Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your Mommy Kills Animals (2007)

Curt Johnson

Ovaj dokumentarac je odlična prilika da se upoznamo sa ANIMAL RIGHTS movementom u SAD, od radikalnih grupa kao što je Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F.) koje se između ostalog bave i podmetanjem požara, oslobađanjem životinja iz labaratorija, dakle direktnim akcijama svih mogućih vrsta, pa do moćnih, fensi organizacija poput People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Naravno, između ova dva ekstrema postoji još na stotine manjih/lokalnih grupa, pa tako ovde imamo priliku da ispratimo suđenje aktivistima iz Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, koji su optuženi za neku vrstu terorizma, pa i da se upoznamo sa stavovima non-violent grupa koje se bave skloništima za životinje, i koje su izričito protiv nasilnih akcije itd.
Uglavnom, ovde ćete čuti svih 6-7 strana priče i to je jako dobro radi boljeg sagledavanja ovog jako zanimljivog "fenomena" koji se i kod nas doselio tamo sredinom 90-ih. Naravno, nije to taj nivo organizacije, i ta masovnost, ali posvećenih aktivista koji iskreno veruju u ANIMAL LIBERATION i žive veganskim načinom života definitivno ima u Srbiji. Inače, ovo je skroz profi urađen film, preko 20 ljudi je intervjuisano, pokrenute su neke jako bitna moralna pitanja vezana za celo to akcijašenje, i PETA je naravno isprozivana najstrašnije zbog svog licemerja. (105 min)

"Your Mommy Kills Animals is a 2007 documentary film about the animal liberation movement directed by Curt Johnson and filmed in several locations across the United States. It takes its name from a 2003 Your Mommy Kills Animals PETA comic book. The film reports on controversies concerning and within the animal rights movement. These include the external conflicts between animal rights advocates and medical researchers or restaurant operators, but also the internal disagreements within the animal rights movement, between the animal shelter operators and the radical confrontationalists who demonstrate outside homes of corporate opponents. The film also discusses the comparison between animal liberation activists and political terrorists, including the FBI's ranking of animal-rights activists as the nation's No. 1 domestic terrorism threat."

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual (2004)

Ben Wright

Pored ovog preporučujem još dva Žižek related dokumentarca, Zizek! (2005) i The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006), mada ne bi bilo loše pogledati i Prerokbe Ognja (1996) iako tu ima samo jedan monolog al' mnogo jaku poentu. Uglavnom, Žižek je jedinstvena faca i valja ga uvek iznova slušati i gledati. (71 min)

"This is not so much a film as video lectures (which is slightly not the same thing that the video lectures) the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst, and she is devoted to rethink the phenomenon of virtual. However, the question in the film is not about "virtual reality", the idea that Zizek from the first frame calls "shabby", it is a shadow appendages ( "virtual") that accompanies our daily lives as well as (on a broader level) life of social, political and economic.

S. Zizek develops his own original ideas, based on the theory of J. Lacan and Marx and using numerous examples from contemporary culture. Why do military drill involves as its complement obscene chants? Is it really innocent, the idea of tolerance, to which we all call? Stephen King is associated with Kant, Freud to Einstein, Donald Rumsfeld with the theory of the unconscious ... The film will be interesting for everyone interested in philosophy, psychoanalysis, and analysts today."

Download :

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Daily Bread (2005)

Nikolaus Geyrhalter

"HLEB NAŠ NASUŠNI" ili kako i gde se danas u Evropi uzgaja hrana, životinjskog i biljnog porekla, koju svaki dan žderemo. Bez i jednog dijaloga, sa odlično usnimljenim scenama, autor nas vodi kroz te ogromne plantaže raznog povrća, zatim megalopolise životinjskih farmi gde je proces skoro pa skroz mehanizovan, dakle videćete sve moguće načine na koje se naša hrana rađa, živi i umire. I ono što je najveća vrednost ovog dokumentarca, je što je gledaocima ostavljeno da sami procene o čemu se tu zapravo radi, tj. da li je ovakav način ophođenja prema živim bićima od kojih zavisimo, OK ili ne. (92 min)

