Monday, March 31, 2014

Hate.Com: Extremists on the Internet (2000)

Vince DiPersio, 
Bill Guttentag

"This documentary examines how hate groups are disseminating their violent messages and reaching new converts around the world via the Internet."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen (1965)

Donald Brittain,
Don Owen

"Jazzy portrait of the artist as a young poet, it's fascinating to see this glimpse of the pre-pop singer Cohen. Whether he's self-effacing, full of himself, or both is up for debate, and we can't gather much of why he's in the poetry biz besides for the purpose of meeting girls. (There's a wonderful CanCon moment where, on some stereotypical CBC panel discussion program, Pierre Burton grills him on this point, and Cohen refuses to play along)."

"Informal portrait of Leonard Cohen. The film begins with Cohen delivering a comic monologue about his visit to a friend in a Montreal mental hospital. Later he is seen reading poetry to rapt audience and also alone, or relaxing with family and friends, walking the streets of the city, eating in a popular night spot, sleeping in his three-dollar-a-night hotel room, even taking a bath. His poetry readings are principally from "A Spice-box of Earth" and "Flowers for Hitler". A press conference with Cohen and his friend Irving Layton forms a part of the film. Filmed and recorded at various locations in 1964, released in 1965 by the National Film Board of Canada."

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Zatočenik gluvog baruta (2014)

"Како је најпопуларнији партизански писац постао „инструмент у рукама реакције" и зашто је Тито тумачио књижевно дело Бранка Ћопића?

Један од најпопуларнијих послератних писаца имао је, због свог дела, посебне досијее у Градском комитету Савеза комуниста Београда и у ондашњој Удби. Од творца партизанске књижевности који је славио „огњено рађање домовине", постао је „јеретик" који се „заглибио" у сатири, „инструмент реакције", како је чак и Јосип Броз Тито говорио.

Како је Ћопић за кратко време, тек неколико послератних година, прешао тако дуг пут?

Какав је звук глувог барута и да ли је од свих офанзива истинита била једино она Осма?

Да ли је дечја књижевност Ћопићу била само сигурно уточиште у бекству од критике социјалистичког друштва?

Зашто је Јежурка Јежић био непожељан у Хрватској? Вреди ли Ћопић у Босни и Херцеговини више од пола конвертибилне марке?

У посебном издању Око магазина, поводом три деценије од смрти Бранка Ћопића, о писцу и његовом делу говоре: Томо Курузовић, „Бранков" глумац, историчар Предраг Марковић, Иван Ивањи, књижевник и Титов преводилац, Александар Јерков, професор Филолошког факултета, Зорана Опачић, професорка Учитељског факулета и глумац Бранислав Лечић."

Emisiju možete pogledati online ovde.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Disappearance of Flight MH370 (2014)

"On Saturday 8 March, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 took off for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 passengers and crew on board; around one hour after take-off the Boeing 777 vanished from the radar screens. No one knows for sure what happened. This fast turnaround documentary tells the 14-day story of a mystery that has shaken modern aviation to its very core, and which will have a far-reaching impact on the monitoring and security of future air travel. Was it pilot error, technical failure, terrorism or some other freak occurrence? Using exclusive archive and testimony from some of the world's leading aviation and security experts, we will track the search efforts, investigate the theories and examine the latest evidence."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Hunt (2012)

Thomas Vinterberg

Pouka ovog odličnog i veoma potresnog danskog filma glasi vako: ako ste muško preko 15 godina nemoj slučajno da vam padne na pamet da se zaposlite u ustanovi gde ima male dece, dakle u školama, u obdaništima i tako tim institucijama, jer mož' vrlo lako da najebete ko glavni junak ovog filma, znači nedobog nikom. A ja eto naivan maštao da postanem pisac za decu, e posle gledanja ovakvog jednog ludila vala od sad ima da pišem samo hardkor pornografiju i to za gerantološki centar, da samo perverzni starci to čitaju, dakle što dalje od dece, a kad vidim malo dete na ulici, bjež na drugu stranu, eto tolko sam se istraumiro, jebem ti život i krsnu slavu. Ma deca su vam jedno veliko zlo, da vam ja kažem, ej kad se samo setim filma Village of the Damned (1960) pa mi nije dobro, a da ne pričam o ovim novim horrorima gde deca ubedljivo dominiraju. Pa jel' vi mislite da je to slučajno?

