Saturday, July 31, 2010

Scientology - The Road To Total Freedom (1987)

Nema zbora, sajentologija je definitivno religija budućnosti, jer što se danas naziva sektom ili kultom, ako opstane jedno duže vreme, postaje zvanična, regularna religija, i onda više ne možeš baš tako lako da ih prozivaš kao što je to uradio BBC u ovom dokumentarcu. Mislim, smešno mi je kad vidim tako da hrišćani i ostali smarači bilo koga uvate da prozivaju, alo rođače pa u šta ti veruješ, pa bre ta bajka o Isusu je jedno 10 puta jadnija od ovog sajentološkog SF-a, a da ne pričamo o drugim manipulacijama, o lažima, ratovima i sranjima. A na drugu stranu što je L. Ron Hubbard jedan od zaštitnika ovog bloga, tako da je red da napišem i koju njemu u prilog, mada i čiča je umešan u priču, jer je navodno na robiji od '60 do '67 dostigao clear nivo. (45 min)

"A very well made British documentary on Scientology which features an interview with Russell Miller, author of Bare-Faced Messiah, and also an animated rendition of the story of OTIII."

Download :

Jadranka Stojaković - Sarajevo balada (1994)

Bvana iz lagune - Sistem

Obrati pažnju, najnoviji rad, preopak spot i lirika koja objašnjava...

Friday, July 30, 2010

White Lightnin' (2009)

Dominic Murphy

Ako ste pogledali kultni dokumentarac Dancing Outlaw (1991) svideće vam se i ovaj rad, jer ovaj igrani film je rađen upravo po životu Jesco Whitea, mada su mu ga malo dodali sa fikcijom na kraju, ali to nikako ne kvari ugođaj jer može da se podvede pod halucinacije, duvanje benzina, i razne druge tripove kojima je Jesco bio i te kako sklon. Znači, rednek white trash Amerika u fulu, Amerika koju volimo, mnogo jako. (88 min)

"Deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, where every man owns a gun and a moonshine still, abides living legend Jesco White, “the dancing outlaw”. As a boy Jesco was in and out of reform school and the insane asylum. To keep him out of trouble, his daddy D-Ray taught him the art of mountain dancing, a frenzied version of tap dancing to wild country banjo music. After his father’s death, crazy Jesco dons his father’s tap shoes and takes his show on the road."

Download :

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jadranka Stojaković - Vjerujem (1989)

Prvi Jadrankin album na japanskom iz '89, genijalno, uz par novih pesamica tu su i japanske verzije "Na drumovima Srema", "Sve smo mogli mi", "Što te nema", "Vjerujem", "Jovano, Jovanke" i "Kaleš, bre, Anđo". Naravno Jadranka ne bi bila Jadranka kad ne bi ubacila i po koju strofu na maternjem. Opak album.

Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010)

Daniel Farrands
Andrew Kasch

Nikad nisam nešto preterano gotivio ovaj serijal, taj Fredi mi je vazda bio jako sumnjiv lik, i to baš iz razloga jer je plod čiste fikcije, i uopšte sve te "besmrtne" face na fazon Džejsona iz Petka, to je meni malo neozbiljno. Naravno, ne sporim da tu ima filmova koji su baš zajebani horori od kojih mi zaista nije bilo dobro kad sam bio klinac, a bogme ni dan danas mi nije baš prijatno da ih gledam, ali to nikako nije ono što ja od horora tražim, jer ja ne želim da me sad tu neko plaši i traumira, ionako imam dovoljno svojih strahova, samo mi fale još takvi filmovi. Znači, ne gledamo svi horore iz istih pobuda, ali i pored toga ja opet jedva čekam da pogledam ovaj rimejk čim se pojavi. Inače, ovaj dokumentarac je kao neki intro za taj rimejk, pa ko to voli nek mu ga da. (240 min)


"For decades, Freddy Krueger has slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, scaring up over half a billion dollars at the box office across eight terrifying, spectacular films. What's more, it has become evident that Freddy may never rest in peace. In this thrilling retrospective, fans will enter the world of Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare On Elm Street like never before: exploring what spurred mastermind Wes Craven to craft the first groundbreaking film; delving deep behind the scenes of the original and all of its sequels; learning how the cast and crew brought their worst nightmares to life; and finally, understanding the impact the series and its mythos have had on modern pop culture and the horror genre."

