Thursday, September 19, 2013

VBS Meets... Issei Sagawa (2010)

Santiago Stelley

Runtime: 34 min

Sa Issei Sagawom vaistinu nikad dosadno. Još jedan u nizu radova o ovom japanskom kanibalu selebritiju. Pored ovog pogledati i dokumentarce Issei Sagawa: Excuse Me For Living (1993), The Cannibal That Walked Free (2007) i skroz zanimljiv kratki igrani film Adoration (1986).

" meets the famed cannibal Issei Sagawa. Living in his native home of Japan, Issei Sagawa lives a life in freedom, exploring and expressing himself artistically through literature, art and media. His claim to fame? In 1981 Sagawa murdered, raped and ate the corpse of Renée Hartevelt over the course of 32 hours while studying in France. Eventually caught by French authorities when dumping the body by a local lake, he would only serve 2 years in the French prison system before being expelled back to Japan, where he was soon free to walk the streets, unfit to stand trial.

VBS gets a strikingly honest glimpse into the mind of Sagawa. His fame, his works and his own take on the murder is told with precise detail, devoid of emotion and regret. There are no opinions, no motives, the only narrative is Sagawa himself, giving the audience a chance to see the world through his eyes.

Originally released in 2 parts over 2 weeks, this file has been spliced and seamlessly connects the 2 parts together as one film. Only thing cut was a second disclaimer at the start of part 2, everything else is intact."

Warning: During the course of this documentary, there are a few glimpses of the autopsy photos of Renée Hartevelt in Sagawa's books.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Overdose - Endurance (1992)

Overdose, jedini pravo kultni bend. Ubedljivo najoriginalniji sastav beogradske underground scene sa kraja 80-ih i početka 90-ih, prvi bend koji je ritam mašinom totalno zamenio bubnjara, i jedini bend po mojoj proceni koji je mogao da se probije i preko da nije bilo sankcija i ostalih sranja. Inače OVERDOSE su mnogo pre tehno invazije izvalili pištaljke, te su njihovi koncerti bili realna ludnica, zapravo prvi underground koncert koji sam pohodio je bio upravo njihov, u KST-u leta '92, sa koga su live snimci objavljeni kao kasetno izdanje pod nazivom "OVERPOSE". Naravno, ja tad pojma nisam imao o čemu se tu radi, ja sam kontao da je to neka vrsta tehno muzike, jebiga bio sam skroz zatečen što se kaže, ali kad sam izvalio kako ljudi lete na sve strane, šutke, stejdždajvinzi & shit, to me na keca kupilo, znači jedno sveopšte lud'lo, što može donekle i da se izvali iz njihovog jedinog spota "Folklored, Monitored" koji sam lično ripovo sa VHS-a (Ivon i Demovizija - Studio B). Inače, ovaj lik sa dugom kosom, koji mlatara okolo naokolo je Srđa, momak koji je kasnije svirao i u Austerity-u, definitivno jedan od najjačih gitarista u to doba.

Što se tiče ovog njihovog jedinog studijskog albuma, kolko sam ja upućen, a jesam, jebomebogaijanjega, nikad zvanično nije objavljen, objavljene su samo tri pesme na nekoj gistro 3 way split kompilaciji sa "Kaznom za Uši" i "Pressingom". E sad zašto to nije objavljeno, to meni nikad neće biti jasno, jer je ovo tolko jako, da je moglo i preko da prođe samo tako, čak ja oduvek odgovorno tvrdim da je OVERDOSE jedini bend iz EX-YU koji je mogao opasnu karijeru da napravi po Evropi ako ne i šire, ali eto, nešto im nije dalo, poslednji njihov gig sam gledao '93 ali je to bio skroz drugi bend, ne u smislu članova nego zvuka, i zaista i dan danas mi nije jasno šta se zapravo dogodilo sa ovim srpskim čudom, jedino što znam je da je valjda pevač umro, e sad dal' je overio kao što se pričalo ili šta je bilo to jedino ako se neko upućen javi pa nam pojasni, bio bih mu i više nego zahvalan, jer ipak smo mi bili dosta mlađa ekipa od njih i osim sa Đurom sa ostalim likovima nismo imali kontakt, izuzimajući Srđu koji je svirao u Austerirty sa mnom, ali ko za bedak ga nikad ništa o tome nisam pitao, ili on nije hteo da priča pošto je tad bio ozbiljan Hare Krišna bakta, a ta "džanki" prošlost mu i nije bila baš za pohvalu međ tom rajom. Inače, ko što rekoh, Srđa je bio mnogo jak lik, tu muziku što su on i Aref pravili ja sam samo mogao da se divim, no biće i za to prilike kad nabacim ovde takođe nikad objavljeni album Austerity-a. Eto, to vam je to za sad...

