Frank Navetta osnivach, gitarista i chovek koji je nadenuo ime kultnom americkom punk bendu Descendents je umro posle krace bolesti 31. oktobra 2008. Meni su Descendents iz tog prvog perioda uz ALL i SNUFF naravno bili najgotivniji bendovi na taj fazon, znachi LP "I don't wanna grow up" je samo takav kult, meni bolji i od "Milo Goes to College". Frank je napustio bend za vreme snimanja tog po meni najboljeg albuma o odrastanju 1985. godine. "Ako ODRASTANJE znaci da mora da postanem kao ti onda ne zelim uopste da odrastem, jer ne zelim da budem kao ti" kroz taj namerni klinacki fazon i uz suludu deciju melodijicu su porucivali tada Descendentsi i ko je to pokapiro shvatio je tacno sto su hteli kazu.
Frank Navetta was an original member of the punk-pop pioneering group The Descendents, whom he played with for 6 years. He formed The Descendents with Tony Lombardo and Bill Stevenson in 1979 and released the Ride the Wild/It's a Hectic World single. The Descendents were then joined by vocalist Milo Aukerman, and recorded the Fat EP in 1981 and Milo Goes to College in 1982. The band took a hiatus when Milo went to college before they began recording I Don't Want To Grow Up in 1985. Navetta played on the title track, "Silly Girl", "GCF" and "Rockstar", but left after this. He moved to Oregon to become a full time fisherman and was replaced by Ray Cooper.
Frank joined Tony Lombardo and Bill Stevenson in the spring of 2002 for a reunion of sorts at ALL's quasi-annual festival Stockage in Fort Collins, Colorado. The group played songs as the original three-piece line-up that briefly existed before Milo Aukerman joined the group. His early guitar style was heavily rooted in surf music, somewhat similar to that of East Bay Ray, but as time went on, came to resemble the heavier sound of Greg Ginn's more, but with more full and open chords and less, if any, soloing. His songwriting had a darker and more negative side to it, both lyrically and musically, than his bandmates, focusing more on his parents, his father especially, (Fat's "My Dad Sucks", and Milo Goes To College's "Parents"), and America ( ...College's "Statue of Liberty"). He did, however, share Stevenson's themes of fishing (Fat's "Mr. Bass) and unfufillied romantic desires ("Ride the Wild" and ...College's "Marriage").
Frank passed away on October 31, 2008 after a short bout of illness.
Evo jedne licno njegove pesmice sa albuma Milo Goes to College iz 1982. i ona mozda najbolje oslikava kakav je DESCENDENTS bio bend u tom ranom periodu a posebno na tom albumu, koji je uz "Silly Girl" klasik samo takav.
why won't they shut up
they're so fucked up
they treat me like a tool
they take me for a fool
why won't they shut up
they're so fucked up
oh they're so fucking dim
they look into the past
for future reference
why won't they shut up
they're so fucked up
they don't even know i'm a boy
they treat me like a toy
but little do they know
that one day i'll explode
i'm a boy and not a toy
i will kill and i'll destroy
i'm a boy and not a toy
i will kill and i will destroy
they don't even know i'm a boy
they treat me like a toy
but little do they know
that one day i'll explode
i'm a boy and not a toy
i will kill and i'll destroy
i'm a boy and not a toy
i will kill and i will destroy
Frank Navetta R.I.P.
Bobby Granted Parole... Again
1 day ago
Pesma ...i'm a boy i'm not a toy... je stvarno za razmisljanje namenjena prvenstveno onima koji su roditelji a i sire.Poucna i za mlade parove-pravite decu jer cemo inace izumreti ili se u pogresnom pravcu razmnoziti(mislim ogranicenih narodnosti) ali NE PRAVITE DECU ako ne mozete da im se posvetite u punom smislu te reci,napravis, rodis, batalis i prepustis da drugi rade tvoj posao - odgajanje!
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