Download :

Pass :

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

La vida loca (2008)

Christian Poveda

"The Salvadorian street gangs are, first and foremost, an image, a précis of contemporary history, a doctored picture of a locality in a world that's become global. It's a memory of the gang, the fundamental myth of organised crime.

Children of the Bloods and Crips, the gangs made famous by the Dennis Hopper film Colors, these gangs were born in the Hispanic ghetto of L.A. Now traditional enemies, they are engaged in an all-out suburban war that started in the streets of Los Angeles, spreading to numerous North American cities and prisons in which hundreds, and now thousands of gang members are incarcerated.

Serving long, if not life sentences for homicide, robbery with violence, drug trafficking and carrying arms, the gangs that “controlled” the ghettos took possession of the prisons. Coming from all over Central America, over a ten year period confused teenagers, economic and political immigrants, and, in particular, hundreds of thousands of children of Salvadorians fleeing the civil war, formed themselves into well-structured criminal organisations, killing their enemies both "inside" and "outside" the gangs.

The gangs are known as maras, after the marabuntas, the carnivorous ants of Central America that destroy all life in their path, thus giving rise to the Mara Salvatrucha (literally, “Salvadorian ant”), also known as the MS-13, after 13th Street in South Central Los Angeles. This organisation was soon followed by another mara, the formidable M-18, taking its name from 18th Street where it held sway. The national maras of the southern States are sub-divided into pandillas (sets) at a regional level and cliquas (cliques), a kind of base unit for a neighbourhood or even a street. The gang members, tattooed from head to toe, are called pandilleros or homeboys. The tattoos not only serve as identifiers, but provide a visible sign of their voluntary exclusion from society. How can you get a job with the number 13 or 18 tattooed on your forehead and your cheeks adorned with teardrops, representing the number of enemies you've killed?

Writing a new chapter in the history of gang warfare in Los Angeles, the story could have remained concentrated in the United States of America. But that was without taking Washington into account...

In 1996, the American government simultaneously decreed the Illegal Immigration Reform and the Immigrant Responsibility Act, in other words the adoption of a ferocious "double penalty" legislation allowing the authorities to send more than 100,000 gang members detained in the United States straight back to Central America. With frightening consequences: this flood of delinquents corrupted the order, social stability and economy of the countries of origin, Panama, Honduras, Salvador, Guatemala, Costa-Rica, and Nicaragua… And the relocation of the gangs triggered massive paranoia regarding security in the local states."


Download :

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner (2007)

Charles de Lauzirika

"The definitive three-and-a-half hour documentary about the troubled creation and enduring legacy of the science fiction classic "Blade Runner," culled from 80 interviews and hours of never-before-seen outtakes and lost footage." (214 min)


Download :

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991)

Fax Bahr
George Hickenlooper

"Documentary that chronicles how Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now" was plagued by extraordinary script, shooting, budget, and casting problems--nearly destroying the life and career of the celebrated director."

Download :

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans (2004)

01. All The Trees Of The Field Will Clap Their Hands
02. The Dress Looks Nice On You
03. In The Devils Territory
04. To Be Alone With You
05 Abraham
06 Sister
07. Size Too Small
08. We Won't Need Legs To Stand
09. A Good Man Is Hard To Find
10. He Woke Me Up Again
11. Seven Swans
12. The Transfiguration
13. I Went Dancing With My Sister
14. Waste Of What Your Kids Won't Have


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rockovnik (2010) - epizoda 14

U ovoj epizodi pored priče o Dugmetu, Pop Mašini, zatim baladi "Da li znaš da te volim" sa 2. albuma Time-a, govori se i o jednoj al' baš genijalnoj pesmici. Zove se "Majko Zemljo" i nalazi se na prvom solo albumu velike legende Tihomira Asanovića Popa, inače originalnog klavijaturiste Time-a. Album se takođe zove "Majko Zemljo", i pored Janeza Bončine koji peva naslovnu numeru, kao vokali gostuju i Dado Topić i Josipa Lisac, tako da je Asanović na jednom mestu uspeo da okupi tri žešće zajebana interpretatora tog vremena, s'tim što ja TVRDIM da je Dado Topić ubedljivo najjači rokenrol vokal stare Jugoslavije, pa bogme i ovih patrljaka od državica što danas privremeno obitavaju na tim teritorijama.

