Prvi ozbiljan album Youth of Today-a, tako da preskačem 'Can't close my eyes' i 'Break Down the Walls', i postavljam ga prvog. Pogađate, pesmicaNo Moremi je ovde ubedljivo najjača.
"In medieval England fallen under the shadow of the Black Death, a young monk called Osmund is charged in leading a fearsome knight, Ulric and his group of mercenaries to a remote marsh. Their quest is to hunt down a necromancer - someone able to bring the dead back to life. Torn between his love of God and the love of a young woman, Osmund discovers the necromancer, a mysterious beauty called Langiva. After Langiva reveals her Satanic identity and offers Osmund his hearts desire, the horror of his real journey begins."
AIR je čičin album iz četvorodelnog 'ATWA' serijala, inače ATWA je ime Čarlijeve organizacije koja se već preko 3 decenije bori za očuvanje prirode, znači vazduha (Air), šuma (Trees), vode (Water) i životinja (Animals). Ovo je prvi album, a sledeći pod nazivom 'Trees' izlazi oko nove godine, dok će 'Water' i 'Animals' biti pušteni na proleće i jesen.
Evo jednog baš-baš surovog, naime radi se u dokumentarcu koji se našao u best-seleru Stevena Jay Schneidera, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, gde je Šnajder, ko što i sam naslov veli, napravio listu filmova koje nikako ne bi valjalo propustiti za života, dakle ukoliko ne verujete meni da ovo pod obavezno treba pogledati, verujte barem Šnajderu. Ostale naslove sa ove zaista prajsles liste možete naći ovde. Inače, ovaj dokumentarac se bavi jednom kolonijom leproznih u Iranu, a ako tome pridodamo da se radi o 60-im godinama, onda otprilike možete da zamislite na šta to liči, dakle realni srednji vek, bez cenzure, bez kurtona, samo tužni ljudi koji se i bukvalno živi raspadaju, s tim što ovo nikako nije shockumentary trip, već pravi art film, uostalom ne bi ga Šnajder bezveze ugurao međ stotine genijalnih igranih filmova. Dakle, još jedan savršen dokaz da je pakao zapravo na zemlji i da overeno nema boga ma ni u najavi. Hell yeah! (22 min)
"The House is Black, written, directed and edited in 1963 by Forugh Farrokhzad is a brilliant piece of work done on an issue that has hardly been portrayed in any kind of film, fiction or non. Filmed in B&W on location somewhere on a Middle Eastern island, the film portrays a rapid series of events during the everyday lives of all of its inhabitants that are suffering from various stages of leprosy."
"For the past 30 years CBGB has played host to up and coming bands from all subgenres of rock and continues to capture the hearts of those who appreciate the spirit of original music. The DVD captures the intense punk rock that rages through the club on a nightly basis. Includes a complete tour of the legendary CBGB's in New York by Hilly Kristal as well as 67 minutes of raw live punk rock." (97 min)
O ovom filmu nema šta puno da se piše, to se gleda iznova i iznova, svaki put sa novim žarom. Baciću samo par ličnih frustracija iz detinjstva, i naglasiti da posebno obratite pažnju na uvodnu špicu filma jer se tu pojavljuje i citat nihilističkog genija, serijskog ubice Karla Pancrama, koga i sam često citiram, što može i da se primeti gore desno. Dakle, citat glasi "voleo bih da celo čovečanstvo ima jedan vrat sa mojim rukama oko njega." Genijalno zar ne? Pa naravno, Pajkić je još početkom 80-ih znao znanje, a i ne može baš svako da citira Pancrama, to mora i da se zasluži u neku ruku, a i posledice su nesagledive, jer Pajkiću je to poslednji valjan scenario, a ni Šijan se nije baš proslavio, što no kažu, obilo im se o glavu. Moja muka iz detinjstva a vezana za ovaj film datira još iz 1985. godine kada sam pohađao prvi razred osnovne škole Filip Kljajić Fića na Banovom Brdu, a da stvar bude još morbidnija, u prvi razred, u odeljenje do mog, išla je i pokojna Ksenija Pajčin, doduše ja je se iskreno i ne sećam, ali ima par relevantnih svedoka koji su mi to potvrdili.