"Lucas is a Kindergarten teacher who takes great care of his students. Unfortunately for him, young Klara has a run-away imagination and concocts a lie about her teacher. Before Lucas is even able to understand the consequences, he has become the outcast of the town. The hunt is on to prove his innocence before it's taken from him for good."

9 to 5: Days in Porn (2008)

Jens Hoffmann

"9to5 - Days in Porn focuses on the people behind a controversial and multi-billion dollar industry "The Adult Entertainment industry". It depicts their stories, each one different, unadorned and authentic, without glorification or prejudice. It delivers deep insight into their personal lives - from glamorous to grotesque - strange, fascinating, offensive, absurd and sometimes funny moments all at once."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Branko Ćopić: 30 godina od smrti (26. mart 1984.)

Najpopularniji, najčitaniji ali bome i najzajebaniji domaći posleratni pisac Branko Ćopić rođen je 1. januara 1915. godine u Hašanima, kod Bosanske Krupe. Rano je ostao bez oca i detinjstvo je proveo sa majkom, stricem Nidžom i deda Radom, za koga je bio posebno emotivno vezan. "…Zahvaljujući stricu Nidži, preda mnom se prvi put otvorio bogati svijet koji je stvorila narodna mašta." "Moj djed Rade bio je neobičan čovjek. Njegov začarani svijet sav satkan od bajki i maštarenja, mjesečine i prozračne svile, bio je svojevrsni svijet oktobra, ali onog našeg, krajiškog, smirenog, zlatnog oktobra u ranu jesen, o Miholjdanu, kada su nam u kuću dolazili dragi gosti, kad je sve bilo puno priča i obilja, kad je i mačka bila sita i miroljubiva, a miš debeo i bezbrižan… Ti djedovi oktobarski dani predstavljaju osnovnu riznicu svih mojih literarnih motiva. Odatle sam krenuo i počeo da stvaram svijet po liku i podobiju ovog čestitog, duševnog i na svoj način pravednog čovjeka." Branko Ćopić, kaže predanje, prvo je muško dete koje je u čitavoj Bosanskoj Krajini dobilo ovo ime, upravo po velikom srpskom pesniku Branku Radičeviću koga je posebno cenila njegova majka Sofija.

Do kraja života Branko Ćopić će govoriti da ima dva zavičaja: prvi je Lika, postojbina njegove majke i deda Rada, a drugi je Bosanska Krajina. Ti njegovi zavičaji, govorio je, bili su mu "osnovni kapital, literarni". Njegovi preci su kupili imanje u Hašanima od bogatih turskih begova "koji su otišli u Tursku" i on je čitavo "djetinjstvo čuvao ovce i jaganjce". Bio je, kao dete, vrlo stidljiv, dobar đak. Ujak Andrija je, posebno, uticao na Brankovo školovanje jer je i sam bio veoma pismen i načitan.

Osnovnu školu je učio u Hašanima od 1922. do 1926, a nižu gimnaziju u Bihaću od 1926. do 1930 godine. Majka Soja je jednom prilikom ispričala jednu epizodu iz Brankovog života u vezi s Bihaćem:

"Kad je bio završio osnovnu školu, upisali smo ga, moj brat i ja, u niže razrede gimnazije u Bihaću. Smjestili smo ga u internat. Pola sam plaćala ja, a pola država. Odvedemo ga tamo i ostavimo, kad gle čuda? Moj Branko već drugog dana strugnuo iz škole. Gladan, umoran i uplakan dođe u selo. Do Krupe se nekako dokotrljao vozom, a od Krupe do Hašana sat pješice. Tada je imao nešto više od jedanaest. Dječak grune u plač i ridanje… 'Ne mogu ja tamo' veli cmizdravo majci i ujaku. Tamo je sve tuđe, u Bihaću nemamo nikog svoga poznatoga. Svi ga izgrdimo. Ja sam mu kazala: 'Moraš u školu, i ja bih voljela da je u Hašanima. Bilo bi lakše i tebi i meni. Ali, mora se ići tamo đe je škola…"

Završio je filozofski fakultet u Beogradu 1940.godine. Za vreme studiranja objavljivao je priče u "Politici". Drugi svetski rat proveo je u partizanima, gde je napisao i objavio zbirku pesama "Ognjeno rađanje domovine" i "Priče partizanke".