01. Sold Me
02. Hole
03. Silence
04. Nerve On It
05. Walkily Slowly
06. Small
07. Folklored, Monitored
08. I Was Wrong
09. Ass
10. Wolfie, Sabrina And Me
11. ...Of Your Face
12. Exchange
13. ...

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Dark Side of Porn: Does Snuff Exist? (2006)

Evy Barry

Runtime: 48 min

"The existence of "snuff" movies, films in which deaths are not simulated but real, remains one of the most enduring of urban legends. This documentary investigates the truth behind the lurid myth and examines the ways in which fake snuff movies are alleged to have influenced real-life crimes. Directors and producers discuss the lengths to which they went to shock audiences, creating horrifying effects by fusing footage of real accidents and executions with their own mocked-up scenes. More recently, technology has brought a new kind of snuff closer to home, with video, internet and mobile phones providing the ultimate weapons of terror with real images at the click of a button."


Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Dali Dimension (2004)

Susi Marques

Runtime: 53 min

"This documentary is a deeply intelligent dissection of the 20th century's most famous Surrealist artist Salvador Dali and the influence of his art by the realm of all sciences and ologies, which fascinated him. For example, Dali's obsession with physicist Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity influenced his famous painting of a trio of melting clocks entitled "The Persistence of Memory" (which he later denied and instead said was influenced by the effect of Camembert cheese melting in the sun). Dali's rebuttal was "Universal time exists, all things and is thus irrelevant." Sexuality and symbolism, psychology and mysticism, influenced Dali's art, as did Sigmund Freud's psychological theories. The paranoid critical method, which Dali actually theorized, is "delirium interpretation" aka hallucination. In other words, what you think you see in life is not necessarily the real. Heavy, yet obvious once you think about it.

A prolific writer as well as a voracious reader of books regarding the nature of all realms of the sciences, sparked especially by the Atomic Age which began in the late 1940s, affected Dali's art to the high point of near-obsession. During the mid-1950s, religion became mixed into the picture. "I believe in God but I have no faith, Mathematics and sciences tell me that God must exist but I don't believe it. Watson and Crick's discovery, dissection and illustration of DNA spurred Dali's art to another level altogether. "The only legitimate structure today is the molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid." Hi, genetics!

The scope of Dali's influences, as well as those who influenced, his contemporaries and predecessors are documented here. Even if you are not into scientific theory, you'll like the footage of Dali and his fantastic signature mustache in interview footage. When the film enters into Dali's status in the '60s and '70s, his pop stardom begins to take form elevating him to rock star status. Four dimensional space and computer illustrations as well as the catastrophe theory were the last scientific influences in Dali's art at the end of his life. Never mind the fact that his art and creative process are mind-blowingly featured in this mulit-award winning feature."

Monday, September 9, 2013

Damir Avdić - Human Reich (2013)

Prvi singl sa novog albuma Damira Avdića.
Besplatan download:

Album "Human Reich" biće objavljen 9. septembra 2013,

The Doors: Mr. Mojo Risin: The Story of L.A. Woman (2011)

Director: Martin R. Smith

Runtime: 59 min

Kako je i u kojim uslovima sniman poslednji album legendarnih Dorsa - L.A. Woman. Dokumentarac je skroz odlično urađen pa mogu najopuštenije da ga pogledaju čak i oni koji nisu neki preterani fanovi ovog doista jedinstvenog benda.