"Welcome to the world of industrial food production and high-tech farming! To the rhythm of conveyor belts and immense machines, the film looks without commenting into the places where food is produced in Europe: monumental spaces, surreal landscapes and bizarre sounds - a cool, industrial environment which leaves little space for individualism. People, animals, crops and machines play a supporting role in the logistic of this system which provides our society's standard of living. OUR DAILY BREAD is a wide-screen tableau of a feast which isn't always easy to digest - and in which we all take part. A pure, meticulous and high-end film experience that enables the audience to form their own ideas."

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Pass : abraxas365

Serial Killers - Inside the Mind (1991)

Jedan matori rad na moju omiljenu temu, još iz vremena kada je televizija imala koliko toliko edukativni karatker. Jako lepo objašnjen fenomen serijskog ubice, možda bolje od svih ovih dokumentaraca koje sam do sad postavljao. Ono što je najzanimljivije ovde je intervju sa Ed Kemperom, koga sam već pominjao ranije, jednim od najinteligentijih serijskih ubica koji je jedini uspeo da racionalizuje svoje postupke i objasni FBI profajlerim kako to zapravo fukcioniše, znači odsustvo straha, odsustvo empatije itd.

Pored prajsles intervjua sa njim čućete i šta imaju da kažu Gerard Schaefer, policajac serijski ubica, i čuveni Ottis Toole koga najpre znamo iz priče o Henry Lee Lucasu, pošto su jedno vreme zajedno ubijali, a bili su i ljubavnici, s'tim što je Ottis bio striktli gej a Henry je jebo i živo i mrtvo, i muško i žensko, bez razlike. Naravno toga nema u kultnom filmu "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer", jer iako inspirisan pomenutim likovima, film baš i nema puno veze sa stvarnim događajima, tj. nema ama baš nikakve, osim što se glavni likovi zovu Henri i Otis. (50 min)

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Pass : abraxas365

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Place Called Chiapas (1998)

Nettie Wild

Kanadska rediteljka Nettie Wild vodi nas slikom i rečima u Čjapas, u srce pobunjeničke teritorije, gde provodi preko 5 meseci istražujući šta se to zapravo dešava u ovoj turbulentnoj državi na jugu Meksika. Za razliku od Zapatista (1999) dokumentarca ovaj je skroz neutralan a samim tim i bolji, znači Netti, koja je i narator, posećuje obe strane u sukobu, Zapatiste sa jedne, i sa druge meksičku vojsku, policiju i paravojnu formaciju "Peace and Justice" koja je u suštini finansirana od strane države, ali deluje nezavisno u Čjapasu, dakle klasična ona paravojna grupa za odrađivanje najprljavijih poslova tipa ubijanje i progon civila. Ipak, najviše prostora u ovom filmu dobija lokalno civilno stanovništvo koje se tu nalazi između dve vatre, i koje najviše i strada uglavnom od ove paravojske koja progoni sve simpatizere Zapatista, tako da ovde imamo grupu koja je izbegla iz svog sela jer su ga zauzeli pripadnici Peace and Justice.

U isto vreme se vode i pregovori između Zapatista i države, gde oni na pregovore dolaze standardno maskirani, što izaziva negodovonja kod bogatih zemljoposednika kojima je u pobuni oduzeta ogromna zemlja za koju naravno Maje Idijanci tvrde da je njihova od vajkada. Ovde ćete moći da vidite i skup koji je organizovan u jednom zapatističkom seocetu, gde je došlo dosta ljudi iz celog sveta koji podržavaju ovu jedinstvenu mini revoluciju. Uglavnom, jako šarolik film, koji daje odličan uvid u dešavanja u Čjapasu sa neutralnog stanovišta, što je možda i najbitnija stavka kada se prave dokumentarni filmovi ovako surovo-zajebane tematike. (92 min)

