"Upravo je stigla informacija da će najkontroverzniji srpski film imati svetsku premijeru na festivalu SXSW 2010 (od 12. do 20. marta). "Srpski film" će biti prikazan u okviru selekcije SX FANTASTIC. Ovo je pre svega veliki uspeh za jedan nezavisni film iza koga stoje samo autori filma. Film koji je podigao dosta prašine gde god da se pojavio, nije ostavio ravnodušnim ni čuvenog Todd Browna koji je za sajt Twitchfilm napisao sledeće:
"At the Cannes festival in 2009 I stated publicly that I couldn't imagine a more transgressive film than Lars Von Trier's Antichrist coming down the line any time soon. Having had the chance since then to witness Serbian Film I now say that I was very, very wrong. This is a film that left me feeling dirty and assaulted, a film that will surely spark protest and deservedly so. But it is also something far more than just exploitation - a factor that makes it all the more powerful and disturbing. Freshly selected for SXSW 2010, now seems like a good time to revisit the trailer but bear in mind that it is very, very definitely NOT work safe."
Ovo je film o kome će se još dugo govoriti."
"At the Cannes festival in 2009 I stated publicly that I couldn't imagine a more transgressive film than Lars Von Trier's Antichrist coming down the line any time soon. Having had the chance since then to witness Serbian Film I now say that I was very, very wrong. This is a film that left me feeling dirty and assaulted, a film that will surely spark protest and deservedly so. But it is also something far more than just exploitation - a factor that makes it all the more powerful and disturbing. Freshly selected for SXSW 2010, now seems like a good time to revisit the trailer but bear in mind that it is very, very definitely NOT work safe."
Ovo je film o kome će se još dugo govoriti."
Sto se tice Srpskog filma...
bolesno da bolesnije ne moze biti...
Ja ne znam da li i najvecim perverznjacimo mogu podati onakve ideje na mozak kao autorima ovog filma.
Gluma mi se ne svidja(sto se tice anonimusa),a Katarina Zutic kako stari sve je bolja i bolja riba...
sto se mene tice u filmu me ne odbijaju perverzije nego sto je to sve nabacano i sto film nema ama bas nikakvu pricu.zaista jedan nepotreban film.
prvo sam imao osecaj da je film napravio neki klinac koji se lozi na cannibal corpse, japanske pornice i mange te sam se razocarao kad sam cuo da ga je radio radivojevic, lika kojeg sam cenio zbog shock coridora...kako me je razocarao, takav plicak radivojevicu, mislim stvarno.
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