Posle rata postaje profesionalni pisac i živi u Beogradu, u istoj zgradi sa Desankom Maksimović. Bio je omiljeni dečji pisac i rado je odlazio na gostovanja širom države družeći se sa svojim čitaocima.

Branko Ćopić je napisao preko trideset knjiga za decu, pesme, pripovetke, romane "Orlovi rano lete", "Magareće godine", "Slavno vojevanje"…Jedna od najboljih dečijih knjiga je njegova "Ježeva kućica"…

Pored dečje, Branko se uspešno bavio i književnošću za odrasle; na svoj specifičan način dočarao nam je mentalitet i humor ljudi iz Bosanske krajine, događaje iz narodnooslobodilačke borbe ("Prolom", "Gluvi barut", "Ne tuguj bronzana stražo", "Osma ofanziva", "Doživljaji Nikoletine Bursaća"…)

"Pjesma mrtvih proletera" – recituje Branko Ćopić

NINovu nagradu dobio je 1958. godine, za roman "Ne tuguj, bronzana stražo", a od 1968. godine bio je član SANU. 1970. godine objavio je svoju najbolju knjigu pripovedaka "Bašta sljezove boje", knjigu sećanja. Od 1951. godine bio je u braku sa Bogdankom-Cicom, lekarom-pedijatrom.

26. marta 1984. godine Branko Ćopić je izvršio samoubistvo skokom sa Brankovog mosta na savski kej. Svojoj supruzi ostavio je oproštajnu poruku:

"Branko Ćopić. Sam je kriv za svoju smrt. Vadili su ga iz govana mnogi dobri drugovi pa nije pomoglo. Bio je tu i Hektor, ambasador iz Meksika, sada je u Turskoj, i Selim Numić, i Ratko Novaković, i Cica, bog je ubio dabogda! I njegovi brojni čitaoci, ali ništa nije pomoglo. Pomozite joj da preživi ovu moju bruku i sramotu, ako je ikako moguće. Zbogom lijepi i strašni živote! Mart mjesec, 1984. godine. Branko Ćopić."

Monday, March 24, 2014

15 years from NATO "intervention" in Serbia - March 24, 1999

Today is exactly 15 years since NATO attacked Serbia and Serbian citizens - does anyone remember this ? I remember it very, very well, and I will never forget and forgive. But don't get me wrong, I never was a part of Slobodan Milosevic’s regime or a supporter, neither was my family; from the early 90's I was against that dictatorship, and I always took part in rallies against it, got beaten and arrested by his police, but what happened in 1999? Instead of chasing just him and only him, NATO bombarded entire Serbia, without any shame they attacked innocent civilians. OK, I've said: if you wanna kill Slobodan Milosevic - kill him, chase him, do whatever you want with that bastard, but why destroying the whole country ? Why destroying Serbia, why killing so many innocent civilians?! Today I know the answer - WHY? BECAUSE THEY CAN. Because the USA government and NATO can do whatever they want and not get punished for their crimes, because they are so powerful that nobody can mess with those guys.

So in the last few years we’ve seen the same thing happening also in Afghanistan and Iraq, but those are bigger countries so too many innocent people died; and don't try to sell me this shit about liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein, and liberation of Serbia from Slobodan Milosevic; if they really wanted to do that, they would have hired assassins and killed them… 'cause we know that they are capable of that, they killed so many people, so many dictators, presidents, all around the world during the last 60-70 years, and they are trying to say that they didn't manage to kill one Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein if they wanted?! Sell that story to someone else, not to me, please...

