Abbey Jack Neidik
Runtime: 52 min
"Children of God" je bila samo još jedna u nizu hrišćanskih sekti koja je u svojim ranim danima, krajem 60-ih godina, pokušala da se infiltrira u hipi pokret ali joj to naravno nije uspelo jer ipak što ne ide, ne ide jebiga, i tu nema boga. Glavna faca u ovoj veseloj družini je bio David Berg, samoproklamovani prorok, mesija, i šta već ide uz to, i ja sam uveren da bi i ova kao i mnoge druge hrišćanske sekte prošla skroz nezapažena da se Berg nije dosetio jedne opake akcije. Naime, jednog dana mu se javilo da pored duhovnog, ljubav prema bogu treba da se iskazuje i na fizičkom nivou, te je poslao svoje sledbenice da se jebu sa običnim narodom da bi ih putem besplatnog seksa privukle bogu tj. njegovoj organizaciji "Božija Deca" što su ove vrlo rado činile, tako da je broj članova narastao do neverovatne 42 hiljade, što možda i nije toliko neverovatno ako uzmemo u obzir taj free sex momenat.
Naravno, Berg nije prvi koji se dosetio takve akcije, eto npr. Čarli je odrađivao sličan rad još '67, samo što je Čarli išao na kvalitet a nikako na kvantitet kao Berg, jer Čarli je obično organizovao te orgije kada su mu u goste dolazili članovi motociklističke bande Straight Satans, a sve u cilju da ih pridobije za neke svoje buduće akcije, da ne širimo priču. Uglavnom, Berg je napravio neku vrstu božije javne kuće, gde su ljudi dolazili iz svih krajeva SAD-a da bi opštili sa Božijom Decom, i to se pokazalo kao i te kako plodotvorno, ali kako to obično biva lokalno građanstvo se pobunilo, te su morali da izmeste svoje aktivnosti prvo u neku vukojebinu u Teksasu, a zatim i u Argentinu, jer je za Bergom u međuvremenu raspisana međunarodna poternica zbog podvođenja, i to me odma' podsetilo na Džim Džounsa i njegov Hram Naroda, jer su ovi zapalili u Gvajanu, mada sam Džouns i nije za poređenje sa Bergom, jer je za razliku od Berga samo on jebo, a ostali su bili ko fol hrišćani, ali opet treba primetiti da je taj sindrom beganja na izolovana mesta jako simptomatičan kod svih tih apokaliptičnih kultova gde su se lideri sami proglašavali za proroke. Uglavnom, da ne otkrivam baš sve, na kraju je došlo do toga da je Berg par godina živeo sa svojom rođenom unukom koja je bila maloletna, gde je kasnije ustanovljeno da ju je najopuštenije seksualno zlostavljao. I eto, šta dalje da vam pričam, takvi su vam hrišćani, al' šta da im radiš, ne mo'š im ništa, osim eventualno da svako spali crkvu u svom kraju, to možda ne bi bilo loše.
"David Berg rose to popularity in the 1970s, gaining thousands of followers as a benevolent and pleasure-loving messiah. But he later claimed that God spoke to him directly, and he christened himself "The Love Prophet". The "Children of God" were his missionaries (River Phoenix's parents among them), singing folk songs and spreading the word: God is love, or, more accurately, sex is the divine expression of God's love. Berg himself was a polygamist who encouraged his congregation to "share" their spouses. He created a unique recruitment tactic: nubile young women were urged to offer themselves to strangers. This gave rise to exotic dance performances, escort services, and videos of women masturbating with beatific fervor. Berg was eventually investigated by his own followers for various moral infractions, and at his death the Children of God whitewashed his legacy. His son now helms the Church, which has grown more in tune with fin-de-siècle puritanism. Director Abbey Nedick has skillfully painted a disturbing portrait of a shepherd and his sheep, melding archival footage with interviews with past and present members, many of whom still think Berg was a great visionary. Because of its graphic content and unapologetic depiction of fanaticism, this documentary may not be widely seen in the US."
"' šta da im radiš, ne mo'š im ništa, osim eventualno da svako spali crkvu u svom kraju, to možda ne bi bilo loše." XD
ako imas jos koji dok. o ovom majstoru Bergu,
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The Love Prophet and the Children of God (1998) - NEW LINK ADDED!
Hi there
Is there any chance of posting a Mega link to 'The Love Prophet And the Children of God'?
I found a couple of versions on the net, one on You Tube and one on a website made by former Family members but the quality is really bad and judging from your You Tube clip, the version you posted is better quality.
In the meantime I guess people can use these links to at least watch the documentary.
I forgot to also add the following link:
The above has a very good quality version of the documentary but unfortunately it has hard-coded French subtitles, but it is still very watchable and if you scroll down, you can find a PDF "teaching aid" about the documentary, which gives an interesting insight into how these areas are currently treated in western educational systems.
There are also English and French transcripts of the documentary in DOC format so if anyone is looking to make subtitles, this is very useful.
The website has lots of scans of the Children Of God comics and posters as well as some audio clips and lots of links to other videos on the cult - a very useful resource - one can get a glimpse into how sex and power and control operate in our current consensus reality.
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