Monday, August 31, 2009

Ancient Aliens (2009)

Kritički osvrt na bestseler Ericha Von Danikena po kome je snimljen kultni dokumentarac Chariots Of The Gods (1970) sa najnovijim dokazima koji idu u prilog teoriji da su Bogovi zapravo bili vanzemaljci. Odlično urađeno, najtoplije preporučujem. (90 min)

"In modern times, the first UFO was reported in 1947. But many people believe that aliens have been among us for thousands of years. And for evidence, they point to certain ancient texts and monuments. Do they, in fact, tell the story of extraterrestrial contact eons ago? Join the worlds leading UFO experts including the authors of the bestselling Alien Identities and Fingerprints of the Gods for an extraordinary investigation that journeys through human history in search of evidence of alien contact. Why do so many structures, from different societies worldwide, seem to point towards the same spot in the skies? What other possible explanation is there for the frequent references to strange flying objects in ancient texts? Do some clues point to the presence of aliens among the ancients themselves? With dramatic re-creations, footage from around the world and inspired scholarship, Ancient Aliens attempts to uncover the truth."

Download :

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The American Nightmare (2000)

Adam Simon

Jedan od boljih dokumentaraca na temu američkih horor klasika. Ono što ga izdvaja od ostalih je to da se ne govori isključivo i samo o filmovima. Npr. priča počinje sa Romerovim "Night of the living dead" iz '68 i onda režiseri i ostala ekipa koja ceni te filmove govore o uticajima koje su politička i socijalna dešavanja izvršila na taj film, znači represija nad crncima na jugu, studentski protesti, pominju se i politička ubistva Martina Lutera Kinga i Bobija Kenedija, zatim rat u Vijetnamu, uglavnom sav onaj pravi horor-užas iz realnog života. Odma' iza Romera ide Cravenov "Last House on the left", pa TCM i tako dalje redom sve do kraja 70-ih.

"Horror films have often been more than simple scares. At their best, they reflect society's anxiety's and concerns. In this film, major horror film makers such as George Romero and Tobe Hooper discuss the creation of their films in the 1960s and '70s and how they related to contemporary events while interviewed intellectuals give their own opinions."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

A&E Biography - Joel Rifkin

Joel Rifkin, "najplodniji" Njujorški serijski ubica. U periodu između '89 i '93 godine ubio 17 prostitutki, osuđen samo za 9 usled nedostatka dokaza. Trenutno na doživotnoj robiji. Nisam se preterano bavio ovim likom jer mi ubice prostitutki baš i nisu najzanimljivije, al' ono što je u ovom dokumentarcu skroz OK je taj deo kad on opisuje neka od svojih ubistava do najsitnijih detalja, pa i objašnjava kako se oslobađao leševa. Surovo. Naravno, tekst Michael Newtona na engleskom ovde.

"By day, he was a loser who couldn't keep his job mowing lawns. By night, he was a talented predator who lived out his sick sadistic fantasies by cruising for prostitutes and then strangling them with his bare hands during sex. This profile of Joel Rifkin, who confessed to 17 murders, includes a rare jailhouse interview where he talks about his life and killing spree, saying he has no idea why he became such a monster."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Šok Koridor - Snuff (2004)

Velika mi je čast da vam premijerno na internetu predstavim 1. epizodu 2. sezone okultnog TV serijala Šok Koridor iz novembra 2004. godine. Kao što i sam naslov kaže, tema je SNUFF na filmu, pa je takav i gost, a evo kako ga je jedan od voditelja opisao : "Večeras je sa nama u studiju neka vrsta doajena makabrističke misli u Srbiji, zapravo iz nekog andergraung aspekta, Dejan Ognjanović, pisac, filozof, filmski kritičar, dakle čovek koji se bavi mračnom stranom filma čitavog svog dosadašnjeg profesionalnog života", a ja bi' samo još dod'o na ovo i autor komšijskog bloga The Cult of Ghoul.

