"Zaverenicki" dokumentarac na fazon Zeitgeista, cak imam utisak da su ga isti ljudi pravili, ili bar neko ko je pokusao da ih iskopira. Dugo sam razmisljao dal' o ovome da pisem iz razloga sto je malo neozbiljno jbga, a i za razliku od Zeitgeista koji je ipak kolko tolko zasnovan na nekim "cinjenicama" i bavi se da kazemo realnim stvarima i novijom istorijom, ovaj film se bavi nekim teorijama koje su jako tesko dokazive, zapravo prakticno je nemoguce dokazati ih, pa su ga tako najavljivali kad se pojavio i kao "Beyond Zeitgeist" ciljajuci valjda na istu ekipu gledalaca jer pored tog novog svetskog poretka i multinacionalnih korporacija ovaj film se fokusira pre svega na tajne sluzbe, tajna drustva, znaci iluminati, masoni, i tako te familije koje navodno vladaju planetom vec par vekova. Ovde cete izmedju pregoleme gomile informacija saznati npr. i ko je bio Bushov pradeda i kakve on ima veze sa britanskom kraljevskom porodicom ali i kako je americka vlada prikrivala dokaze o NLO akcijama. Nema ko tu nije umesan od tih rukovodecih ljudi, od Linkolna pa na ovamo, svi predsednici, jedino ne znam kako se Obama tu uklapa, mada verovatno ce se naci neko ko ce ispitati njegovo poreklo sa majchine strane jer je belkinja. Uglavnom ako nista ovaj dok. je jako zanimljiv, 2 sata izuzetno zabavnog programa gde se iznose neke tvrdnje za koje ja zaista nemam pojma kako su autori uspeli da ih se dokopaju. Skroz bre opsesivno-kompulsivno. Al' sto neko rece : pogledajte pa prosudite sami, ne moze da shkodi u svakom slucaju, osim naravno ako ne bolujete od neke od ovih paranoidnih psihoza. Mada ako cemo realno danas u Srbiji ima sve vise obolelih ljudi koji nisu ni svesni toga, setimo se samo one domace parodije na ovaj fazon dokumentarca gde su pokusali da poture pricu o istinitosti nebuloza iz starog zaveta. Ili izjave pojedinaca koji su masovno gledali Zeitgeist, kao OK je film, al' prvi deo o religiji mi se nimalo ne svidja jer iznose neistine o Isusu Hristu. Zakuni se. Ili jos jace vadjenje koje sam procitao : kao to se misli samo na zapadno hriscanstvo, katolike i ostale, a nasa pravoslavana religija je drugacija. Najbolje da je bilo koja ORGANIZOVANA religija drugacija. Al dzaba sve, sto bude teza ekonomska situacija ljudi ce se sve vise okretati tim bolesnim religijama i ostalim ideologijama kao sto su fashizam i komunizam, jer kako je to lepo jedan pesnik izrekao : "Sto je bila partija sad je opet crkva" a ja bi samo dodao "i tako u krug". Al' vratimo se AGENDI jer danashnju kvotu "bogohuljenja" sam ispunio, moj Gospodar ce biti zadovoljan, cak sam napravio i prebacaj. Znachi pogledajte opusteno ovaj film, jako je sharen i svashta zanimljivo moze da se cuje i vidi, a opet ponavljam - ne moz' da shkodi i nije zamoran ko oni klasichni instant dokumentarci Alexa Jonesa, mada ne bi me nimalo chudilo da je i on ucestvovao ovde jer to je sve ista ekipa u principu. Jos korisnih informacija imate dole na engleskom. (126 min)
Talismanic Idols is a compilation of information from leading researchers, Lawyers, Scholars, Doctors, Scientists, and professionals in relative fields which influence all of humanity and the reality we perceive. It is likely that everyone has reached the point somewhere in their lives where they feel something is missing or seriously wrong in the world. Religious scriptures feel vague and unfulfilling. Science feels unpredictable and incomplete. Politicians find privacy behind the protection of National Security while undermining the privacy of the people. Corporate America has become Corporate Earth as every nation sovereignty is being compromised by a few wealthy families at the very top. Education is manufactured to disguise the true history of the planet. Media is manufactured to disguise the current events of the planet. Sports and Entertainment distract and influence emotions with sacred and subconscious geometry, symbolism, color, and sound. All of these seem to be disconnected and random occurrences from completely unrelated sources. But this could not be farther from the truth. There are no mistakes. There is nothing left to chance. There is an order and purpose to all that exists. Everything on this planet has happened to set up humanity for WHAT IS COMING NEXT. The question remains: Will these events benefit or hurt mankind?
