Raritetni dokumentarac o sudjenju Dzefriju Dahmeru, otprilike ni ne mora da znate ko je bio Dzefri i kakav je zlochin pocinio, ovde ima bukvalno sve ispricano. Dzefri se u startu izjasnio kao kriv tako da je ovo sudjenje odrzano samo kako bi se odlucilo dal' je Dzefri bio sto se kaze criminally insane ili pak normalan, tako da bi mu odredili kaznu. Naravno ukoliko bi porota odlucila da je Dzefri INSANE poslali bi ga u zatvorsku bolnicu gde su navodno malo blazi uslovi nego u obicnim zatvorima a ukoliko bi se ispostavilo da nije bio INSANE u trenutku izvrshenja dela, posto u drzavi Winsconsin nema smrtne kazne, poslali bi ga na dozivotnu robiju u regularan zatvor. Obrni okreni, dozivotno bi bio sklonjen sa ulice i ne bi predstavljao pretnju. E sad, problem sa tim americkim pravosudjem po meni su te zatucane porote sastavljene od "postenih", bogobojazljivih, law-obeying gradjana, a pogotovo je to malo nelogicno kada se odlucuje dal' je neko mentalno bolestan, valjda su tu struchnjaci, pshijatri, sudski vestaci da odlucuju o tome a ne tamo neka porota koja je pre sklona emotivnim a ne racionalnim odlukama, jer realno sta zna tamo neka baba, neki white trash kamiondzija ili domacica koja gleda sapunice i ko zna jos kakva sranja po TV-u, pravi pite i kolache i sad je kao pozovu da bude u poroti i da odlucuje o necijem, bilo cijem zivotu. Nemam nameru da branim Dzefrija, ali tu je i gomila drugih sluchajeva (paradise lost, daryl hunt etc.) gde su donete tako neke sulude odluke a sve na osnovu emocija jer takvi ljudi kad vide uplakane porodice zrtava tu nema boga da tu moze zrdrav razum da odluci. No dobro, bice jos dokumentaraca na tu temu, tako da ne bih vise o tome, kada budete pogledali ovaj film bice vam jasno zasto sam ovako reagovao. E sad sto se tice samog sudjenja, ovo je zaista prajsles materijal jer je do detalja opisano svako ubistvo, znaci svedoce psihijatri, sudski vestaci, potencijalne zrtve koje su uspele da uteknu, a cucete i tuzioca, rodbinu zrtava a na kraju i samog Dzefrija. Moze da se cuje i zasto je Dzefri posebno gotivio filmove "Exorcist 3" i "Return of the Jedi", pa onda kakve je sve planove imao, hteo je da pravi sebi neki oltar i jos svakojaka ludila. Posle odgledanog ovog sudjenja ja sam ubedjen da je Dzefri zapravo bio samo jedan nesretan i neshvacen mladic koji je zbog svoje teske mentalne bolesti trazio ljubav na pogresnim mestima, i samo iz razloga sto nije lecen nazalost se desilo sta se desilo, al' dobro, pustitete vi mene i moje izopachene poglede na svet, nek svako sam za sebe prosudi. Umesto kljucne reci napisacu samo jednu rimu iz pesmice koju sam svojevremeno posvetio Dzefriju : Dzefri Dahmer, nekrofil i sharmer, bio je gej, al' bio je OK. (94 min)
On january 27th 1993, Jeffrey Dahmer was brought to trial in Milwaukee for the serial killing of fifteen young men. That he commited these appalling crimes was never in doubt as Dahmer pleaded guilty, but his defence was based on the grounds of insanity. If found to have been mad, he would not go to prison, but to a mental institution for the criminally insane, from which he could petition for release every six months. The trial of Jeffrey Dahmer provides a vivid and shocking account of the activities of a serial killer. The trial itself was disinguished by a masterly summary from the court appointed forensic scientist and hinges on the prosecutions attempts to prove that Dahmer knew what he was doing when he enticed, killed and dismembered his victims. Treading a fine line between fascination and disgust towards a man who could commit such attrocious crimes, this film provides genuine courtroom footage and the facts behind the case.This programme is of great interest to all concerned with the issue of insanity as a defense, determine for yourself how and why dahmer delighted in killing black youths.
PASS : abraxas365
+ Specijalni bonus, samo za fanatike : gomila materijala koji je FBI sakupio tokom istrage, znaci death sertfikati, izvestaji patologa, forenzichara, izjave svedoka, transkripti saslushanja itd. Sve to na 7 PDF fajlova. 23 MB ukupno, pa koga zanima...
On january 27th 1993, Jeffrey Dahmer was brought to trial in Milwaukee for the serial killing of fifteen young men. That he commited these appalling crimes was never in doubt as Dahmer pleaded guilty, but his defence was based on the grounds of insanity. If found to have been mad, he would not go to prison, but to a mental institution for the criminally insane, from which he could petition for release every six months. The trial of Jeffrey Dahmer provides a vivid and shocking account of the activities of a serial killer. The trial itself was disinguished by a masterly summary from the court appointed forensic scientist and hinges on the prosecutions attempts to prove that Dahmer knew what he was doing when he enticed, killed and dismembered his victims. Treading a fine line between fascination and disgust towards a man who could commit such attrocious crimes, this film provides genuine courtroom footage and the facts behind the case.This programme is of great interest to all concerned with the issue of insanity as a defense, determine for yourself how and why dahmer delighted in killing black youths.
PASS : abraxas365
+ Specijalni bonus, samo za fanatike : gomila materijala koji je FBI sakupio tokom istrage, znaci death sertfikati, izvestaji patologa, forenzichara, izjave svedoka, transkripti saslushanja itd. Sve to na 7 PDF fajlova. 23 MB ukupno, pa koga zanima...
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