Inače za ono malo nepoznavaoca, Šok Koridor je pa sigurno najjača TV emisija posvećena filmu koja je puštana u Srbiji u poslednjih 10 pa i jače godina, i ja zaista evo sad ne mogu da joj nađem pandan. Zahvaljujući do tad neviđenom fanatizmu dvojice voditelja, Alekasandra Radivojevića (trenchcoat mafia?!) i Nenada Bekvalca, ova emisija je ostavila nesagledive posledice na omladinu u Srbiji, jer klinci su konačno počeli da gledaju i neke malo drugačije filmove, a ne samo akcije, komedije, femili muvis and shit. Pa evo mogu opušteno da kažem da sam se i ja zainteresovao za bizarne horor filmove upravo zahvaljujući ovom serijalu, jer sam tu video isečke iz nekih filmova za koje nisam ni sanjao da postoje. I znači nema, ja sam siguran da nema mladog beograđanina, koji nije barem jednom odgledao neku epizodu Šok Koridora, jer ta emisija je što se kaže ušla u narod, to se bre bdilo noću da se sačeka početak, jer počinjala je nešto oko 1 posle ponoći, tako da je bio fazon izađeš u grad i ako ne zaglaviš dugo, taman stigneš na polovinu Koridora i dojaja.

Znači definitivno sa sigurnošću mogu da kažem da je ova emisija promenila stvari nabolje što se tiče gledanja kvalitetnih filmova u Srbiji, jer evo lupam npr. sad bilo kog klinca na ulici da pitaš šta je to Cannibal Holocaust, ima da ti kaže na keca šta je. Dobro, OK, možda malo preterujem ali ja se nadam da razumete šta 'oću da kažem. Svi ti filmovi koji su nepravedno godinama tavorili su putem Koridora konačno isplivali na površinu, i ljudi su počeli masovno to da gledaju. Pa ja sam jbte prvi put čuo za Takashi Mikea u Koridoru, i ne samo za njega, ogromna je to lista izuzetnih reditelja i filmova koje sam pokupio otalen. Znači ma šta ko lupetao, jako, jako edukativna emisija, i ko je želeo mogao je svašta pametno tu da nauči o filmu, plus te vaistinu sulude "pošalice" voditelja i komentari isečaka, ma lud'lo jedno sveobuhvatno i to u krupnom planu.

Kome još nije sve najjasnije još ću samo napomenuti da se emisija sastoji od masovnih isečaka najrazličitijih filmova svih žanrova, a to možda najbolje oslikava baš ova epizoda jer tu ima bukvalno svega, od navedenog Cannibal Holocausta, preko Videodroma, Emanuelle in America, Dead & Buried, pa do hajlajta u vidu Banović Strahinje i čuvene scene nabijanja Radeta Šerbedžije na kolac. Između svakog isečka voditelji zajedno sa gostom komentarišu prikazano, ali se priča i spontano proširi uz dosta trivie što ume da bude jako zabavno, a videćete u drugim epizodama koje budem postavljao da su gosti stvarno raznoliki, npr. eto i naša poznata glumica Katarina Žutić se pojavljuje u jednoj.

Kada pričamo o SNUFF-u mora da napomenem da je ova emisija i kao neki moj lični moleban da nam premijera SRPSKOG FILMA, za koji je - gle čuda, scenario radio upravo Aca Radivojević, ne zadocni, da je dočekamo u zdravlju i veselju, kako i priliči, da se Srpčad raduju. Znači ovde imamo 2 epizode od po sat vremena na SNUFF tematiku, i kako ih budem uploadovo postavljaću da možete komotno da gledate, da ne čekate sve na gomilu. Znači moja najiskrenija preporuka, jer kad turiš tri manijaka/fanatika ovakvog kalibra u emisiju, pa to ne mož' da omane, a plus još tema koja zabada - dakle ZLO, nema dalje. Što kaže ovaj na špici : "Ljudi, svašta će biti." I vaistinu, bi svašta.