Inače, album je skroz vanserijski, i uopšte se ne dojmi kao da je budžen na ovim prostorima, te ću ga ovih dana vrlo rado postaviti, jer kontam da dosta ljudi nije imalo prilike ni da čuje da je nešto takvo uopšte i postojalo, uostalom čak i sam taj "naziv" - Tihomir Asanović, pre zvuči ko ime nekog zabavnjaka, a zapravo se radi o full svetski odsviranom jazz-rocku, s tim što je pesma "Majko Zemljo" skroz priča za sebe, i po snazi bih je uporedio čak i sa genijalnom "Za koji život treba da se rodim" sa prvog albuma Time-a. E sad vi vidite, a ko je slušao Time zna o čemu pričam.

Download :

Monday, July 19, 2010

Always for Pleasure (1978)

Les Blank

Mardi Gras, crnački ulični festival koji se održava svake godine u New Orleansu već preko 300 godina, dakle eto ga Les Blank i u svetskoj prestonici vudua. Naravno, ja ovakvo nešto ne bi postavio ni u ludilu na blog, jer me zaista ne zanimaju tako ti festivali gde se đuska i loče, ali pošto se radi o Les Blanku nikako nisam mogao da odolim, jer on ume da i od tako jedne skoro pa totalno nezanimljive teme napravi skroz odlično zezanje, a gde je Blank tu je naravno i izvorni bluz. Uz film ide i bonus materijal od 25 minuta gde ćete moći da čujete i dosta dobrog bluza pa i svu ostalu muziku koja se valjala festivalom tih dana. Dakle za hardkor fanove Les Blanka ovo je naravno must see, a što se tiče ostatka sveta, pa u principu ovakvo nešto može i da se preskoči, jer ipak ovo je na prvom mestu umetnički film sa velikim U, tako da baš i nije namenjen širem auditorijumu, pa se stoga osećam dužnim da vam preporučim jedan Les Blankov film koji zaista kida na svim nivoima, i koji OBAVEZNO morate pogledati. Radi se o genijalnom Burden of Dreams (1982), jer to je po meni jedan od najjačih dokumentarnih filmova ikada snimljenih, i to bez imalo zajebancije, i stoga ga nikako ne bi ga valjalo propustiti. Eto, reko sam. (57 min)

"A look at the spirit of New Orleans. First a funeral: Allen Toussaint explains that you arrive slow and cut up afterwards. Then it's food, with a lesson in eating crayfish at Frankie and Johnny's. Next, a St. Patrick's Day party: New Orleans celebrates holidays on the streets. Then it's preparation for Mardi gras, with roots in slave days, when slaves gathered on Sundays to prepare for the one holiday they could celebrate. The Wild Tchoupitoulas society makes Indian costumes to honor the help Indians gave slaves. At Mardi gras, we're with this society parading, singing, and partying. We end with the annual parade for St. Joseph, the saint of the people. More music, dance and ritual."


Sunday, July 18, 2010

O Srpskom Filmu i true-crime tripovima...

Hteo sam samo par reči, jer kontam velika većina vas koji čitate ovo je pogledala Srpski Film i već uveliko ima izgrađen stav o ovom vaistinu nesvakidašnjem delu srpske kinematografije. Čito sam komentare po raznim forumima, i zaista svega tu ima, od najgrđeg pljuvanja i napušavanja pa do argumentovanih kritika da je priča šuplja, da su likovi slabo odrađeni, dijalozi nikakvi itd. No ostavimo to na stranu, nek svako proceni za sebe dal' to ičemu valja, a ja bi se osvrnuo samo na "snuff" elemente ovoga filma, jer ja sigurno nisam gledo ovaj film zbog tužne priče nekakvog ex porno glumca koji je zapao u finansijske nevolje, pa kao da bi platio sinu časove pevanja i uopšte da bi zaradio, on se upušta u projekat o kom pojma nema. Znači braćo, mene te drame, melo-drame, al' uopšte ne zanimaju, jer ja sam SF nestrpljivo čekao preko 2 godine ne zbog te okolo-naokolo priče, nego upravo zbog konkretnih eksplicitnih scena užasa, snuffa, ubistava i svega što uz to ide, i sa te strane sam, moram da priznam, više nego zadovljan.

