Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Both Worlds: Born with Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia (2013)

Kako živeti i preživeti paranoidnu shizofreniju. Za sve vas/nas koji nismo baš upućeni kako sve to izgleda i o kojim siptomima se radi evo prilike da makar privirimo. Imao sam priliku svojevremeno da se susretnem sa osobama koje boluju od ove teške bolesti ali su svi bili na lekovima tako da se nisu razlikovali od normalnih ljudi osim što su bili malko usporeni zbog tih hardkor lekova. Ako sam ikada u životu osećao empatiju, a to se kod mene zaista retko dešava, to je bilo tada kada sam razgovarao sa tim ljudima, jer jedno je obična shizofrenija gde čujete glasove i tako malo halucinirate, a skroz drugo kad se u priču ubaci i paranoja i proganjanje i šta sve ne. Sećam se jednog dečka koji je umislio da mu specijalci opkoljavaju kuću i ulaze na vrata i prozore, samo je mogao da vidi one crvene tačkice od laserskog nišana. Pitao sam ga jel' sad kapira da je to bila samo halucinacija, ali jok, on se i dalje držao te priče iako je bio na lekovima koji bi trebali da blokiraju takve psihoze. Dakle, nema tog psihijatra niti bilo koga koji bi ga uverio u suprotno. To samo pokazuje koliko su te halucinacije stvarnost takvim osobama, uostalom većina vas je gledala odličan film "Shutter Island", tako da taj film nije nikakva fantasy fikcija, to je stvarno tako. Čovek skroz izgubi osećaj šta je halucinacija a šta zbilja.

"Born with chronic paranoid schizophrenia, Charles Steinbach began hallucinating at the age of eight. He was diagnosed as a young adult and made what he calls a 'split-second, conscious decision' to 'become the best schizophrenic he could be.' Today, he is a successful speaker, author, life coach, father, and college student. This film tells his story and asks us to put a face, a name, and a life to a diagnosis."

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Myra: The Making of a Monster (2003)

"Until her prison death in 2002, Myra Hindley was recognized as ‘the most hated woman in Britain‘. The public hatred towards her was so intense, that after she was arrested w/ boyfriend Ian Brady in 1966, for the murders & rapes of 5 children, the name ‘Myra’ almost disappeared from UK society.

UK’s Cannel5, ‘Myra: The Making of a Monster’ offers a unique glimpse into Myra’s life through news footage of the crimes, and personal testimonies from her associates & the reporter that worked the story and had to sort through the gory discoveries of the children’s bodies that were buried on the bleak Saddleworth Moor."

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories (2008)

Ovoga vala nikad dosta, pogledao sam bar 15-ak dokumentaraca na zadatu temu i hoću još bre. Da snime još tolko sve bi ih overio. 9/11 je meni mala beba u odnosu na JFK conspiracy teorije. Neće se svi složiti sa mnom ali to i nije poenta. Cela ta priča je tolko dobro režirana da joj se ne nazire kraj pa makar prošlo i preko pola veka od atentata. Ubiše ga bre ko mačku, in the broad daylight što bi rekli anglo-saksonci. Valjda ćemo doživeti ta vremena kada će Ameri konačno otkriti ko je zapravo pravi ubica, a dotle uživajmo u ovim vazda zanimljivim dokumentarcima. Živeli!

"Frame 313 examines several theories that have been offered about who was responsible for the JFK Assassination including the single bullet theory, the CIA/Mafia theory, the Soviet Union/KGB theory, the Mafia hit theory, and the CIA/Anti-Castro theory."

Friday, March 24, 2017

Mind of a Rampage Killer (2013)

"What makes a person walk into a theater or a church or a classroom full of students and open fire? What combination of circumstances compels a human being to commit the most inhuman of crimes? Can science in any way help us understand these horrific events and provide any clues as to how to prevent them in the future?"

The Central Park Five (2012)

Ken Burns, Sarah Burns

Ako su vam se svideli "Paradise Lost" i "Making a murderer", valjaće vam vala i ovaj masterpis.