"On January 1, 1994, the day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect, the Zapatista National Liberation Army, made up of impoverished Mayan Indians from the state of Chiapas, took over five towns and 500 ranches in southern Mexico. The Government deployed its troops, and at least 145 people died in the ensuing battle. Fighting for indigenous Mexicans to regain control over their lives and the land, the Zapatista Army, led by the charismatic, guerilla poet Subcommandante Marcos, started sending their message to the world via the Internet. The result was what The New York Times called “the world’s first post-modern revolution.” Filmmaker Nettie Wild travelled to the jungle canyons of southern Mexico to film the elusive and fragile life of the uprising. Her camera effectively and movingly captures the human dimensions behind this war of symbols."


Sunday, October 25, 2009

John Carpenter: Fear Is Just the Beginning... (2004)

Garry S. Grant

Sasvim solidan dokumentarac o kultnom horor reditelju Johnu Carpenteru i njegovim filmovima. Priča je, razume se, najviše fokusirana na njegova najbitnija ostvarenja kao što su Halloween (1978), The Fog (1980), Escape from New York (1981), Prince of Darkness (1987), i ubedljivo najjači, The Thing (1982). Naravno usput su pomenuti i ostali značajniji filmovi, Assault on Precinct 13 (1976), čiji sam veliki fan, zatim They Live (1988), prvi pravi anti-globalistički film, pa onda komercijalni Escape from L.A. (1996), i Vampires (1998) sa genijalnim James Woodsom. O ovim filmovima pored Carpentera govore i glumci poput Jamie Lee Curtis, Peter Fonde, Kurt Russella, pa i meni omiljenog Alice Coopera. Inače, pored toga što je radio i većinu scenarija za svoje filmove, Carpenter je pisao i muziku, pa je tako najupečatljivija horor tema ikada, čuvena melodija iz Halloweena, upravo njegov autorski rad. Jedina zamerka ovom dokumentarcu je to što prekratko traje, samo 60 minuta, a realno je da bi reditelj ovog kalibra, sa toliko jakih filmova, trebao da dobije malo više prostora, znači bar sat i po ako ne i dva, jer jedino tako bi dobili kompletnu sliku o njegovom radu, a ovako su nažalost neki po meni odlični filmovi skroz zapostavljeni, tj. samo su usput spomenuti. (60 min)

"Filmmaker John Carpenter helped redefine the American horror film in 1978 with Halloween, a low-budget thriller which became a major box office success. Since then, Carpenter has devoted his career to bringing a fresh perspective to genre filmmaking, striving to maintain the freedom of an independent while working within the studio system. (Carpenter not only writes and directs his own projects, but often also serves as producer and composer as well). John Carpenter: Fear Is Just the Beginning...The Man and His Movies is a documentary about this two-fisted maverick auteur, which offers a look at the making of such favorites as Escape From New York, The Thing, The Fog, and many more. The documentary includes interviews with Jamie Lee Curtis, Kurt Russell, Adrienne Barbeau, Debra Hill, and other friends and colleagues."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Serbian Film - Srpski film - Trailer

Srdjan Spasojevic

"Milos, a retired ex-porn star, now leads a normal family life with his beautiful wife, Maria and five year old son Stefan in tumultuous Serbia inn a modern era of transition, trying to make ends meet. A sudden call from his former colleague, still hot porn actress Layla, will change everything. Aware of his financial problems, Layla introduces Milos to Vukmir - a shady, mysterious, menacing and politically powerful figure in the porn business who makes Milos an offer he can't refuse. A leading role in Vukmir's new production will provide financial support to Milos and his family for the rest of their lives. Milos is hesitant at first, because a contract insists on his absolute unawareness of the script they will shoot or the dramatic situations that Vukmir is going to put him through during filming. Finally, he agrees, driven by the urge of security for his family, protecting it from the impending poverty so dominant in Serbia today. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty an mayhem devised by his employer, "The Director", of his Destiny, Vukmir. Relentless in his attempt to make an ultimate artistic "snuff-porn", the one that has never been seen, using poor people as his acting cannon fodder, and unleash it upon the hungry eyes of the world. Vukmir and his cohorts will stop at nothing to complete his "vision", and will go to unspeakable lengths to achieve it, using even innocent children as props. In order to escape the living cinematic hell he's put into and save his family's life. Milos will have to sacrifice everything: his pride, his morality, his sanity, and maybe even his own life. In a Serbian "Heart of Darkness" where life is cheaper then a candy bar, in a struggle with enemies powerful beyond belief and just as violent and pathologically evil, the chances of surviving are abnormally thin."