Inače, film sam do sad pogledao 5 puta, i ako ćemo da ga poredimo npr. sa nekim filmom iz te branše to bi eventualno bio "Murder-Set-Pieces" koji ću postaviti ovih dana čisto da vidite koja je to priča otprilike, s'tim što je potonji po produkciji daleko, daleko iza SF-a, čak ne može ni da se poredi, ali u principu to je taj neki torture-porn podžanr, koji baš i nismo imali prilike da gledamo, i zato SF nikako ne treba porediti sa npr. "8MM" i sličnim filmovima, jer to veze s vezom nema, i raja se uvatila tog filma ko nezdrava samo iz razloga jer se i ovaj kao bavi SNUFF-om, a to je realno nebo i zemlja, jer to bi bilo ko kad bi sad poredili neki film u kom se samo govori o SNUFF-u, a ništa konkretno nema da se vidi, i tu leži i provalija između SF-a i svih ostalih filmova u kojima se SAMO GOVORILO O SNUFF-u.

E sad, pošto sam nešto dojaja glup ovih dana, ništa ne pišem, nisam ni za kurac (da se izrazim malo u stilu SF-a), evo jednog malo drugojačijeg tripa, gde sam ja celu tu priču malo pojednostavio, naravno ne zbog vas, nego isključivo zbog sebe, meni tako lakše, a možda i još nekome legne.

Repriziro ja juče jedan serial killer rad koji baš dugo nisam gledo, radi se o filmu Gacy (2003), navodno zasnovanom na stvarnim događajima, i sam naslov kaže, u pitanju je serijski ubica John Wayne Gacy, Jr. koji je 70-ih u Čikagu ubio ni manje ni više nego 33 dečaka, uglavnom tinejdžera, da ne prepričavam sad, priča je nadam se svima vrlo poznata, a bilo je i par dokumentaraca na tu temu. E sad, svi mi koji čitamo tako tu TRUE-CRIME literaturu, znači il' po wikipediji il' po tru-tv crime library, svi mi koji gledamo filmove i dokumentarce tog tipa, imamo trip da mi zapravo dojaja poznajemo materiju, a zapravo bre pojma nemamo šta je to Gejsi radio tim dečacima.

Evo baš sam juče gledo pažljivo film, reko možda sam pozaboravljo, možda će da prikažu i nešto od seksualnog zlostavljanja koje je ovaj debeljko vršio nad omladinom Čikaškog predgrađa, jer on je pre svega bio seksualni predator, dakle nije samo mučio i ubijao svoje žrtve kako je to prikazano u filmu a bogme i po dokumentarcima, nego bi ih prvo dobrano odvalio od kurca, dildoa ili već čega, pa tek onda. Čak šta više, bilo kakve konkretne podatke o tome šta im je tačno radio nećete naći čak ni u Crime Library tekstu, i zaista po svemu ovome ispada da je SEX tj. torture SEX i dalje tabu, pa tako ni u informativne svrhe čovek ne može da sazna šta se tu stvarno izdešavalo. Naravno, možda to nekog baš i ne zanima, ali mene jebiga i te kako zanima, a plus nisam baš nešto gadljiv na tako te "boleštine", tako da kontam da imam pravo da saznam šta je Gejsi radio tim dečacima iza zatvorenih vrata u 4 oka. Al' malo morgen, toga nema ni u najavi, ima samo ona fora sa davljenjem i to je sve što su nam dali na uvid, a šta reći kad je pokojna legenda GG Allin morao da ide Gejsiju u posetu na death row da bi saznao tako neke pikanterije, što je odlično opisano u genijalnom dokumentarcu Hated (1994). Dakle, taj deo priče je cenzurisan, i to ne samo u slučaju Gejsija, nego i kod svih drugih serijskih ubica kojima je torture sex bio glavna preokupacija.