The truth of the matter is, there are many changes occurring within the galaxy, our solar system, our planet Earth, and even within ourselves. What if there was an explanation for suffering, separation, status, discrimination, hatred, War, poverty, fear, love, and every aspect of our lives we dismiss as irrelevant or inexplainable as the work of a separate and untouchable God figure.
Talismanic Idols is a compilation of information from leading researchers, Lawyers, Scholars, Doctors, Scientists, and professionals in relative fields which influence all of humanity and the reality we perceive. It is likely that everyone has reached the point somewhere in their lives where they feel something is missing or seriously wrong in the world. Religious scriptures feel vague and unfulfilling. Science feels unpredictable and incomplete. Politicians find privacy behind the protection of National Security while undermining the privacy of the people. Corporate America has become Corporate Earth as every nation sovereignty is being compromised by a few wealthy families at the very top. Education is manufactured to disguise the true history of the planet. Media is manufactured to disguise the current events of the planet. Sports and Entertainment distract and influence emotions with sacred and subconscious geometry, symbolism, color, and sound. All of these seem to be disconnected and random occurrences from completely unrelated sources. But this could not be farther from the truth. There are no mistakes. There is nothing left to chance. There is an order and purpose to all that exists. Everything on this planet has happened to set up humanity for WHAT IS COMING NEXT. The question remains: Will these events benefit or hurt mankind?
The truth of the matter is, there are many changes occurring within the galaxy, our solar system, our planet Earth, and even within ourselves. What if there was an explanation for suffering, separation, status, discrimination, hatred, War, poverty, fear, love, and every aspect of our lives we dismiss as irrelevant or inexplainable as the work of a separate and untouchable God figure.
Pogledao sam skoro ovaj film i nastavak "kymatica" ali bih ih volio opet pogledati s prevodom.Isto tako imam par prijatelja s kojima bih ovo zelio podjeliti ali ne znaju engleski....
Ima li neko prevod bar za ovaj dio?
Evo ti prevod ovde :
Hvala ti!A kymaticu cu pokusati ja prevesti ovih dana,iako nisam bas strucnjak :D
Nemoj da se cimas bezveze, evo prevoda ;)
sa zaljenjem javljam da su linkovi za agendu mrtvi...
inace, cestitke na blogu i na tvom osvezavajucem pristupu bez dlake na jeziku. samo tako nastavi, mada se ne slazem bas sa svim tvojim fascinacijama :)
Fala na dojavi, evo novih linkova za Agendu. A sto se tice tih fascinacija, sustina i jeste da se ljudi u vecini ne sloze sa mojim stavovima, i ja sam i te kako toga svestan, al' to je samo u cilju da eto barem pokusamo da razmisljamo o nekim skakljivim temama na malko drugaciji nacin, jer ipak smo mi navikli da vecinu stvari prihvatamo zdravo za gotovo, onako kako nam mediji plasiraju, naravno ovde mislim i na serijske ubice i na moral/nemoral i na jos sto-sta. ;)
Prevod imate na www.all4divx.com
Dobar,valja ga imati u kolekciji,cepa mozak,tera na vijuganje...Otvara neka nova gledista,etc..
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