Pripyat - Ghost City Chronicles (2008)

Ovaj dokumentarac mu dođe kao neka vrsta aftermatha priče iz odličnog The Battle of Chernobyl (to ko nije gledo - obavezno!). Znači ovde ćete moći da vidite kako danas izgleda Pripyat, gradić izgrađen 70-ih za potrebe nuklerke, gde su živeli radnici sa svojim porodicama, a koji je naravno brzinski evakuisan dan posle incidenta, i to toliko brzo da ljudi skoro ništa nisu ni poneli sa sobom, jer su kontali vratiće se, nisu pojma imali o čemu se tu zapravo radi. Naravno nikada se nisu vratili i taj gradić danas skroz, ali skroz opravdano nazivaju i Ghost Town. Najsurovije akcije su upravo na početku filma kada ide video snimak sa početka 80-ih, idila i sve, dečica se igraju, i onda samo prikažu isto to mesto kako izgleda danas. ZLOKOBNOZLO, jezivoneopisivo. Za sve ljubitelje "apokaliptičnog" ovo je definitivno A MUST SEE. (26 min)

"The word Chernobyl became known worldwide shortly after the 1986 blast. The small town Pripyat, situated just 3000 metres from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, up to this day serves to remind about the extent of the tragedy. Pripyat used to be a lively little town, both a powerful nuclear centre and a conveniently planned city with schools and urban apartments. It is now a dead, lifeless stretch of land littered with scraps of the past. Aleksey Yaroshevsky takes a walk along the streets of the ghost town."

Download :

No Pass

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Laibach - In The Army Now / War (1995) CDS

Uh sunce ti, WAR je baš opaka stvar jer cela suština rata i jeste sadržana u tom nabrajanju medijskih giganata i multinacionalnih korporacija kakve su npr. General Motors, IBM, Newsweek, CNN, Sony itd.etc. Genijalno. Mediji i rat. Objasnili. Posebno obratiti pažnju na ultraviolence mix.

Single: In The Army Now/War
Release Date: 1st May 1995

1. In the Army Now
2. War
3. War - Methods of Prevention Mix
4. War - Ultraviolence Meets Hitman Mix

"In The Army Now/War" was released as a single in May 1995 during the second leg of the "Occupied Europe NATO Tour 1994-1995". The tour included concerts in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland, where the concert marked the 50th anniversary of the collapse of fascism. Laibach made two promotional videos to accompany the release. As well as the two title tracks, the disc featured two remixes of "War".

Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1980)

William A. Graham

Za sve koji su pogledali dokumentarac Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (2006) evo vrlo dobrog igranog filma (zapravo mini TV serije), gde je sve do detalja prikazano, od Jimovog detinjstva preko osnivanja Hrama Naroda pa sve do "bekstva" u Gvajanu i čuvenog masovnog "samoubistva" gde je stradalo preko 900 ljudi. Uglavnom odlično urađen film, Powers Boothe u glavnoj ulozi pokido, znači pljunuti Jim Jones. Za daljnje informacije o Hramu Naroda i dešavanjima u Gvajani '78 evo vam link ka tekstu na engleskom. Inače ko je slušo Deicide ko mlađi ili ko ga još sluša prepoznaće na početku filma uvodni deo najokultnije pesme "Carnage In The Temple Of Damned" sa prvog albuma. Prajsles, naježio sam se kad sam čuo. (192 min)

"The film draws on Guyana Massacre: The Eyewitness Account and reports from The Washington Post at the time, to describe the life of Jim Jones from a 1960s idealist to the November 1978 mass murder/suicide of members of Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana. In the beginning of the film, Jim Jones is seen helping minorities and working against racism. Later, after a move to San Francisco and increased power and attention, Jones becomes focused on his belief in nuclear holocaust, and moves hundreds of his followers to Guyana. Congressman Leo J. Ryan is notified that some individuals are being held against their will, and after going to investigate, the Guyana tragedy itself is depicted."