E sad, kakve ovo ima veze sa Srpskim Filmom ? Nadam se da pogađate, naime, Srpski Film je možda jedan od prvih filmova visoke produkcije, i to u svetu, koji nam je, fala kurcu, prikazao ono što smo toliko dugo očajnički želeli da vidimo, ono o čemu smo pritajeno maštali, i zato kažem eh kad bi svi filmovi bili takvi, da se sve vidi, ma bez ikakve cenzure, bez bilo čega, kad je scena seksa da je scena seksa (ko u Antichristu), a ne da mi prikrivaju tu određene delove tela, pa bre čak i ono novorođenče, da se ja pitam (i ne samo ja) ta scena bi bila ne otpozadi, nego komotno u gro planu, jer šta koji kurac, ionako svi znamo da je ta beba samo lutka, mislim čemu to bespotrebno moralisanje, jer ako si već skupio jaja da snimiš takvu scenu i da budeš prvi u tome u svetu, pa brate moj idi bre do kraja, mojne da mi okrećeš leđa i slično.

Dakle, ta eksplicitnost, to je ono što je po meni najjači adut SF-a, i ako sad uporedimo ove filmove tipa Martyrs, Antichrist, Hostel i tako te, SF je meni tu daleko iskreniji u svojoj brutalnosti, jer se za razliku od navedenih bavi najvećom tabu temom. Martyrs jeste krvav al' tu nema nikakvih odstupanja od standardnog kalupa, ima nekog kao gistro mučenja al' to je po meni već izvaljeno, jer tu seksa nema, isto važi i za Hostel, eventualno Antichrtist ima tu jednu scenu na početku gde vidimo kako se jaja opušteno u slow motionu ljuljaju dok kurac očigledno ulazi u ženski polni organ. I da, setih se one legendarne scene iz The Brown Bunny (2003) gde moja muza Chloe Sevigny udara blow job Vincentu Gallou. E to je realna priča, to je film, što reče Vukmir, i ja se apsolutno slažem sa njim, film bre treba da bude život a ne večita gluma i foliranje, jer brate provaljeno je sve to, dosadni su više svi ovi koji prave igrane filmove, smara to, provaljuje se na keca da te priče veze nemaju sa realnošću, i nažalost na toj prečci je pao i Srpski Film, i svako ko je gledao zna o čemu govorim, da ne navodim sad te stotine propusta u scenariju. I OK, kapiram ja da neko to gotivi, kao film, magija, ovo, ono, ali meni se to al' nikako ne dopada, i ja bi iskreno voleo da svi filmovi budu na fazon npr. La Haine, naravno ne po radnji, nego po tom rijaliti tripu ako me kapirate šta 'oću da kažem. I zato ja uvek ponavljam, to što život može da ti namesti to ma niti jedan scenarista ma kolko maštovit bio nema šanse, jer život je uvek ispred fikcije. Činjenica.

E da, još valja spomenuti "August Underground" serijal, jer tu isto ima nekakvog snuffa u pokušaju, ali jebiga to je ipak neki trash fazon, nažalost nije se imalo jaja za nešto jače, očigledno su morali da se pojave Srbi i da ispostave svoja jaja na astal, da se vidi čija su veća, tako da posle SF-a možemo da očekujemo ili navalu "eksplicitnog" torture porna, ili pak totalno povlačenje u mišije rupe, jer navodno nema šta više da se kaže po tom pitanju, mada ja mislim da i te kako ima, ima tu još dosta tabua koji su ostali skroz nedirnuti a koji imaju daleko veću težinu od svega što smo imali prilike da vidimo u SF-u, no o tom potom.

I za kraj, što se SNUFF-a tiče, sva slava i hvala Srbima koji su nam podarili tu jedinstvenu priliku da u sred Srbije, i to na čistom srpskom jeziku, pogledamo ovakav jedan film koji će ući u ANALE (i bukvalno) svetske kinematografije. Naravno, sve ostalo (između snuffova), je moglo mnogo bolje, ali realno koga to zabole, jer ko što rekoh, nisam došo da gledam dramu, i da slušam priče o točkićima koji su porodica, i da mi se po sto puta naglašava da je Džek Denijels sponzor filma, itd. etc. ne nikako, ja sam došo isključivo zbog scene sa mačetom koja je, pa malo je reći genijalna. Ej bre, kad joj odvali glavu, i kad nastavi da je jebe, pa bre tačno osetiš da on tu opšti samo sa truplom, da je glava otfikarena, zar ne ? Neverovatan osećaj, svaka čast autorima na toj akciji.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Occult Experience (1985)

Frank Heimans

"This is an Australian documentary on various forms of Paganism. It shows some of the major players and different factions of a world most people don't know much about.