"In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were arrested and later convicted of raping a white woman in New York City's Central Park. They spent between 6 and 13 years in prison before a serial rapist confessed that he alone had committed the crime, leading to their convictions being overturned. Set against a backdrop of a decaying city beset by violence and racial tension, THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE tells the story of that horrific crime, the rush to judgment by the police, a media clamoring for sensational stories and an outraged public, and the five lives upended by this miscarriage of justice."

Thursday, March 23, 2017

OC87: The Obsessive Compulsive, Major Depression, Bipolar, Asperger's Movie (2010)

Bud Clayman
Glenn Holsten

"Can you make a movie while having mental illness? Bud Clayman is doing it. Will making a documentary about your mental illness change your life?

Soon after college, mental illness interrupted Bud Clayman's dreams of a filmmaking career. Thirty years later, he's making the movie of his life. A story with universal relevance, OC87 is a wildly original film about pain and vulnerability, empowerment, and Bud's quest for belonging.

Throughout his youth, Bud's future was filmmaking. After college in Philadelphia, he headed to Hollywood in search of a break. Instead, he had a breakdown. As mental illness struck, it stuck. When distress and isolation set in, the diagnoses followed. For eight years, Bud lived in a therapeutic community.

Without waiting for his illness to vanish, Bud has reclaimed his quest as a filmmaker. As his camera chronicles the ups and downs of recovery, we also see the experience of what he calls "the fight inside my head." Behind the lens, a parallel journey unfolds as Bud the Director grapples with the challenges of making an incisive, highly personal documentary—a movie that he believes will transform his life.

When problems hit the fan, Bud sometimes feels defeated. More often, he draws strength and skills from therapy, humor, and relationships. Even so, he feels different, and the stigma of mental illness is fierce.

Meanwhile, directing this documentary film stretches Bud in ways that ultimately recast his quest. From the shadows of suffering, a portrait of imperfect courage emerges—a testament to acceptance, change, and hope.

The LA Times hailed OC87 as "uniquely inspiring." The New York Times called it "moving, penetrating" and The New York Post said, "it's easy to cheer his ultimate triumph.""

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Unabomber: The True Story (1996)

Jon Purdy

Igrani film koji se bavi životom i radom čuvenog "teroriste" Unabombera, a koji je na drugoj strani ultimativni heroj svakog čestitog outlawa u fuck modern society fazonu, svakog survivaliste i militantnog anarhiste. Takođe Unabomber aka Ted Kaczynski je duhovni ideolog pokreta pod imenom Anarcho-primitivism iako je još od 1996. na doživotnoj robiji. Ovaj dobri čovek je uspeo da od 1978. pa sve do 1995. izvrši čak 16 bombaških napada na sve one koji su bili pobornici industrijalizacije i moderne tehnologije, znači profesore univerziteta, zatim avionske kompanije i tako redom. Ovaj film pokriva skoro ceo njegov život sa posebnim osvrtom na to kako je uspeo tolike godine da ostane skriven od vlasti i da pravi bombe bukvalno od štapa i kanapa. Genije.

"The real story behind the hunt for Theodore J. Kaczynski, later known as the Unabomber, a terrorist who sent several bombs through the mail, alarming authorities and society. The movie follows a postal inspector who tracks down the suspect; a obstinate detective; and Kaczynski's brother, who suspected of Ted after the publishing of his manifesto explaining the reasons for the bombings."

Top 35 Documentaries On Mental Health

All these docs you can find on the blog.

01. A Summer in the Cage (2007)

02. Thin (2006)

03. Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive (2006)

04. I Am Fishead: Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths? (2011)

05. Dangerous Knowledge (2007)

06. PBS: The Lobotomist (2008)

07. PBS DEPRESSION: Out of the Shadows (2008)

08. Equinox: Psychopath (2000)

09. Titicut Follies (1967)

10. Stevie (2002)

11. You're Gonna Miss Me (2005)

12. Teenage Tourettes Camp (2006)

13. Abnormal Psychology: Personality Disorders

14. Abnormal Psychology: The Schizophrenias

15. I Think They Think: Overcoming Social Phobia (1998)

16. Horizon: Playing with Madness

17. Only Human: Make Me Normal (2005)

18. The Woman with 7 Personalities (2004)

19. Boy Interrupted (2008)

20. Solitary Confinement (2010)

21. BBC: A History of the Madhouse (2009)

22. Asylum (1972)

23. Multiple Personalities (1993)

24. Back From Madness: The Struggle For Sanity (1996)

25. Cut Up Kids (2007)

26. Treptači svemira ili zapis o bolnici (1989)

27. Bellevue Inside Out (2001)

28. The Bridge (2006)

29. The Video Diary of Ricardo Lopez (2000)

30. The Devil and Daniel Johnston (2005)

31. Madness In The Fast Lane (2010)

32. A Brilliant Madness (2002)

33. Back From the Edge: Borderline Personality Disorder

34. Social Anxiety Documentary: Afraid of People (2011)

35. The Nightmare (2015)

Who killed Black Dahlia (theory)

