Friday, August 26, 2011

Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child (2010)

Tamra Davis

Trajanje: 88 min

Nikad nisam kontao ovakvu vrstu umetnosti ali sam je poštovao, i to upravo zbog ovakvih likova, tako da nemam puno šta da kažem na temu Baskijata, ali sam zato obožavao onaj igrani film a posebno scenu kada stoji u džipu a ide genijalna pesmica "Summer in Siam", evo i sad se naježim. Uostalom, uverite se i sami kolko je to jako:

U svakom slučaju, moraću ponovo da pogledam taj film a vama preporučujem ovaj dokumentarac, jer ga svakako ne bi valjalo propustiti, ipak takva jedna životna priča je ko rođena za ovaj format. Uživajte.

"Director Tamra Davis pays homage to her friend in this definitive documentary but also delves into Basquiat as an iconoclast. His dense, bebop-influenced neoexpressionist work emerged while minimalist, conceptual art was the fad; as a successful black artist, he was constantly confronted by racism and misconceptions. Much can be gleaned from insider interviews and archival footage, but it is Basquiat's own words and work that powerfully convey the mystique and allure of both the artist and the man."



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