Things get underway by going into the "dark side" of groups such as San Fransisco's Church of Satan and Temple of Set. The "Church" was started by huckster Anton LaVey who sold his Nietzsche-lite beliefs as a greedy form of self-worship. The clips of LaVey are from the 1968 documentary 'SATANIS'. Temple of Set founder Michael Aquino and his wife Lilith Sinclair are interviewed. Aquino shows off an authentic Nazi dagger he owns and explains that National Socialists such as Himmler also had a deep interest in the occult. Aquino is a former Green Beret Colnel who broke away from the Church of Satan to start his own group. Col. Aquino's name was circulated in the media during the 1980s "Satanic ritual abuse" scare. He was accused of molestation at the Presidio Army day care and later in various books such as 'THE NEW SATANISTS' and 'PAINTED BLACK'. All cases involving Aquino were either settled or thrown out of court.

Next we move to the American Midwest to drop in on Selena Fox, who started a place for nature paganism called "Circle Sanctuary". The language used by Fox is more New Age sounding ("love consciousness", "Jesus was a witch", etc.). Her group is shown doing an incantation.

From here we go to Mr. Alex Sanders, the "King of Witches". His "legendary" reputation is mentioned but we don't really hear why he's so significant. He summons an Aztec spirit by wearing a mask and doing a dance in his underwear. He also says that his grandmother gave him degrees in ritual sex. Then we go to Ireland to check in on one of his followers, who initiates a young man by taking his clothes off and having him run naked through the woods, braving each of the four elements.

There is a segment with Christians performing exorcisms. This is to show that some mainstream religions have practices that resemble pagan religions.

Also covered is the "Goddess Movement" where a woman named "Z. Budapest" practices what she calls "Dianic Wicca". It is theorized in this video that the popularity of Goddess religions is due to the feminist movement and women's desire to be a god. This is similar to what Lilith Sinclair says about her Satanic religion earlier on the tape.

For art lovers, there are segments on two artists from different time periods. Australian artist Rosaleen Norton worshipped Pan and was lambasted for it. A few of her paintings are shown. Swiss artist H.R. Giger (famous for designing the creatures from the 'ALIENS' and 'SPECIES' movies) lets us go inside his studio. He says that women have hurt him so that is why he paints them so often. However he doesn't really mention how paganism or satanism relates to his paintings.

This documentary is lacking references to two individuals who had a lot to do with the renewed interest in the occult: Theosophist H.P. Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. The influence of these two doesn't only extend to the occult groups mentioned in this video but also to the so-called "New Age" movement. In any case it is useful in identifying some of the different people involved and the reasons the occult appeals to them."

Download :

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Through the Wormhole S01 Episodes 1-5 (2010)

"Academy Award-winning actor and space enthusiast Morgan Freeman executive produces, hosts and narrates this exploration of the greatest mysteries of the universe. This new series, produced by Freeman's Revelations Entertainment, seeks the answers to the big questions: Are we alone? Where did we come from? Is there life on other planets? From the latest work at NASA and private enterprise facilities to the latest theories from futurists and physicists, this series looks at black holes, colonizing the planets, string theory and more. Science Channel invites viewers on the journey as Morgan Freeman picks up where Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" left off and explores the new frontiers of what is beyond earth."

Season 1, Episode 1: Is There a Creator?

Season 1, Episode 2: The Riddle of Black Holes

Season 1, Episode 3: Is Time Travel Possible?

Season 1, Episode 4: What Happened Before the Beginning?

