Leni Riefenstahl
Runtime: 110 min
Došlo je vreme da se konačno i ovaj masterpis Leni Riefenstahl nađe na abraxas blogu. Mnogo toga je napisano o ovom kontraverznom filmu, i mnogi se neće složiti sa mnom, ali činjenica je neumitna, da npr. ovaj film nije snimljen u cilju propagande Hitlerovog režima, ovo bi bio najgenijalniji dokumentarac ikada snimljen, pravo remek delo u punom smislu te reči, mada i pored toga što je ocrnjen, on se ipak našao na listi 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die by Steven Jay Schneider. Znači, pokušajte da bar na trenutak zaboravite kakvim osobama se bavi ovaj film i šta je usledilo kao posledica ovakve propagande i videćete nešto veličanstveno, nešto što Leni Rifenštal nikako ne bi mogla sama da snimi. Dakle, Leni jeste bila genijalna rediteljka, to je nepobitno, ali tvrdim, da biste snimili ovakav jedan grandiozan i neponovljiv dokumentarac morate da imate jedinstven događaj kao što je bio ovaj 1934. u Nurembergu. Znači, ako još neko kojim slučajem nije pogledao Trijumf Volje, nek sad pogleda il' nek umre, aupičkumaterinu više.
"Triumph of the Will is one of the most important films ever made. Not because it documents evil--more watchable examples are being made today. And not as a historical example of blind propaganda--those (much shorter) movies are merely laughable now. No, Riefenstahl's masterpiece--and it is a masterpiece, politics aside--combines the strengths of documentary and propaganda into a single, overwhelmingly powerful visual force.
Riefenstahl was hired by the Reich to create an eternal record of the 1934 rally at Nuremberg, and that's exactly what she does. You might not become a Nazi after watching her film, but you will understand too clearly how Germany fell under Hitler's spell. The early crowd scenes remind one of nothing so much as Beatles concert footage (if only their fans were so well behaved!).
Like the fascists it monumentalizes, Triumph of the Will overlooks its own weaknesses--at nearly two hours, the speeches tend to drone on, and the repeated visual motifs are a little over-hypnotic, especially for modern viewers. But the occasional iconic vista (banners lining the streets of Nuremberg, Hitler parting a sea of 200,000 party members standing at attention) will electrify anyone into wakefulness."
Subtitles :
Serbian, Hungarian, French, English, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazil
Fantastican dokumentarac o Leni
Šnajder ga je sa pravom svrstao u knjigu. Ovo je zaista jedan od filmova koji je toliko važan, toliko bitan i to iz više aspekata, da je stvarno gre'ota ne pogledati ga. Em što je zanatski odrađen fantastično (Leni je fenomenalno odradila posao), em što se gledajući ovakve filmove najbolje može razumeti zašto se sve dogodilo onako kako se dogodilo. Ne možeš protiv nacizma da se boriš ako ga ne poznaješ.
Alal vera tebra, zabo si mu poentu sa ovom poslednjom rečenicom. Upravo taj rad.
Triumph of the Will (1935) - NEW SINGLE RS LINK!
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