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Henry by Nenad Stakić

Do sad nisam postavljao poeziju na blog ali me ovaj rad skroz zaintrigirao, naime stihovi govore o notorious serijskom ubici Henry Lee Lucasu, a ono što je još zanimljivije je da je pisac, verovali ili ne, naš čovek iz Novog Sada. Dakle, obrati pažnju !


oh god can you see little boy
in pain by his evil mother
she comes to poor room
kick him, destroyed his comic book
sky was dark
turning into the storm
little boy was crying
there was nobody to help him
his father was without legs
so unlucky, mother was prostitute
drunk people coming into house
having sex with his mom
the bitch took Henry
little piece of
scared young soul
he was watch sex
in that dirty room
with eyes full of pain
dressed like little girl
at night he pissed in his bed
no mercy from devilish mother
she was beating him so painful
he was like little knockodowned box fighter
sky was dark
sky was mad
sky was painful,
then Henry's brother start fight
little boys are fighting
Henry feel punch in eye
eye was bleeding

---mommy took me to the doctor-said boy
shut up-you little creep-
said drunk whore,
eye was dead, lost
little kid was crying on one eye
somewhere in dark
mom damned mom
fuckin bitch from hell
now revenge will be bloody
revenge will be cruel

he belongs to roads
his old jacket
he just had road
and lots of bad memories
dust is his friend and this road to nowhere too
back into town
back into memories
back into broken childhood that is not childhood
that is own personal hell
creature who is his mother
was drunk and dirty again
that mother is his broken life
broken hope
broken soul
he was wonted something clean
home without noise
nothing he get
except punishment
the bitch is dead
dead and gone forever
Henry was shouting
somewhere in car
in some wild part of forest that is for childhood
dead eye
bad dream without hope
revenge for sick life
now he is in jail
psychos everywhere
from bottom of life
murderers rapists
lost souls
here he find peace
but something inside wanted
to taste blood of happy people

road, road, road car and knife
scream of hitchhiker girl
runaway from home now slaughtered
near road dead fairy is here
dancing with dark night

Henry was in car driving, driving, driving,

he found something
friend without hope
with mustache skid from basement
Otis man, like Henry
soul was abused
tortured souls
now are together to kill, rape, abuse and terminate
2 damned souls
sky was screaming

go into my car, granny
sit there near me now
i will slaughter your rich
and wonderful life you

blood was everywhere

fuckin cops
they need little thing
to find you

Henry is again between walls
he was sitting much fatter and older between these walls

when Henry feels dead
he see something beautiful
his mother kissing him
with cake on table
his fathers walking
his brother looked him with love

Henry feel that home is not cold and evil
but it was just dream of dying man
500 victims or less
society can you answer, why people abuse children
do you know that Henry is made not born
because people don't care about abusing of children
there is millions little Henrys who crying
save them
give them hope
or revenge will be in fire
in blood
in your fear damned soul
lives forever in black wood
there is no hope there
i feel that
i was there
dancing with evil

where black birds fly
and cold winter blows in cold
in black nighttime nowhere land

at edge of pure madnesss


by Nenad Stakić

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003)