Season 1, Episode 5: How Did We Get Here?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sufjan Stevens - Greetings From Michigan: The Great Lake State (2003)

01. Flint (For The Unemployed And Underpaid)
02. All Good Naysayers, Speak Up! Or Forever Hold Your Peace!
03. For The Widows Of Paradise, For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti
04. Say Yes! To M!ch!gan!
05. The Upper Peninsula
06. Tahquamenon Falls
07. Holland
08. Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! (Rebuild! Restore! Reconsider!)
09. Romulus
10. Alanson, Crooked River
11. Sleeping Bear, Sault Saint Marie
12. They Also Mourn Who Do Not Wear Black (For The Homeless In Muskegon)
13. Oh God, Where Are You Now? ( In Pickeral Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)
14. Redford (For Yia-Yia & Pappou)
15. Vito's Ordination Song
16. Marching Band
17. Pickerel Lake
18. Niagara Falls
19. Presidents & Magistrates
20. Wolverine


The Quantum Activist (2009)

Ri Stewart

"There is a revolution going on in science. A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., a pioneer of this revolutionary new perspective within science, shares with us his vision of the unlimited potential of consciousness as the ground of all being, and how this revelation can actually help us to live better. The Quantum Activist tells the story of a man who challenges us to rethink our very notions of existence and reality, with a force and scope not felt since Einstein. This film bridges the gap between God and Science. The work of Goswami, with stunning precision and without straying from the rigors of quantum mechanics, reveals the overarching unity inherent in the worlds major religions and mystical traditions. Meet the man behind the message as Dr. Goswami tells how he moved away from the religious teachings of his childhood, to seek his path in nuclear and theoretical quantum physics, and how he has come full circle, through quantum insight, back to the very religious axioms offered as a youth." (78 min)


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Antichrist (2009)

Lars von Trier

Rivju ovde.


"A couple lose their young son when he falls out the window while they have sex in the other room. The mother's grief consigns her to hospital, but her therapist husband brings her home intent on treating her depression himself. To confront her fears they go to stay at their remote cabin in the woods, "Eden", where something untold happened the previous summer. Told in four chapters with a prologue and epilogue, the film details acts of lustful cruelty as the man and woman unfold the darker side of nature outside and within."

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Diana: The Witnesses in the Tunnel (2007)

Janice Sutherland
Stuart Tanner

"Investigating the media's role in the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and the decade of conspiracy theories that have suggested photographers hounding her car were responsible for causing the crash and hampering subsequent rescue attempts. Using exclusive pictures taken by the paparazzi and eye-witnesses, the programme pieces together the events in the tunnel on the night of August 31st 1997, with journalists present at the scene describing for the first time the impact the event has had on their personal and professional lives." (48 min)


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Sunday, July 11, 2010

When You're Strange (2009)

Tom DiCillo

Šta napisati o Dorsima a ne smoriti u startu ? Odlično urađen dokumentarac, za sve prave fanove pa i ostale sporadične. Nego ladno Džoni Dep opet narator, alal mu vera, i baš mu leži ta uloga, ima taj jebački glas koji skroz podržava atmosferu filma. Mora samo da napomenem da mi je ubedljivo najjača pesmica Dorsa "Riders on the storm", znači ona kišica poliva, al' bukvalno, a odma' iza nje - pa logično, "The End", i specijalci se spuštaju iz helikoptera, ko u "Apokalipsi Danas", opera se čuje, Čarli ne surfuje, do kraja života na pubove pljujem - što bi reko Sđu, hehe. (82 min)

"A chronological look at The Doors, focusing on lead singer, Jim Morrison (1943-1971), from the formation of the band in 1965, it's first gigs, and first album, to Morrison's death, after years of alcohol and drug use. Along the journey, we see archival footage of rehearsals, performances, and private moments including a Miami concert resulting in Morrison's arrest and trial for indecency. His love of the spotlight, his desire to be a poet, and his alcohol-fueled mood swings lead to a back and forth between public and private desires, successes, and failures. The band's music plays throughout."


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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sufjan Stevens - Enjoy Your Rabbit (2001)

01. Year Of The Asthmatic Cat
02. Year Of The Monkey
03. Year Of The Rat
04. Year Of The Ox
05. Year Of The Boar
06. Year Of The Tiger
07. Year Of The Snake
08. Year Of The Sheep
09. Year Of The Rooster
10. Year Of The Dragon
11. Enjoy Your Rabbit
12. Year Of The Dog
13. Year Of The Horse
14. Year Of Our Lord

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