John Alan Schwartz
Svi smo chuli za ovaj serijal ali mozda neko i nije gledo, mozda neko nije teo da gleda iz moralnih ili kojih vec razloga itd. Posle tolko lepih, edukativnih tema "ponovo odosmo u qrac", o zasto, o zasto bre ? Doduse ovakvi filmovi mogu zaista da budu korisni ako se na pravi nacin posmatraju, nije to bas uvek i iskljucivo nasilje radi shokiranja, ima tu jos nesto. Ima jos ovakvih serijala, poput Traces of Death npr. , ali samo je jedan prvi i originalni, tako da ovaj dok. iz '78 i nije tolko jezovit, jer ovo je vise bilo ko neko ispipavanje terena, da se vidi sta sve moz da prodje i u kojim kolicinama, al' je opet bio zabranjen u preko 46 zemalja. Znaci gledajte il' nemojte jbga. Ja samo radim svoj poso ili kako je to lepo jedan pesnik izreko svojevremeno : "I'm NOT the devil, I'm an ordinary man - just like you, but I'm here to do the devil's business." (105 min)
Possibly one of the most talked about video series of all time, Faces of Death examines the many guises of death in extreme close-up. Sure to shock, horrify and even repulse, these brutal films are not meant for the faint of heart. This classic series is the one true original Faces of Death.
This first volume features a vicious pit bull fight, the clubbing of baby seals, monkey brains, a man setting himself on fire, an electrocution, San Francisco cultists dining on human organs, a suicidal jumper taking his final leap, a visit to a slaughterhouse, an alligator attack, and a visit to an autopsy room.
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