Ki-duk Kim

Jedan od najjačih radova Kim Ki-duka, bez previše dijaloga a zaista mnogo toga ima da kaže, zato ni ja neću da komentarišem ovaj put. Samo obratite pažnju na životinje i prikrivenu simbolike kojom je ispunjen ovaj masterpis. I ovo je sigurno jedan od najlepših korejskih filmova, i vizuelno i duhovno. Dakle, ko nije gledao - obavezno, i ne dajte da vas zavara ili smori plot, jer film je predivan u pravom smislu te reči, i zaista ništa slično nisam gledao. (103 min)

"A young boy lives in a small floating temple on a beautiful lake, together with an elderly master who teaches him the ways of the Buddha. Years later the boy, now a young man, experiences his sexual awakening with a girl who has come to the temple to be healed by the master. The youth runs away to the outside world but his lust turns his life into hell, so he returns to the lake temple to find spiritual enlightenment."

Download :

Dream Deceivers: The Story Behind James Vance vs. Judas Priest (1992)

David Van Taylor

E ovo je stvarno kult, i to bez zajebancije, znači za sve fanove Judas Priesta, dokumentarac o notorious skandalu kada su se dva klinca navodno pod uticajem muzike Judasa a posebno pesme Dreamer Deceiver sa albuma "Sad Wings of Destiny" iz '76, dogovorili da izvrše samoubistvo. Pucali su sebi sačmarom u glavu, prvo jedan pa drugi, ali je ovaj drugi momak ipak uspeo da preživi, s'tim što je ostao i bukvalno bez lica, znači surova jedna scena, videćete na šta to liči. Uglavnom, njihovi roditelji su odlučili da pokrenu tužbu protiv Judas Priesta sa namerom da dokažu kako je pesma Dreamer Deceiver svojim skrivenim porukama potakla njihove sinove na samoubistvo. Naravno, tu nastaje farsa od suđenja, gde se išlo čak dotle da je Rob Halford kao svedok morao da peva sporne delove pesme, i da odgovara na pitanja poput : "Da li je to -Yah- na kraju strofe zaista samo izdah ili se tu krije neka skrivena poruka?". Dakle globalno ludilo na lokalnom nivou. Još mora da napomenem da je Judase svakoga dana pred ulazom u sud čekala masa fanova, sa sve "češkim" brčićima i celim onim najgotivnijim fazonom iz 80-ih, kad je METAL bio zaista THE LAW. I da, ono što mi je baš zapalo za oko, i povodom čega sam se dobro ismejao, je detalj kada se par fanova Judasa skupi posle suđenja kod jednoga na gajbi, i jedan klinac baca izvalu, nešto iz fazona kao jbte toliko ima tih bendova koji pevaju o samoubistvima a oni su našli da cimaju naš Judas Priest, i onda vadi komad 'artije i kreće da čita tekst "Suicidal Failure" od Suicidal Tendenciesa kao primer. Znači samo što ne ispustih dušu, al' neću baš sve da otkrivam šta su omladinci tu još izvaljivali, da ne kvarim ugođaj. Dakle, potrudite se ako je ikako moguće da pogledate film, jer traje samo sat vremena, znači ne mož' da škodi a zabava je zagarantovana, iako je povod za dokumentarac više nego tragičan. I za kraj da napomenem da je upravo ovaj slučaj direktno uticao na izglasavanje "Parental Advisory: Explicit Content" zakona. Aj' sad : brejkin d lo, brejkin d looo! (60 min)

"Just before Christmas 1985, James Vance and Ray Belknap shot themselves with a 12-gauge shotgun. Their families blamed heavy metal band Judas Priest, claiming a recorded subliminal command "Do It" had mesmerized their sons."