Te '85 su prvi put pustili Davitelja na TV-u, ali je meni keva zabranila da gledam, jer sam iovako bio navodno istraumiran od svega i svačega, a sećam se da mi je iste godine zabranila da gledam i Aliena, tako da sam samo tokom zimskog i letnjeg raspusta mogao da gledam horrore kod babe i dede, jer je moj pokojni deda prosto obožavao horrore, i nije mi branio, iako se baba protivila. Al' vratimo se na Davitelja. Kad su pustili film na TV-u, sutradan u školi su sva deca znala forice iz filma, tipa 'volite li karanfile?' i slično, a ja sam ostao totalno zatečen. Znam, patetika, al' jebiga kad sam ostao uskraćen za to jedinstveno iskustvo još sa 7 godina, i to je bio jedan od krucijalnih događaja u mom odrastanju koji je uticao na to da postanem ovo što sam danas, ma ne smem ni da kažem šta. Na mene je to bre uticalo ko zabrana seksa pre braka, ili tako neki užas. Nedobog nikom da bude tako izopšten. Ali u neku ruku i imam razumevanja za svoje roditelje, od malena su me vodili po raznim ustanovama, po raznim pedagozima, logopedima, psiholozima i psihijatrima, i bilo im je više muka od svega, jer imati mene za prvorođeno dete je bio neopisiv užas sam za sebe, nisu im trebali horror filmovi, ja sam bio dovoljan, bez zajebancije. To'ko.(93 min)
"When it comes to crime, Belgrade is same as any other modern metropolis, except for having its own serial killers. That blank is filled when a flower salesman begins strangling women. A popular, but very disturbed rock star soon becomes telepathically connected with the killer."
Meni je otpočetka bio cilj da kada pišem o dokumentarcima, da nikada zapravo ne pišem o onome šta je tema, a evo čoveka koji je u tome skroz naskoz uspeo i to na mnogo višem, dokumentarnom nivou. Ross McElwee je počeo da snima film o čuvenom Šermanovom maršu koji se odigrao 1864. tokom američkog građanskog rata, kada je general juga William Tecumseh Sherman poveo svoju vojsku u rušilački pohod po Džordžiji i Južnoj Karolini, gde su palili i rušili sve pred sobom a bez nekog posebnog razloga, tj. pretpostavljam da je i postojao neki valjan razlog, ali o tome u ovom filmu baš i nećete puno toga saznati, jer ovaj čovek je kralj, dakle krenuo je da snima tom rutom kuda je marširao Šerman, ali je skrenuo u skroz neku ličnu priču, zapravo ponajviše priču o zanimljivim i lepim ženama koje je susretao usput, te je tako od smaračkog istorijskog dokumentarca napravio, pa može se slobodno reći genijalan rad, i evo sad pokušavam da se prisetim još nekog dokumentarca koji nosi ovakvu atmosferu, i jedino što mi pada na pamet je eventualno Grey Gardens, s tim što je Grey Gardens fokusiran na samo 2 žene, a ovde ih ima oho-ho buljuk. U svakom slučaju, genijalan film, i dosad se nisam susretao sa filmovima Ross McElweea, ali ću to nadokanditi čim pre, obećavam. (157 min)
"Ross McElwee sets out to make a documentary about the lingering effects of General Sherman's march of destruction through the South during the Civil War, but is continually sidetracked by women who come and go in his life, his recurring dreams of nuclear holocaust, and Burt Reynolds."
"Sherman's March: A Meditation on the Possibility of Romantic Love In the South During an Era of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation is a 1986 documentary film written and directed by Ross McElwee. It was awarded the Grand Jury prize in the at the 1987 Sundance Film Festival, and in 2000, was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry."
"A is for Autism is a dazzling animated collage of drawings, live-action sequences and voiceovers that offers an insight into different aspects and forms of autism. It gives a rare glimpse of the very private and personal worlds of autistic children and adults, their thoughts and feelings and, especially, their sensory responses to and experiences of the world."
"With an absent father and a withdrawn and depressed mother, 17 year-old Ree Dolly keeps her family together in a dirt poor rural area. She's taken aback however when the local Sheriff tells her that her father put up their house as collateral for his bail and unless he shows up for his trial in a week's time, they will lose it all. She knows her father is involved in the local drug trade and manufactures crystal meth but anywhere she goes the message is the same: stay out of it and stop poking your nose in other people's business. She refuses to listen, even after her father's brother, Teardrop, tells her he's probably been killed. She pushes on, putting her own life in danger, for the sake of her family until the truth, or enough of it, is revealed."
"The world’s most prolific killer, Shipman is estimated to have killed 275 people. When the police began investigating, they struggled to understand him. How could a doctor who was trusted and respected by more than 3000 patients also be a killer?"
"Drazen Petrovic and Vlade Divac were two friends who grew up together sharing the common bond of basketball. Together, they lifted the Yugoslavian National team to unimaginable heights. After conquering Europe, they both went to America where they became the first two foreign players to attain NBA stardom. But with the fall of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day 1991, Yugoslavia split up. A war broke out between Petrovic's Croatia and Divac's Serbia. Long buried ethnic tensions surfaced. And these two men, once brothers, were now on opposite sides of a deadly civil war. As Petrovic and Divac continued to face each other on the basketball courts of the NBA, no words passed between the two. Then, on the fateful night of June 7, 1993, Drazen Petrovic was killed in an auto accident. "Once Brothers" will tell the gripping tale of these two men, how circumstances beyond their control tore apart their friendship, and whether Divac has ever come to terms with the death of a friend before they had a chance to reconcile."