Monday, November 30, 2009

Genie - Secret of the Wild Child (1994)

Novembra 1970. u pregrađu Los Anđelesa pronađena je 14-ogodišnja devojčica koja je 10 godina provela zatvorena u jednom sobičku od strane svojih roditelja koji su tvrdili da je retardirana i da je na taj način štite od spoljnog sveta. Pošto je detinjstvo provela u socijalnoj izolaciji, Džini nije znala da govori, i dalje je nosila pelena i jedva je hodala. Socijalna služba je preuzela Džini i naučnici su iskoristili ovu jedinstvenu priliku da konačno istraže fenomen "divljeg deteta", i naravno da pokušaju da je rehabilituju. Uz pomoć terapeuta Džini je polako počela da uči reči, a o tome šta se dalje dešavalo svedoče ljudi koji su joj tada pomagali, i gomila arhivskog video materijala, jer to je bio prvi put u istoriji da je takva pojava zabeležena kamerom. Surovo tužna priča jer nažalost takvih slučajeva ima i danas, svuda po svetu, pa i kod nas. BBC Horizon produkcija. (48 min)

"This Emmy Award-winning documentary is the story of a girl who spent her childhood locked in a bedroom. The study of a young girl who for the early part of her life was reared in a severly deprived environment. She became a test case for an important and controversial theory of language development - a biologically determined critical period for language acquisition. Genie was discovered at the age of 14, and had spent her life being tied to a chair since the age of 20 months. Nobody ever spoke to her, and her blind mother would feed her hurriedly and punish her if she made a sound. After her discovery psychologists and linguists attempted to teach Genie language. Although she learnt to use many words and combined them into simple phrases, she never became proficient at syntax. It appears that the crucial factor behind her lack of language development was the relatively late age that she learnt language. Genie was reared in extreme isolation, and was deprived of any social exposure to language. In the care of scientists she became an extrodinary case study in language development - does language have a critical period for language development?"

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TripAtBrain said...

Druze,brate...Ovo je jako tuzno...Kakvi su to bolesnici?Bolje da nisam gledao:/

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