Dreamer Deceiver

Standing by my window, breathing summer breeze
Saw a figure floating, 'neath the willow tree
Asked us if we were happy, we said we didn't know
Took us by the hands and up we go

We followed the dreamer through the purple hazy clouds
He could control our sense of time
We thought we were lost but no matter how we tried
Everyone was in peace of mind

We felt the sensations drift inside our frames
Finding complete contentment there
And all the tensions that hurt us in the past
Just seemed to vanish in thin air

He said in the cosmos is a single sonic sound
That is vibrating constantly
And if we could grip and hold on to the note
We would see our minds were free...oh they're free

We are lost above
Floating way up high
If you think you can find a way
You can surely try

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (2009)

Najnoviji Alex Jones. Pokido. Izgleda da je Alex konačno rešio da skroz raskrsti sa niskobudžetnim instant filmovima, i odlučio da se bavi samo ozbiljnim, kvalitetnim dokumentarnim akcijama. Skroz podržavam jer ovaj rad je baš na nivou, i logičan je nastavak Obama Deception-a iz marta ove godine. (144 min)

"Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency. President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body. A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet. A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery. The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan. This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice."

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Black Panthers (1968)

Agnès Varda

Ovaj old skul, crno-beli dokumentarac, se bavi borbom Crnih Pantera za oslobađanje svog saborca, jednog od osnivača Partije Crnih Pantera, Huey P. Newtona, koji je uhapšen pod optužbom da je ubio policajca. Naravno, dokazi su fabrikovani, i Panteri su digli čitavu Kaliforniju na noge u cilju mirnih protesta za vreme suđenja Hueyu.

Pored svakodnevnih protesta ispred suda, Panteri su organizovali i skup u jednoj hali u Alamedi (CA), gde se pojavila baš masa ljudi, i crnaca i belaca, i tu ćete moći da čujete neke od najbitnijih crnačkih lidera iz tog vremena kako govore. Posle kraja zvaničnog dela filma ide i kao neki extra-bonus i intervju sa Hueyem iz zatvora, a ono čega nema u filmu je epilog, i zato mora da napomenem da je i pored svih tih protesta Huey ipak osuđen za ubistvo policajca, ali je presuda oborena već 1970. godine. (45 min)

"This riveting documentary, "Black Panthers - Huey!", directed by French filmmaker Agnes Varda transports you to the pivotal Free Huey rally held on February 17th, 1968 (Newton's birthday), at Oakland Auditorium in Alameda, California. Newton, the charismatic young college student who, along with Bobby Seale, created the Black Panther Party, had been jailed for allegedly killing a police officer. His arrest--widely believed at the time to be a setup--galvanized Party support throughout the nation and led to a boom in Party membership, bringing a new level of public attention to the Panthers' cause. Over 5,000 people attended the rally, which featured Party leaders and guest speakers including Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, James Forman, Bob Avakian, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown and Ron Dellums. Through stark un-editorialized footage, this documentary chronicles the speakers outlining the Party's platform goals, their strategies for freeing Newton from jail and more."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tom Philbin - The Killer Book of Serial Killers

Evo prajsles materijala, e-book koja pored standardnih pričica o serijskim ubicama sadrži i ono čega nije bilo u knjigama slične tematike koje sam ranije postavljao, dakle ovde ćete naći gomilu trivije, okultnih citata, pa čak i kvizove, i sve ono za šta gine svaki pravi TRUE CRIME fanatik. Opleti!

"The Killer Book of Serial Killers is the ultimate resource for any true crime fan and student of the bizarre world of serial killers. Filled with stories, trivia, quizzes, quotes, photos, and odd facts about the world's most notorious murderers, this is the perfect bathroom reader for anyone fascinated with serial killers. Including more than 40 black & white photos, this is a must for true crime fans."

Download :

Zapatista (1999)

Directed by:
Benjamin Eichert
Rick Rowley
Staale Sandberg

Dokumentarac o Zapatistima, o maskiranim muškarcima i ženama koji su digli (seljačku?) bunu u meksičkoj državi Čjapas 1994. godine. Inače, meksički indijanci su prozvali sebe zapatisti po čuvenom meksičkom revolucionaru, borcu za agrarnu reformu, Emilijanu Zapati. O ovoj jedinstenoj gerili, koja je u neku ruku bila i inspiracija za anti-globalistički pokret, a koja i dan danas drži neke delove Čjapasa odmetnute, govore Noam Čomski, Zack De La Rocha iz RATM-a, Mumia Abu Jamal i još neke face. Da ne bi ja sad puno pametov'o, evo dela teksta na srpskom sa wikipedije, koji sam samo malo preradio jer ga je prevodio neko u vidno nepismenom stanju, i to vam dođe kao neko osnovno predznanje za bolje razumevanje ovog filma. (56 min)

