Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I.O.U.S.A. (2008)

Patrick Creadon

I.O.U.S.A. boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens. As the Baby Boomer generation prepares to retire, will there even be any Social Security benefits left to collect? Burdened with an ever-expanding government and military, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and debts to foreign countries that are becoming impossible to honor, America must mend its spendthrift ways or face an economic disaster of epic proportions. Throughout history, the American government has found it nearly impossible to spend only what has been raised through taxes. Wielding candid interviews with both average American taxpayers and government officials, Sundance veteran Patrick Creadon (Wordplay) helps demystify the nation's financial practices and policies. The film follows U.S. Comptroller General David Walker as he crisscrosses the country explaining America's unsustainable fiscal policies to its citizens. With surgical precision, Creadon interweaves archival footage and economic data to paint a vivid and alarming profile of America's current economic situation. The ultimate power of I.O.U.S.A. is that the film moves beyond doomsday rhetoric to proffer potential financial scenarios and propose solutions about how we can recreate a fiscally sound nation for future generations.




Anonymous said...

Vidi tebra, osnovni problem sa ovim filmom je sto se pravi kao da puno toga kaze sto nismo znali, a otkriva rupu na saksiji. Ovaj i slicni krije najbitnije, sustinu, a to je sta je zapravo bankarski i finansijski sistem i zasto je Amerika duzna i ruzna. E, to nece da ti kazu u ovakvom flimu koji je na velika zvona pustan na CNN i slicnim. Ako oni tako nesto guraju, odmah znas da je sumnjivog kvaliteta. Za iole obavestene ovo moze da se preskoci, ima ulogu za totalno neobavestene, a za ostale je sredstvo koje se uklapa u "Culture of fear" fazon, preseri narod da se manje buni. Ipak, bolje je da ljudi i ovako nesto vide nego da uopste ne vide. Eto, pa ti vidi.

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