"The Doors – Mr. Mojo Risin’: The Story of L.A. Woman is an hour-long documentary about the making of the final studio album by The Doors. After a brief recap of some of the band’s history leading up to the recording of L.A. Woman, the program combines new interviews with the surviving Doors as well as additional key personnel and commentators. These participants include engineer Bruce Botnick, who assumed production duties after original producer Paul Rothschild walked out, The Doors’ manager Bill Siddons, and Elektra records founder Jac Holzman. Rolling Stone critic David Fricke chimes in with reflections on the album, as does famed rock DJ Jim Ladd. The documentary takes the form, more or less, of the popular Classic Albums series. The L.A. Woman album is placed into the context not only of The Doors career but also the music and pop culture scene at the time of its 1971 release. The very best parts of the piece are when the surviving band members share stories about the recording sessions and creation of the songs. Keyboardist Ray Manzarek (who just passed away on May 20) comes across, predictably, as a pretentious tool, but his recollections are still interesting. Guitarist Robby Krieger and drummer John Densmore are much more down to earth in their segments. They speak about the old days with pride, but also a noticeable tinge of bitter regret over the way the band ended, particularly Densmore. Manzarek, on the other hand, seems overly rehearsed. Each band member has been interviewed separately, which each offering solo demonstrations of their parts from various tunes from the album. Basically each song from the album is discussed one by one, introduced by cool mock billboards “advertising” each track. Strangely, while it plays in the background during an early segment, “L’America” is not discussed. What’s great about these discussions it that they really serve as a reminder of what a great rock record L.A. Woman is, especially if you haven’t heard it in a while. The Doors went out with their best album since their 1967 self-titled debut. There’s so much more to the album than the trio of classic rock staples of the title track, “Riders on the Storm,” and “Love Her Madly.” In fact, the program saves my personal favorite for last, the sad, paranoid “Hyacinth House.” Speaking of sad, the program appropriately closes with the various participants thoughts on the untimely demise of Jim Morrison."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Comic Book Collector (1990)

Wayne Chesler

Runtime: 37 min

"In the late 80's, early 90's the instructional or educational vhs market was booming. These were the days before internet in the home market truly took off. One could find ainstructional video on any topic under the sun some being hosted by an celebrity. This video has the riddler himself, Frank Gorshin (being as charismatic and colorful as he always was even imitating Jack Nicholson in his joker persona), talking about comic book collecting and includes pieces on DC comics, Marvel comics, EC Comics and Archie comics. It also includes interviews with some of the most iconic faces in the comic book industry and price lists of the day (these of course need to be adjusted for inflation). It ends off with the indicators taken into account when determining the value of a specific comic book."

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Damien Echols - Life After Death (PDF)

"Eighteen and a half years after he was sentenced to death for participating in the murders of three 8-year-old boys in Arkansas, Damien Echols finds himself in Faireyland. Mr. Echols’s new book, “Life After Death,” has a Shepard Fairey-inspired cover design that’s as coolly lionizing as Mr. Fairey’s “Hope” poster for President Obama. The book has a champion in Johnny Depp, who has compared Mr. Echols’s writing to Dostoyevsky’s. And his story is the subject of a documentary, “West of Memphis,” even though that story has been exhaustively told in the three “Paradise Lost” films that paved the path to Mr. Echols’s release from death row."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Island (2008)

Ryan Sullivan

Runtime: 66 min

"Here's the ticket, The Hardcore Gay porn documentary "Island". It's the one of the greatest documentaries on porn period that you will NEVER see... because it's about gay porn. It also is disturbing as hell, and belongs in the category of things you can't unsee and subjects you can't unsubject yourself to. It's a dreamy, fucked up "wizard of OZ" like first person narrative documentary which may or may not be true. I actually know some of the actual people involved in the "story" and i STILL don't know if the events that take place in this film happen the way that they are displayed. If they did... Those people are FUCKED... UP!!