"Zapatistička vojska nacionalnog oslobođenja (španski: Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, skraćeno EZLN), poznatija kao zapatisti, je gerila autohtonog indijanskog stanovništva, potomaka Maja Indijanaca iz Čjapasa, u Meksiku. 1. januara 1994. izbila je zapatistička oružana revolucija u Čjapasu, jugoistočnoj meksičkoj državi. Maja Indijanci, naoružano seosko stanovništvo, zauzeli su nekoliko gradova u pobuni protiv ugnjetavanja koje su trpeli od kada je Kortez ušao u južni Meksiko. Glavni razlozi za ustanak su nedostatak autonomije za očuvanje sopstvene kulture, nepostojanje zakonskih prava za borbu protiv otimanja zemlje i slobode, i odsustvo osnovne medicinske zaštite. Ustanak je počeo manje od dva sata pošto je postignut Severno-američki sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini (NAFTA), između Kanade, SAD i Meksika, a kome se domorodačko zemljoradničko stanovništvo žestoko protivi."

"January 1, 1994: The day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) comes into effect. A few minutes after midnight in Southeastern Mexico, several thousand Mayan soldiers take over half the state of Chiapas, declaring a war against the global corporate power they say rules Mexico. They call themselves the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN).

Zapatista is the definitive look at the uprising in Chiapas. It is the story of a Mayan peasant rebellion armed with sticks and their word against a first world military. It is the story of a global movement that has fought 175,000 federal troops to a standstill and transformed Mexican and international political culture forever."


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Death Scenes 3 (1993)

Nick Bougas

"I have watched as many shockumentary's as I could get my hands on, but this one is by far the most gruesome of them all. What I liked about this one is it was 100% real authentic scenes of death. Where as Faces of death was mainly staged (saying that about 40% of it is fake). Some of the worst footage ever to come to film is on these series. It seems to have it all. It starts back from Hitler and Stalin days, to the war in Bosnia. I can see why this film would have gotten such rotten ratings as it has. Really, only the sickest of minds could sit here and watch such terrible footage. The grand finale of this flick is an authentic autopsy. If it's sick and real morbid footage you're looking for, what can I say besides this is as far as you can go."

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Pass : abraxas365

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

J.S.A.: Joint Security Area (2000)

Chan-wook Park

Odličan Chan-wook Parkov film, a gle čuda, nije "osvetnički" ?! Inače film jako loše počinje, ili se bar meni tako učinilo, znači ko neka militari priča gde se desio nekakav incident na granici između Južne i Severne Koreje pa dolaze neutralci da istraže slučaj da ne bi došlo do eskalacije sukoba. I ja se taman smorio, reko jebem ti (i državu i crkvu) ozbiljne filmove (snimite samo taj sumoran plakat), zaista nisam ovo očekivo od Koreje, a posebno ne od Parka, kad se u tom trenutku pojavi moj (i ne samo moj) najomiljeniji korejski glumac Kang-ho Song (znamo ga iz glavnih uloga u Memories of Murder i The Host) i nastade awesome film pun najbolje zajebancije, tog njihovog specifičnog weird humora i prostodušnosti, što mi je skroz vratilo osmeh na lice. Neko bi čak rek'o topla ljudska anti-ratna priča o drugarstvu, o četvorici vojnika graničara, dva sa jedne, dva sa druge strane, koji su uspeli da prevaziđu ta sitna podjebavanja, te razlike iz fazona komunisti, kapitalisti i ostali isti. Znači vrlo dobar-odličan film ko nije gledo, i čuvena okultna scena na kraju, jer Koreja kad mu ga dadne po njonji mu ga dadne. (110 min)

"After a shootout at the common security area at the border of the two Koreas, when two soldiers were murdered, Maj. Sophie E. Jean is assigned by the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission to investigate the incident. The smart Major finds lack of consistency in the statements of the survivors, and in spite of being pressed by her superior, she interviews South Koreans Sgt. Lee Soo-hyeok and private Nam Sung-shik, and the North Korean Sgt. Oh Kyeong-pil, disclosing a tragic story of friendship."

