Prica o ljudima sirom Amerike koji su isparanoisani toliko da su odlucili da provedu zivot pripremajuci se za 3. svetski rat ili vec nesto slicno tome. Otprilike nesto kao real life Blast From The Past, neki ljudi imaju bazen u dvoristu, neki imaju ljuljaske za klince, ovi imaju atomsko skloniste. Zaista fascinantno, ljudi su se skroz udubili u celu problematiku, pa tako osim onih osnovnih stvari (zalihe hrane, vode i sl), ta sklonista imaju i sigurnosne izlaze, tajne prolaze i sl, a sve to u slucaju ako neprijatelj otkrije glavni ulaz, srusi se kuca na njega i sl. Grupa ljudi kojoj nikako ne treba pustiti Digitalnog Andjela. I ok, u pravu su oni sto se nekih stvari tice, rata je uvek bilo i uvek ce biti, istina je da svet mrzi Ameriku, da tamo negde u nekom cosku cuce teroristi, ali ja bih ipak radije birala ono live fast, die young, umesto skupljaj, gradi i umri u zvucno izolovanoj prostoriji pored nekoliko tona hrane u majici na kojoj pise "I have a shelter. If you see me running, try to keep up." Ali da ne bude da mislim da je sve to potpuno besmisleno, ta sklonista zaista mogu biti od koristi. Kul ih je imati slucaju tornada, zemljotresa, vulkana i ostalih prirodnih nepogoda, u slucaju invazije vanzemanjaca ili napada ninja pingvina, mogu ih iznajmljivati lokalnim bendovima, ili ukoliko bracni par ima gomilu dece, a zele malo da budu sami... dovoljno je samo da zakljucaju klince u skloniste. Sve zavisi samo od kretivnosti vlasnika.
VELIKA mana dokumentarca je sto traje samo 30 minuta, a bavi se vise porodica tako da nista nije razradjeno kako treba, sve je nabudzeno i sve u svemu nista nije receno. Predstavlja samo osvrt na to da tamo negde postoji i ta vrsta ljudi.
Has the bomb shelter reached the American mainstream, or just a wider swath of the lunatic fringe? Buried in the Backyard is a documentary about people in the United States who are actively engaged in preparations for nuclear attack. Meet Andre, living alone in the mountains of New England, tending his campground, his public and private bomb shelters, and the ashes of his wife. And Steve, whose Michigan basement contains a plywood shelter shored up with several years' worth of food and water. And meet the hard core believers, like Utah Shelter Systems co-owners Sharon and Paul, who both keep several bomb shelters- including some in remote locations where they plan to escape from the human chaos when a nuclear war begins. But there are also the more average Americans, like Don and Barbara, whose suburban cement safe room is attached to a basement full of exercise equipment, a never-used pool table, and a year's worth of stored food and water. In Utah, the dirt mound that shields the Jay and Kim's shelter is visible from the living room doors, in front of the family's horses and the view of distant snow-capped mountains. Journey with Buried in the Backyard into the interior of America-into the bomb shelters that lie below and into the minds that make them.
VELIKA mana dokumentarca je sto traje samo 30 minuta, a bavi se vise porodica tako da nista nije razradjeno kako treba, sve je nabudzeno i sve u svemu nista nije receno. Predstavlja samo osvrt na to da tamo negde postoji i ta vrsta ljudi.
Has the bomb shelter reached the American mainstream, or just a wider swath of the lunatic fringe? Buried in the Backyard is a documentary about people in the United States who are actively engaged in preparations for nuclear attack. Meet Andre, living alone in the mountains of New England, tending his campground, his public and private bomb shelters, and the ashes of his wife. And Steve, whose Michigan basement contains a plywood shelter shored up with several years' worth of food and water. And meet the hard core believers, like Utah Shelter Systems co-owners Sharon and Paul, who both keep several bomb shelters- including some in remote locations where they plan to escape from the human chaos when a nuclear war begins. But there are also the more average Americans, like Don and Barbara, whose suburban cement safe room is attached to a basement full of exercise equipment, a never-used pool table, and a year's worth of stored food and water. In Utah, the dirt mound that shields the Jay and Kim's shelter is visible from the living room doors, in front of the family's horses and the view of distant snow-capped mountains. Journey with Buried in the Backyard into the interior of America-into the bomb shelters that lie below and into the minds that make them.
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