Download :

Pass : kappy145

Greek Embassy in Belgrade attacked with Molotov Cocktails

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

A group of young men in Belgrade last night threw two Molotov cocktails at the Greek embassy building. No one was hurt in the incident. One window was broken, while the flames caused minor damage to the facade. The interior of the building was not affected by the fire. Eyewitnesses said that five men carried out the attack. Afterwards, they split in two groups: one walked away from the scene, "another caught a cab". Tanjug agency reports that police stepped up patrols and that an investigative team immediately arrived at the scene. The motives behind this attack are not known at this point. The Serbian police, MUP, said they had launched an intensive search for the perpetrators. The embassy, meantime, said that its work continued normally this morning considering that the material damage done was minor, and that they expect the results of the ongoing police investigation. Meanwhile the Serbian Foreign Ministry condemned in the strongest terms the vandal act that took place early on Tuesday.

On Tuesday afternoon, a group calling itself "Crni Ilija" announced it was taking responsibility for the attack. According to their statement, "the Belgrade anarchists" are demanding that Thodoros Iliopoulos be freed, adding that he was arrested “during a national uprising in Greece in December of last year”. The statement emailed to Belgrade media stated that Iliopoulos has been on a hunger strike for 46 days demanding to be released. They add that the "Belgrade anarchists" have decided to “join their comrades in Greece and the entire world, who are implementing actions of solidarity with Iliopoulos, and demanding that he be released”. “Because of this, members of our group attacked the Greek embassy in Belgrade with a Molotov cocktail. We will continue these activities until our comrade Iliopoulos is released,” the statement concludes.



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Terror in Moscow (2003)

HBO dokumentarac koji hronološki prikazuje dešavanja iz oktobra 2002. godine, kada su čečenski teroristi zauzeli moskovski teatar i za taoce uzeli većinu posetilaca pozorišne predstave, njih preko 700. Za razliku od dokumentarca The Moscow Theatre Siege koji se bavi isključivo istragom vezanom za tajanstveni gas koji su Rusi koristili u napadu na pozorište, ovde je pokriveno bukvalno sve, ali to nije razlog da se ne pogledaju oba filma radi šire slike, s'tim što je meni ovaj naravno mnogo zanimljiviji. Uglavnom ima ona fora kao "the more you read - the more you know", e što se tiče dokumentaraca to i te kako važi, jer što više pogledamo na zadatu temu, bolje ćemo sagledati, znači moj neki trip je da se nikad ne zadovoljim sa samo jednim filmom, jer može da se desi da istina nije potpuna ili da je jednostrana, tako da se uvek trudim da pogledam barem 2 dokumentarca, ako već nema više komada. Uglavnom, ono što oću da kažem je, da dokumentarci mogu da budu jako, JAKO edukativni, e sad, sve zavisi kako ih ko posmatra i iz kojih pobuda.

"In October 2002, 41 Chechen terrorists took more than 700 people hostage in a Moscow theater, demanding an end to Russia's war against their homeland. This gut-wrenching documentary takes you through the endless hours of waiting, a seemingly miraculous rescue operation, and the ultimate tragedy, that could have been avoided had adequate medical personnel been on the scene after the stalemate ended."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A&E Biography - Timothy McVeigh (2001)

O McVeighu i njegovoj akciji u Oklahoma City-u sam već pisao ovde a preporučujem i odličan tekst Teda Ottleya na engleskom. Inače, ovo je, ko što može i da se vidi iz naslova, klasičan A&E biografski dokumentarac, i ono što je meni ovde najzanimljivije su podaci o tome šta je mali Timi voleo da čita i da gleda, šta ga je sve inspirisalo. (43 min)

"He was an average kid who seemed to find his niche in the army. But his service in the Gulf War left him disenchanted, and he drifted to the shady world of militias, conspiracy theorists and right-wing activism. Timothy McVeigh earned the death penalty for his role in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. BIOGRAPHY; traces his life from his unremarkable childhood in New York State to his emergence as the symbol for the new face of terrorism in America. Childhood neighbors and friends recall a normal kid who fit in fine, and army buddies remember the successful soldier who seemed well-positioned for a career in the military. But something happened, and McVeigh became disenchanted with the military, the government and, ultimately, America. Here, his biographer examines the forces that led McVeigh to commit his heinous crime, and extensive footage and news coverage relives the bombing that shocked the nation, and the investigation and trial that followed. From decorated soldier to reviled mass-murderer, this is the chilling tale of one man's journey to evil."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Men Who Killed Kennedy

