Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy Jr

Sufjan Stevens, moj omiljeni akusticar od te novije ekipe na svom albumu ILLINOIS iz 2005. objavio je po meni svoju najbolju pesmu, najnezniju ali ujedno i najbolniju, i mislim da svako od nas moze da se prepozna u nekim delovima ovog teksta i neznoj melodiji na isuvise mracnu temu kakva je John Wayne Gacy. Molim vas poslusajte barem ovaj LIVE snimak meni za "ljubav", a kome se svidi tu je MP3 download pesme u originalu.

Sufjan Stevens live in San Francisco :

Music Video (spec) :

His father was a drinker
And his mother cried in bed
Folding John Wayne's T-shirts
When the swingset hit his head
The neighbors they adored him
For his humor and his conversation
Look underneath the house there
Find the few living things
Rotting fast in their sleep of the dead
Twenty-seven people, even more
They were boys with their cars, summer jobs
Oh my God

Are you one of them?

He dressed up like a clown for them
With his face paint white and red
And on his best behavior
In a dark room on the bed he kissed them all
He'd kill ten thousand people
With a sleight of his hand
Running far, running fast to the dead
He took off all their clothes for them
He put a cloth on their lips
Quiet hands, quiet kiss
On the mouth

And in my best behavior
I am really just like him
Look beneath the floorboards
For the secrets I have hid



Anonymous said...

volis sufjana? iznenadjujes me, imas i neznu stranu :)

son of man said...

A kako to leba ti moze da se zakljuci da neko nema neznu stranu ? Ja sam uveren da je svako ima. Isto ko sto osoba koja je navodno neznija ima i svoju mracnu stranu, svoje mracne tajne koje ni sa kim ne deli. A upravo o tome govori i ova genijalna Sufjanova pesmica - zar ne ? :]

"And in my best behavior
I am really just like him
Look beneath the floorboards
For the secrets I have hid"

Anonymous said...

super odgovor na komentar anonimnog,slazem se skroz naskroz

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