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Death Scenes vol.1 (1989)

Nick Bougas

U originalnom a ujedno i najjačem delu Death Scenes serijala, kroz scene užasa iz 30-ih i 40-ih godina prošlog veka, vodi nas Anton LaVey lično. Death Scenes Volume 1 is in no way sensationalistic. This film does not glorify death but affirms life. I da, što se tiče linkova, ne obraćajte pažnju što na linkovima za vol.1 piše da je to vol.3 i obrnuto, to je greška koju je napravio čovek koji je ripovovo ovo sa DVD-a a nije se udostojio da pogleda film, mada ima tu grešaka koje su do samih autora ovog DVD izdanja, jer npr. na drugom delu koji sam juče postavio u uvodnoj špici stoji da je to prvi deo, a ako proverite na imdb-u to nema veze sa realnošću, tamo je to drugi deo. Uglavnom ako budete skidali ovo samo preimenujte fajl ako vam je baš stalo ko meni do tačnosti i to je to. Znači ovo je Death Scenes vol.1 a ne 3. Živeli! (86 min)

"Famed Satanist Anton Lavey hosts this morbidly fascinating mondo documentary about violent death. The film is unusual for being presented entirely as a series of still photographs taken from the notebooks of a Los Angeles crime photographer of the 1930s and '40s. Lavey's dry, witty narration is never as vulgar as that in similar series such as Faces of Death or Traces of Death, and serves as an informative counterpoint to the images presented. Unfortunately, later films in the series went the more traditional mondo route, loaded with tiresome war-atrocity footage and gory video clips."

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Pass : abraxas365

Monday, October 19, 2009

Death Scenes 2 (1992)

Nick Bougas

Ovo je drugi film Death Scenes serijala, i bavi se prvenstveno užasima rata ali i saobraćajkama, a udarna tema je definitivno SMRT u Holivudu, zato ovaj šokumentarac i nosi podnaslov "Manson". Dakle ovde ćete po prvi put na filmu moći da vidite ne samo izveštaje sa autopsija na papiru kao u Six Degrees dokumentarcu, nego i krvave crime scene fotografije a bogme i najsurovije fotke sa autopsija svih žrtava Tate-LaBianca slučaja, sa posebnim osvrtom na Sharon Tate. Pored tih ubistava videćete i mrtvu Merlin Monro na astalu za autopsiju, i još mnoge silebritis, da ne otkrivam baš sve. Mora još da pomenem i old school fotke iz arhive Antona LaVeya, koji je inače i jedan od zaštitnika ovog bloga. Dakle tu je buljuk crime scene fotki iz 30-ih i 40-ih godina prošlog veka. Ovaj film je daleko ozbiljniji od svih dosadašnjih šok-dokumentaraca koje sam postavljao, mada je mene ipak najviše dojmio Traces of Death zbog svoje specifične sirovosti i totalnog odsustva morala. E da, ako ko kojim slučajem ima Faces of Gore serijal nek se javi, nema ga niđe na netu. Hvala. (84 min)

"Wannabe folk singer turned maniacal cult leader, Charles Manson was responsible for one of the twentieth century's most ghastly crimes. This release presents extremely graphic scenes from the Manson Family's two-day rampage. If that isn't enough to satisfy your inner psychotic, stay tuned for Bud Dwyer's on camera suicide, Vic Morrow's tragic helicopter accident, and a gaggle of other gruesome clips."

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Pass : abraxas365
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