There's lots of graphic homosexual sex in this but it's definitely not presenting to arouse. Treasure Island Media, is one of the most controversial gay porn companies, if not THE most controversal gay porn company. Here in San Francisco, They are the top "gonzo" studio producing "fringe" or "fetish" porn in the taboo marketplace of "bareback" pornography. Meaning condomless porn. They do not use condoms on their dicks. They take it a step further and have produced gems such as "Dawsons 50 Load weekend" (Gay man takes 50 dick wad loads up his ass over the course of a weekend) to the Damon blows America series (I've worked with Damon... he's called Damon dogg for a reason... he loves animals-he is featured heavily here). We're talking video of collecting 1000 dudes seminal fluid and then getting a big Siphon and then pouring over a gallon of semen in some dudes asshole which has been fucked sore. No one knows what the Founder and CEO of this company looks like... he is like the Claw from Inspector gagget. So there's some rich history in here.

The atmosphere Sullivan creates is one that is thick with imminent despair. Filmmaker Ryan Sullivan opens up the film with a little story about his brother who was kicked out of their rual Nebraska home for being gay after a parent found a gay porno. The gay porno in question belonged to the Treasure Island Media group...which as an adult Ryan decides to find out more about. While searching for answers and the mysterious founder of the company, Paul Morris, who keeps his face pretty well hidden, Ryan stumbles upon a job, a bunch of fucked up porn stars screwing shit up and some gay sex film shennanigans caught on tape that will leave you feeling as if your uncle touched your butthole with your fathers sawed off hand while at the petting zoo. A deeper story develops when Ryans biggest discovery is revealed... the brother he has spent years missing is alive and HIV poz and making hardcore pornography, having sex with a random men blindfolded left and right and doesn't give a fuck. Ryan wants to immediately reach out to brother, but the man behind the scenes, Treasure Island head honcho Paul Morris has more sinister plans.

Kid's...from that point does not get better. It get's worse. Here are some stills.. but better yet, snatch up this emotionally manipulative, yet beautifully broken porn documentary and I suggest you pair it with the documentary "Tarnation"...and then attempt to NOT shoot yourself afterwards. Enjoy."

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Goths Make Better Lovers (2003)

Runtime: 9 min

"A short film about the love too miserable to speak its name. Goths Make Better Lovers asks why do Goths always have boyfriends?. Goths, so often the victims of wry asides, mild pity or open scorn have much to teach their more colourful bretheren when it comes to affairs of the heart. Because Goths always appear to be in a relationship - and obtusely, these relationships appear to be happier than the non-Goth kind."

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Petar Kočić - Izabrana Dela

(1877 – 1916)

Malo opširniju biografije ovog zaista nesvakidašnjeg pisca možete naći ovde, a ja ću samo napomenuti da se Kočić rodio na samo par kilometara od sela mojih predaka u Bosanskoj Krajini, nedaleko od poznatog manastira Gomionica, na šta sam naravno i te kako ponosan, jer ko nije čito JAZAVCA PRED SUDOM ja zaista evo ne znam šta je taj čito uopšte?!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Support for Syria from the people of Serbia!

NATO mass murderers - HANDS OFF SYRIA!

Iskreno, jebe mi se za ovog Basara i ostale pičke političke, al' svakako treba stati u jedan front i podržati nevini narod Sirije koji će zasigurno najviše postradati u ovom sramotnom bombardovanju!

SERBIA 1999 - SYRIA 2013

Više informacija o budućim akcijama na fejsbuk stranici.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Am Sono Sion! (1985)

Shion Sono

Runtime: 35 min

Kratak debitantski rad u vidu eksperimentalnog dokumentarca jednog od najbitnijih japanskih reditelja današnjice - Sion Sono-a, koga ponajbolje znamo po kultnom masterpisu Suicide Club (2001), ali i po novijem radu Cold Fish (2010), mada je meni i Noriko's Dinner Table (2005) skroz OK. Autor se ovde predstavio čitanjem svoje poezije i nekim skroz bizarnim akcijama, ali ko ceni njegov opus biće overeno zadovoljan jer ipak je ovaj čovek legenda kakvu japanska majka više ne rađa!


"Sono's first film, 30 minutes long and shot on 8mm. A free-wheeling intimate cinematic journal in which the artist contemplates his life as he approaches his birthday."

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