And what happened in Serbia in 1999? They claimed it was a LEGAL act of aggression, but today we see that the only reason they destroyed the whole country instead of killing just one man, one dictator, was to get their NATO BASE in KOSOVO, the biggest NATO military base in this part of Europe- BONDSTEEL, and also to enable the independence for Kosovo, so that they can do whatever they want there. But OK, never mind (yeah sure), if you are more powerful than me, then you can do whatever you want; you can kill me and say that it was for humanitarian reasons. Does anyone get this? I'm sure that lots of people all around the world knows about this, but some people in the European Union and the USA still don't understand or don't want to understand what really happened! They really think that the NATO aggression in Serbia was an act for PEACE ?!

During the NATO aggression in Serbia over 2000 innocent civilians lost their lives (collateral damage?!), and about 600 Serbian soldiers. The whole one country was destroyed. THE CLUSTER BOMBS and BOMBS WITH DEPLETED URANIUM were used too. And the World completely forgot about that?! This is why we mustn’t forget what they did to us in 1999 during the 78 days of bombing. THE WORLD can forget, but we just CAN'T - can YOU understand our causes?

- Defense of Belgrade from NATO strike -

Kingdom of Heaven - The Ballad of Lurleen Tyler (2013)

Shreck did it again. This is Kingdom of Heaven's first video for "The Ballad of Lurleen Tyler" featuring Nikolas Schreck, James Collord and the KOH congregation. Directed on location by Clint Bryant. The song is also available from iTunes.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ne znam Knjigu, o mukama čitanja...

Uvreženo je mišljenje da ako umeš da sklopiš 2-3 smislene rečenice, i da im malo kao izmeniš red reči da bude veselije kad se čita, da ti onda mora da si extra načitan. Skroz bre pogrešno, ali skroz, jer evo mog primera. Ako sam ja za života pročitao 150 knjiga evo ovde me secite, čak tripujem da je brojka tu negde oko 100, jer otprilike tačno znam šta sam čito. Znači ono, obavezna lektira al' naravno bez ruskih pisaca, to me baš smaralo, onda one gistro urbane knjige kad si klinac u razvoju poput "Trejnspotinga" i "Mi djeca s kolodvoza Zoo", i na kraju ovo što mene zanima, dakle Ćopić i ove druge akcije, al' pošto ništa od toga nije prevedeno na srpski mora jbga nabavljam originale, a to ide malo teže, tako da ja u principu godišnje pročitam jedno 5-6 knjiga ako i toliko, jer ja jednu knjigu čitam bre po mesec dana minimum, i stoga se zaista divim ljudima koji sjebu 100-200 strana za jedan dan, ma ko ništa, jer meni je to nezamislivo, moja koncentracije kad čitam je svuda okolo samo ne u tekstu, razmišljam o medama i zekama u šarenoj šumi a bledo gledam u onaj tekst, al' kad me nešto baš zainteresuje ja onda budem ko fol malo uporniji, pa izguram nekako do tih mesec dana. Pre par godina kad sam nabavio onaj Helter Skelter od 650 strana ja sam ladno morao da odem čak u Grčku na more na jedno 28 dana ne bi li to pročitao. Sreća moja pa imam tetku tamo, pa sam mogao kod nje, inače otići na more metar dana je bre nemoguća misija, ali iako smo bili u kampu, na 20 metara od mora, ja brate plažu i more ako sam vido 5 puta to beše dojaja, jer sam ja po ceo dan samo čitao, a i ne volim bre ono sunce, meni je to bolesno ležati tako po tim plažama, jedared sam čak i alergiju dobio, ajoj koje su to muke bile, ma ne želim uopšte ni da se prisećam. Jbga, nisam se plažirao, plivo i gnjurao al' sam zato pročito knjigu, i to je najobimnija knjiga koju sam do dana današnjeg pročito. Doduše sad sam nabacio jednu još zajebaniju, preko 1000 strana, i opet na engleskom, počeo sam da je čitam krajem januara, i za svo ovo vreme jedva sam do 70. strane stigao eeej, što znači da mi je neka izolacija preko potrebna ako planiram da je pročitam do kraja ovoga života, dakle jedno metar dana u banji mi ne gine, jer čitati se mora, a posebno takva literatura, a da ne pričamo o tome da bez knjiga nema ni duhovnog uzdizanja, a meni bukvalno samo to fali pa da se skroz slobodno vinem u te neslućene visine i da se nikada više ne vratim nazad, jer realno koji ću bre ovde, zar ne?

