Tuesday, December 7, 2010

William S. Burroughs (1999)

Koristim ovu priliku da pozovem sve ljude loše volje, sve suštinske drkadžije slične meni, sav ološ belosrpski, sve parafiličare, narkomane i klošare, da se pojave u četvrtak u 19h u Domu Omladine, sala na prvom spratu, na promociji novog broja časopisa GRADAC posvećenog Williamu S. Burroughsu. Ulaz je naravno džaba a i to samo iz razloga da sav prihod ne bi išao unesrećenima u Kraljevu, dakle zloba na prvom mestu, iskrena i vazda dosledna. Na promociji će govoriti Dejan Ognjanović i Nenad Daković, a ostale informacije vezane za ovu mentalnu orgiju možete naći ođe, a tu je i prigodan Ognjanovićev tekst VILIJAM BAROUZ – TOTALNI OTPADNIK. Mora da napomenem da nikako ne bi valjalo propustiti ovaj hepening jer će tamo biti sam VRH srpskog DNA, između ostalih, verovali ili ne, i ja, o da, a kao uvod za priču o hardkor džankiju Barouzu, true till death fanatiku svoje vrste, možete pogledati ovaj dokumentarac, ali i William S. Burroughs: Commissioner of Sewers (1991)Destroy All Rational Thought (1998). See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya...

"Like most visionaries, William Burroughs takes his inner war outside the walls, to fight against the evil spirits of power and control that roam the human race. How do these "alien spirit" get us to want always more, better, newer, disregarding the consequences? For W Burroughs, it'simple: we are the junky and the pusher, locked in a deadly embrace of desire. With his unique experience, Prof. Burroughs teaches us " the algebra of need", tenaciously, while his ferocious alter ego William Seward blast us with sensory overload, sulfuric humor, to kill our larval defenses and destroy the contols, the rackets, the "Nova Mob" that enslave us : a lesson paid for in blood. Borrowing the author's telescoping imagery, the film attempt to follow his trips, real and imaginary, pauses a little to tell the story, and goes on to the next stage of Burroughs' "voyage in inner space", where he mixes and cuts his way toward space, out of the slavery of time, to freedom and death."

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Anonymous said...

William S. Burroughs - Call Me Burroughs [ESP Disk, 1965]


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