Najjači dokumentarni serijal o zaveri da se ubije JFK. 6 epizoda od po 50 minuta. Čuveni film Olivera Stona je uspavanka za Radmilu M. u odnosu na ovo, uostalom neću ja mnogo da pričam, nek vam kažu ljudi koji su ovo već gledali. Ja sam ovih dana pogledao serijal po drugi put, i mogu opušteno da kažem da što se tiče ovih prvih 6 zvaničnih epizoda da je to TO. Znači nema omaške. E sad, što se tiče poslednje 3 epizode koje su naknadno dodate, i naravno, zbog zajebanog sadržaja "zabranjene", meni je jedino diskutabilna 9. epizoda, mada to opet ništa ne mora da znači. Uglavnom za sve ljubitelje conspiracy dokumentaraca ovo je die beste. Znači pogledajte, nećete se pokajati...

"This artfully constructed six-part series offers chilling evidence that American democracy has become a convenient lie; that a conspiratorial coup d'état removed a sitting president and then hid that fact from the American people. This sounds like the stuff of wild-eyed paranoia, but these filmmakers did their homework well--interviews include levelheaded witnesses, suspicious government agents, and Dallas cops present in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Some of the "proof" (especially in Episode 2, "The Forces of Darkness") seems a bit far-fetched, but the sheer number of unexplained facts is riveting. An autopsy attendant describes a procedure botched by meddling Secret Service agents. A deaf-mute eyewitness shares his recollection of uniformed men hiding a rifle and leaving the site of the assassination unchallenged. Eisenhower's security chief, present at the shooting, discusses fatal safety lapses--as well as mysterious shots coming from the opposite direction of the Texas School Book Depository. District Attorney Jim Garrison points out that Lee Harvey Oswald, a Marine assigned to Russian reconnaissance, operated a "Communist" organization out of a government intelligence office. Senator Ralph Yarbrough, present in the motorcade, tells of Kennedy's order to recall the troops from Vietnam--an order rescinded by the Pentagon three days after his death. But the most powerful elements of this documentary are the most personal, as hardened cops confess to lasting nightmares, as senatorial investigators tearfully recall the moment they realized the official story did not match the facts, and as simple bystanders share their lasting grief at having witnessed the gory death of America's innocence."

The Coup d'Etat :

The Forces of Darkness :

The Cover Up :

The Patsy :

The Witnesses :

The Truth Shall Set You Free :

No Pass

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Squeaky puštena na uslovnu posle 34 godine !

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, meni najgotivniji lik iz Čarlijeve družine, je puštena pre par dana (14. avgusta) konačno na uslovnu slobodu. Ne treba zaboraviti da je u zatvor dospela posle čuvenog pokušaja atentata 1975. na tadasnjeg predsednika SAD Džeralda Forda i tako ušla u istoriju kao prva i jedina žena koja je pokušala atentan na predsednika SAD. Uglavnom, mnogo mi drago zbog Skviki, jer nema puno tako odvažnih žena danas, mada nema ni muškaraca ako ćemo iskreno, i setimo se samo njenog fanatičnog bekstva iz zatvora 1987. godine, a ja sam čak i svojoj mački nadenuo ime po njoj - SKVIKI. Znači posle 34 godine robije, konačno uslovna sloboda. Prva Čarlijeva "sledbenica" koja je puštena mada nije učestovavala u Helter Skelter ubistvima ali je ovo možda još i gore, mislim na pokušaj atentata na predsednika SAD jbotebogdatejbo. Uglavnom ono što je bitno je da su počeli polako da ih puštaju iz zatvora, kontam 40 godina je prošlo i dosta je bilo jbga. Naravno jedan deo ekipe nikad neće videti slobodu ali zato Bobby Beausoleil i Leslie Van Houten (koje mi je i najžalije) bi trebali da budu pušteni u dogledno vreme.