Woody Guthrie: This Machine Kills Fascists (2005)

Stephen Gammond

Runtime: 172 min

"This film chronicles the life and achievement of Woody Guthrie, the most important folk/protest singer of his generation, whose significance today can be measured by the pantheon of artists including Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Bono and Willie Nelson who acknowledge their debt to him. An exhaustive documentary exploration of one of history's most important, socially conscious folk singers, This Machine Kills Fascists combines rare documentary footage of Guthrie's era with interviews from the artist's friends and family. Weighing in are Pete Seeger, Guthrie's son Arlo and daughter Nora, his friend Jimmy Longhi, and a panel of experts. The program outlines the concerns of the times through Guthrie's music, tracing the origins and meanings of such songs as "Pastures of Plenty," "Pretty Boy Floyd," and "This Land is Your Land."

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Na fer?

Ajme, bio ja sinoć na jednoj sedeljci na nekoj fensi gajbi kod ETF-a, jbga nisam bio mesecima u gradu pa rešio kao da odem, jer ko zna, možda se desi neko čudo pa mi bude dojaja. I vaistinu, beše alal vera dojaja, bilo džina, bilo rakije, pa i skanka, ma svega bilo, i ja se skroz opustio, ubio se ko mamara, mal' nisam kljucao kolko sam se napiJo ali na stranu to. Dolazi oko ponoći neki par, riba i ortak, i riba već na ulazu kreće da se pravda kako su eto pazarili tekilu za ovaj skup al ju je njen jaran Dino popio u najavi, il' što bi moj stari reko: Dino, staro srpsko ime - al' moj babo je stari šovinista, tako da se ovo i ne računa realno. Uglavnoj taj Dino the Srbin kreno laaaadno da me proziva, jer je naravno bio pijan. Prvo je kao hteo da igramo basket u 20 evra, pa ko dobije, a ja ladno 193 cm, i svaki njegov promašaj il' najmanja greška moj koš jbga, tako da bi ga ubio na keca, al' pošto sam video da je labilan ja mu reko jbga jarane, ja nemam tih 20 evra da priložim , a neću te izvaram ako izgubim jbga. Fer, zar ne? E, tu je već popizdeo u vidno alkoholisanom stanju i kreno ladno da me zove na fer. Džaba što su ga drugari smirivali, ovaj zapeo pa zapeo, oće se bije, eeej! I ja šta ću, kažem mu OK buraz, ali da bude skroz fer tuča, jedan na jedan, bez ikakih pomagala, samo ruke, i ovaj pristane. Ali u tom trenutku njegov jedan drugar koji je cirkao s nama se skroz zabedačio jer dečko ne voli tu agresiju i ladno rešio da zapali gajbi. Znači, jedva smo ga sprečili da nam ne utekne, jer sam mu ja reko da je to tradicionalna srpska tuča među prijateljima, ko što se vekovima u Srbiji praktikuje, da ne kažem milenijumima, i ovaj se kao smiri. Al' kurac, ovaj Dino zapeo da se bije i ne pušta, džaba što sam mu ja objašnjavao da danas u tim tučama vlada ono staro fizičko pravilo: masa puta ubrzanje, a s obzirom da je on imo možda 80 kila na 190 cm a ja 120 na 193, ja sam u startu znao šta će bude, jer očigledno je bilo da dečko nije fajter a nisam bogme ni ja, da budem iskren. I ništa, ja mu reko aj kad si već zapeo, pobijemo se drugarski, nema ljutnje, ko pobedi pobedio je, sve kul, i on pristane: Izađemo mi ispred zgrade, jbga nije red da se peglamo na fensi gajbi, ja ga naravno pustim da me ko fol udari, al kako me udario, tako ga bacim na zemlju potrbuške, sednem na njega sa namerom da ga oplevim u vugla, i umalo nije bio fazon ko onomad kad je Raša anarho-panker stradavao, pa je skvičao za milost dok su me njegov drugari držali za ruke a ja mu radio ono što sam mu već radio - ko zna zna jbga. Ali Dino za razliku od Sande Rašete bejaše čestit momak, pa čim je provalio da je gotov, reko predajem se i mirna Bačka, i svaka mu brate čast , jer retko ko danas u Beogradu ima jaja da tako nešto izjavi. I znači uglavnom ostali smo dojaja drugari, sve skroz kul, i baš mi drago što me s njim upozno Nikola 'Nico' Prljeta, konačno bre neko normalan i čestit, jer mnogo veći navodni huligani poput onog Mikse-Fukse, jednog od vođa Otrova Zaječarskih, inače navijača Timoka, nisu smeli da izađu na fer, a ovaj lik, skroz van svake priče najopuštenije stao na crtu, i uopšte nije bitno dal' je dobio fer ili jok, jer samim tim što je pokazao ta jaja da izađe na linijicu je sasvim dovoljno uradio, jer kažem vam, neki navodni huligani, ultrasi, starija ekipa navijača Timoka, ladno nemaju ta muda, beži mi taj klipan Vlaški već dve godine, ne mogu ga ulovim, stalno se seli jbga. Dakle, Dino brate RISPEKT, ljubi te brat!

