Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Rape of Nanking (1999)

Strahote i užasi moderne civilizacije, sveži plodovi ljudskog nakota. Ne znam kako vas, al' mene ovo neodoljivo podseća na scene iz Jasenovca, ko da je tu neko od nekoga krao, mada ljudska mašta je čudo, nema šta tu puno da se izmišlja, sve je tu, zapisano u genima još od vajkada. Došla japanska imerijalna vojska decembra 1937. te zauzela tada glavni grad Republike Kine Nanking i za dva meseca pobili sve živo. I aj' što su pobili, to i nije neka novotarija u ratu, nego kako su ih pobili, al' to gledajte u dokumentarcu. Ovi Japanci se definitivno kolju s ustašama, tu su negde, doduše u maloj prednosti da ne budem baš skroz pristrasan. S tom razlikom što su ovi mislili da je njihov car BOG lično, a ovi da su im Srbi krivi za sve, mada mu to na kraju dođe na isto. Pogledajte dokumentarac svakako (svuda vidim ustaše jbga, "imagine the ustasha").

"The Nanking Massacre, commonly known as the Rape of Nanking, was an infamous genocidal war crime committed by the Japanese military in Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China, after it fell to the Imperial Japanese Army on December 13, 1937. The duration of the massacre is not clearly defined, although the violence lasted well into the next six weeks, until early February 1938.

During the occupation of Nanjing, the Japanese army committed numerous atrocities, such as rape, looting, arson and the execution of prisoners of war and civilians. Although the executions began under the pretext of eliminating Chinese soldiers disguised as civilians, it is claimed that a large number of innocent men were intentionally identified as enemy combatants and executed—or simply killed outright—as the massacre gathered momentum. A large number of women and children were also killed, as rape and murder became more widespread."


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