Jako zanimljiva teorija koja ukazuje na mogućeg ubicu Crne Dalije. Inače, radi se o isečku iz genijalnog dokumentarnog filma "James Ellroy's Feast of Death" (2001) o kojem sam poodavno pisao. Must see!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

20 Documentaries You Should Definitely Watch If You Liked “Making A Murderer”

All these docs you can find on my blog.

01. The Paradise Lost (trilogy)

02. The Thin Blue Line (1988) 

03. Capturing the Friedmans (2003) 

04. The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst (2015)

05. West of Memphis (2012) 

06. The Trials of Darryl Hunt (2006) 

07. Into the Abyss (2011) 

08. Murder on a Sunday Morning (2001) 

09. The Staircase (2004)

10. Dear Zachary: A Letter To His Son About His Father (2008)

11. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane (2011) 

12. The Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer (1992)

13. The Fear of 13 (2015)

14. The Case Of: JonBenét Ramsey (2016)

15. The Cheshire Murders (2013)

16. Cabin 28: The Keddie Murders Part (2005)

17. On Death Row (2012)

18. Madness In The Fast Lane (2010)

19. Feast of Death (2001)

20. This Is the Zodiac Speaking (2007)

Monday, March 20, 2017

Who Is the Black Dahlia? (1975)

Joseph Pevney

Konačno sam iskopao jedan film o Black Dahlia slučaju a koji je zasnovan na stvarnim događajima, za razliku od popularnog De Palminog rada iz 2006. sa Skarlet Johansen koji jeste dobar i zanimljiv ali veze s mozgom nema, dakle radi se o čistoj fikciji. Iako je ovo TV film meni je skroz OK jer prikazuje događaje koji su prethodili ubistvu i kako je tačno tekla policijska istraga jedne od najvećih misterija 20-og veka. Jedina zamerka je da su mogli da nađu malo lepšu glumicu jer Elizabeth Short je bila zaista prelepa devojka, pa samim tim takvo surovo ubistvo i misterija koja ga prati evo već 70 godina zaintrigira čoveka do krajnjih granica. U ovom filmu nećete videti crime scene detalje i pikanterije ali za neupućene tu je vazda google pa možete da potražite te fotke meni najbizarnijeg kasapljenja ikada. Dakle, definitivno se radi o ubistvu ispred svog vremena i skroz nesvakidašnjem ubici koji naravno nikad nije uhvaćen.

"Dramatization of an actual homicide investigation. In 1947 Los Angeles, a police detective tries to solve the shocking and grisly murder of 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short, whose nude body was dumped in a lot after being bisected with surgical precision. The detective interviews people who knew Short, who was called "The Black Dahlia" because of the black outfits she wore."

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Voice of a Murderer (2007)

Jin-pyo Park

Kolko čovek sranja mora da pogleda da bi naleteo na jedan kvalitetan film. Evo jednog pravog, čistokrvnog korejanca. Sve je tu, i crni humor i smotani pubovi i otmica deteta. Po istinitom događaju, skroz na tragu "Memories of murder".

"One day, the only son of famous news anchor HAN Kyung-bae, disappears without a trace. Soon, the kidnapper calls the mother demanding a $100,000 ransom. The police assign a veteran inspector to the case and assemble a top-notch task force to work under his command. But the kidnapper constantly outwits the police and continues calling the parents with yet more instructions for the money drop."

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Bittersweet Life (2005)

Jee-woon Kim

Tek juče sam uspeo da pogledam ovaj genijalni film. Sam protiv svih. Must see!

"Things go wrong for a high ranking mobster when he doesn't proceed by his boss's orders."

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