Bio ja danas u Lazi...

Bio ja danas u Lazi da posetim jednog drugara (ne, nisu me zadržali, hvala na pitanju zlobnici nijedni) kad ono bre skroooz renovirali M odeljenje, nisam mogo da prepoznam, sve tapacirano i pod konac, pa ljubazno osoblje, nema više onih mesara i bradatih sestara no sve milf i to kvalitetni alooo, a da ne pričam o sređenom dnevnom boravku, nove fine stolice, pa plazma TV od ko zna kolko inča, svaka pepeljara na svom mestu a ne otimanje ko onomad, pa kupatilo uredno, cakli se, moš jesti s poda, a nema bre čak ni klošara, sve probrani pacijenti, agresivne što su nekad bili prebacili valjda na F odeljenje, ma milina jedna, a sobe ko suza čiste, i nema više po 12 kreveta nego 5-6 u vrh glave, mir božiji, ma totalno sam ostao bez daha, sve sam se štipao da vidim ne sanjam li ja to, i tačno mi došlo u jednom trenutku da isfoliram neki pokušaj samoubistva jbga, pa da odmorim dušu jedno metar dana u ovakvoj banji bre u centru Beograda i to za DŽ o trošku državu, samo za VIP onaj nekršteni, all bre inclusive!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Brilliant Madness (2002)

Mark Samels

Svi smo voleli film A Beautiful Mind (2001) gde je poludelog matematičara Džona Neša, kako to kritičari vole da kažu: maestralno odigrao Russell Crowe. E, ovo vam je dokumentarac o pravom Nešu, dobitniku Nobelove nagrade ali i jednom od retkih ljudi koji su uspeli da pobede paranoidnu shizofreniju.

"A Brilliant Madness is the story of a mathematical genius whose career was cut short by a descent into madness. At the age of 30, John Nash, a stunningly original and famously eccentric MIT mathematician, suddenly began claiming that aliens were communicating with him and that he was a special messenger. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, Nash spent the next three decades in and out of mental hospitals, all but forgotten. During that time, a proof he had written at the age of 20 became a foundation of modern economic theory. In 1994, as Nash began to show signs of emerging from his delusions, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Economics. The program features interviews with John Nash, his wife Alicia, his friends and colleagues, and experts in game theory and mental illness."

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Interview with Zeena: The Breaking of Taboo and Transgression of Social Norms in Religion and Culture - part 5

UKZN: In regard to Tantric Deities, there is a Deity named Unmatta Bhairava, who is regarded as the mad or crazy form of Bhairava. So I wondered why would a deity be regarded as insane. Is it insane from the perspective of an outsider or someone who is a non-Tantric?

Zeena: There are many reasons why wrathful deities appear the way that they do. First of all they could be local or regional wild pagan deities or demons who were later transformed to become Dharma protector deities but they still retain the frightful appearance they had when they were untamed pagan deities. Even when they've become enlightened and transformed into protector deities, they don’t change their original characteristics. That’s exactly what we have to understand about ourselves when practicing tantra…we have certain characteristics, a personality, we have a particular constitution or temperament, unique ways of being and when we embark on these practices, the point isn’t to turn ourselves into uniformly “nice” appearing people, smiling all the time (unless that happens to be your basic character to begin with). That idea, that to become enlightened you have to develop a totally different character or temperament,...that’s not the way it works actually.

