ali ono što je najzanimljivije kod tog psovanja, je da to zaista na prvi pogled izgleda kao da je psovka namerno nekom upućena, jer mozak im reaguje na taj način da ako sretnu npr. crnca automatski ide uzvik Nigga', žene obično nazivaju kurvama, onda se tu nadovežu suck-dick, ass, fuck, shit, i sve ono najgore što nekog može u datoj situaciji da uvredi ili da napravi situaciju neprijatnom. Pa onda konobaru Fuck off umesto hvala i tome slično, debelim ljudima govore fatty, uglavnom koju god "manu" da osoba ima, klinac će je nesvesno pronaći i krenuće da psuje i to vrlo glasno.

U dokumentarcu ta deca putuju na neki letnji kamp u Čikago gde će se po prvi put susresti sa decom koja imaju isti problem, znači svi redom sa tourret sindromom, i tu ima genijalnih scena, znači ko South Park da sam gledo, a što je najgore neki od njih kad ih ovaj drugi isproziva uvrede se, iako vrlo dobro znaju zbog čega se to dešava, pa dođe i do sukoba. I tako, npr. sedi njih 20-ak u jednoj prostoriji i svi psuju - to je prajsles, pa onda jedan dan ih vodili u obilazak Čikaga i sede tako na obali jezera na klupi i prozivaju sve prolaznike redom i usput umiru od smeha, jer i njima to smešno, jer to kad svako zaređa svoju psovku to je THE hilarious, plakanje. Al' najjači rad kad klinac izvali "Twin Towers", i ovi kao nemoj, al džaba, ponavlja "Twin Towers, Twin Towers", i ovi kao samo to NE, jer to je najgore što mož' da se kaže u SAD, da ne pravim sad poređenja sa lokalnim primerima, ali možete da shvatite kako to zvuči prolaznicima koji se okreću, nije im nimalo jasno, a klinci naravno umiru. Dakle obavezno pogledajte ovo, zabava zagarantovana, zavolećete ove klince 100% jer mnogo su gotivni, a sa druge strane skroz edukativno jer eto ja pojma nisam imao o tourretu, zapravo imao sam pogrešnu sliku, a sad tačno znam o čemu se radi, znači mnogo jako, najjače, skroz veseo i pozitivistički dokumentarac, i ima da se gleda ponovo. Jessica kicks ass !!! :) (70 min)

"There are moments in this documentary that are like a Little Britain sketch. Except this isn't funny. It follows five British teenagers with the incurable neurological disorder Tourette syndrome as they spend a week in a special American summer camp. Here there's no need to suppress the random verbal outbursts, uncontrollable twitches and strange noises that society finds so unacceptable. Everyone's doing it. The kids are accepted, not ostracized, so they can relax and find new ways to manage their antisocial tics. For us it's a rare chance to see past the offensive behavior, understand how difficult this inherited condition makes their life and feel a sympathy we may not have had at the outset."

Political Assassinations - Aldo Moro

Tekst na engleskom sve objašnjava tako da ja ne bih ovaj put, jedino što bi možda još valjalo pročitati pored gledanja ovog dokumentarca, je malo širi tekst o Crvenim Brigadama (Brigate Rosse) na internetu, jer ipak se ovaj film pre svega bavi teorijom zavere, tj. dokazima koji ukazuju da su pored Crvenih Brigada u zaveri da se ubije Moro učestovali i neki desničarski političari iz vrha vlasti, zatim članovi masonske lože P2 i italijanska tajna služba, tako da je priča o onim sitnim, a meni najzanimljivijim detaljima o ta 54 dana koliko su ga držali zarobljenog, o suđenju i načinu na koji su ga ubili malo zapostavljena.

Inače pokojna legenda Vlado Dapčević, koji je početkom 70-ih bio povezan sa Brigadama, a i sam je odrobijao preko 20 godina u Titovoj Jugoslaviji, je pre jedno 10-ak godina na jednoj tribini izrekao neke stvari koje im nikako ne idu u prilog, pa bi bilo jako zanimljivo za pročitati ako je neko to kojim slučajem sačuvao u bilo kom obliku, no o tom potom.

"Early 1978, Aldo Moro, President of the leading Christian Democratic Party, had a new vision of Italian politics: for the first time since 1945, in a historic compromise, a coalition government should include communists. He had even persuaded Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinger to cut ties with Moscow in return for a role in government. It was a new vision of democratic power-sharing which infuriated the Establishment. A vision for which he had to die. On May 9th 1978 Police discover his body in the boot of a Renault 4, parked in the centre of Rome. He had been shot in the heart eleven times after being kidnapped by terrorists of the Extreme Left -The Red Brigades. His assassination had the same impact on Italy as the death of President Kennedy in America. He, too, was loved by the people because he was a champion for change. Today many believe that the killing was really the work of an unholy alliance of conspirators -the Italian Secret Service, Right Wing politicians, and the CIA-who had tricked the Red Brigades into doing their dirty work. A Film by Michael Busse and Rosa Maria Bobbi. "

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