Understanding wrathful deities of this kind are another way of understanding of Samsara and Nirvana as one. Because the wrathful deities - those who have been transformed from previously malignant deities - their character hasn’t changed. They have simply taken that fierce, powerful or forceful quality, that part of their character, and transformed themselves to apply those same qualities, through pure motivation (rather than tainted motivations) toward compassionate ends. So, you see some wrathful deities appear as they do because they've been transformed from formerly malicious deities or demons, yet their character hasn’t changed. They're still fearsome, they're still strong, they're still forceful but they are benevolent at the core.

To give an entirely different example of deities who appear in a wrathful form: It could be that there's one appearance of the deity [yidam], a peaceful appearing version, and then, that same deity is known to have another more wrathful appearance which the practitioner sees and understands in conjunction with his or her own level of spiritual development. The wrathful form of a normally benevolent appearing deity is a form of nakedness, no boundaries, nothing concealed, no fetters or fears. It can also be a way for the yidam to approach similar-appearing but malignant beings to gain their trust enough to show them the benefits of adopting virtuous motives and actions. Or, it could also be that a benevolent bodhisattva or Buddha takes a wrathful form to apply counterforce techniques to disarm a demon's non-virtuous actions while encouraging the demon's strengths and constructive qualities, showing him how to transform his strengths into positive goals. In this way, experiencing both peaceful and wrathful forms (or even multiple forms) of a yidam, bodhisattva or Buddha helps facilitate the practitioner's understanding and experience of non-dualism, impermanence and personal transformation for the purposes of ultimate enlightenment, to help others also reach enlightenment.

So, depending on the experiences and development of the practitioner, he or she might gravitate to more of the wrathful yidams.

On the other hand, there are times, for example, when a practitioner gets a glimpse of a normally benevolent-appearing deity in its wrathful form - or similarly - one's own teacher (who is the embodiment of a particular yidam or Buddha) in a wrathful form. This can be a test of sorts to the student - when a yidam, or a teacher, uncharacteristically appears wrathful. Often, that first glimpse of the wrathful side of a deity, that first experience of an “unpleasant aspect” of a deity or teacher, can be so disconcerting that it's enough to frighten off the weak-willed or uncommitted. This is an example of how the tantric path is the fastest route to realization. Because in order to make rapid progress, a student must overcome fears, judgments and prejudices very quickly. So viewing a wrathful manifestation of a diety, like Bhairava, as “insane” would be an indicator of one's understanding.

Photo: Guru Dorje Drolö — one of the Eight Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche [Padmasambhava]. Guru Dorje Drolö is the wrathful form of [Padmasambhava] riding upon a pregnant tigress. The first Emperor of Tibet [Trisong Detsen] invited Padmasambhava from the Swat region of Pakistan to subdue malignant demonic forces which caused plagues, epidemics and obstacles to the development of Buddhist teachings in Tibet. The demons were not destroyed, instead Padmasambhava taught them the Dharma which enabled their transformation into generous protectors. This corresponds with the tantric principle of not eliminating negative forces but redirecting them to fuel the journey toward spiritual awakening. Padmasambhava brought Indian tantric pratices to Tibetan Buddhism, which are now practiced as Buddhist tantra [Vajrayāna].

[Note: To dispel popular misconceptions — these practices have nothing to do with black magic, satanism, or malicious sorcery.]

Dear Mr. Gacy (2010)

Svetozar Ristovski

Konačno jedan skroz dobar film o Gejsiju u nizu ispodprosečnih, i to u režiji verovali ili ne našeg čoveka, Makedonca poreklom iz Titovog Velesa. Po prvi put je Gejsijev mentalni sklop prikazan veoma verodostojno u izvedbi odličnog William Forsythea. Dakle, slobodno pogledajte, verujte nećete zažaliti.

"A chronicle of the interaction between college student Jason Moss and the object of his obsession, serial killer John Wayne Gacy."


Monday, March 17, 2014

Gnostics: A Crack in the Universe (1987)

Stephen Segaller

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

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