"The Charles Manson follower convicted of trying to assassinate President Gerald Ford was released Friday from a Texas prison hospital after more than three decades behind bars.

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, 60, left the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth at about 8 a.m. EDT Friday, spokeswoman Dr. Maria Douglas said. Though a few photographers had camped out since the night before outside the facility surrounded razor wire-topped fences, Fromme slipped by the group unnoticed in one of the many cars streaming in and out of the front gate Friday morning.

It was a far cry from her antics that captivated the United States' attention 30 years ago: shaving her red hair and carving an "X" into her forehead after Manson was convicted for orchestrating a mass murder, wearing a red robe when she pulled a gun on Ford, being carried into her trial courtroom by marshals when she refused to walk.

In September 1975, Fromme pushed through a crowd, drew a semiautomatic .45-calibre pistol from a thigh holster and pointed it at Ford, who was shaking hands with well-wishers while walking to the California state capitol in Sacramento. But Secret Service agents grabbed her and the gun, and Ford was unhurt.

Fromme, who reportedly got her nickname while in Manson's "family," possibly because of her voice, had become its leader. She was never implicated in the 1969 murders of actress Sharon Tate and eight others, for which Manson is serving a life term in Corcoran State Prison in California.

During her trial, Fromme either refused to attend or had outbursts. Her attorney argued that she wanted to call attention to environmental issues and Manson's case and never meant to kill Ford. A few bullets were in the gun but not in the chamber."

Najlepšu pesmicu Eddie Brickell posvećujem Skviki :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

A&E Biography - Arthur Shawcross

Priča o Arthuru Shawcrossu aka Genesee River Strangleru ovde.

"Profile of the notorious serial killer who murdered two children in Watertown, N.Y., and 11 women in Rochester, N.Y. Shawcross was captured when he was seen standing next to one of his victims, and was sentenced to 250 years in prison."

Download :

Pass : abraxas365

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Secret History - Hunt For The Unabomber

The Unabomber, lik koji je definitivno zajeb'o sve redom, i što se tiče terorizma, i ekstremizma u svim oblicima, pa i serijskih ubica, mada ja ga nikako ne bi svrstao u tu kategoriju kao što su to uradili u ovom dokumentarcu. Mislim, jeste da on ispunjava sve uslove za serijskog ubicu, ali način na koji je birao žrtve i porivi ga definitivno izdvajaju iz gomile. O Unabomberu je bio segment u epizodi "Masterminds" most evil serijala, a evo konačno i cele priče, naravno koga zanima do detalja, opširnije, tu je i tekst Teda Ottleya na trutv crime library sajtu. Ne treba zanemariti ni podatak, koga nema u filmu, da anarho-primitivizam ima dosta dodirnih tačaka sa ideologijom Unabombera, mada se on tako nikada nije izjašnjavao, što je i razumljivo. Znači ljudi ga danas doživljavaju i kao revolucionara, i kao ludaka, a neki i kao serijskog ubicu, no prosudite sami, u svakom slučaju jedna od najzanimljivijih faca koje sam do sada pominjao ovde. (47 min)

"The leader of the UNABOMBER task force and people close to Kaczynski help shed light on the most famous criminal investigation of the century.The search lasted 17 years. The subject of the hunt, which became one of the most expensive criminal investigations in American history, eluded capture while waging a random campaign of terror that stymied the authorities and captured the attention of the world. But ultimately, he was undone by his brother, who recognized the twisted ramblings of the astonishing “Manifesto” which was printed in The New York Times and Washington Post. National Geographic recounts how a gifted mathematician lived a hermit’s existence in rural Montana and waged war against innocent Americans. Ted Kaczynski fastidiously prepared bombs and sent them to the mailboxes of academics, airline officials and advertising executives seemingly at random. HUNT FOR THE UNABOMBER presents interviews with those closest to the case and Kaczynski, including FBI profilers, the law enforcement officers who arrested Kaczynski, the leader of the UNABOMBER Task Force, friends of Kaczynski and the prosecutor in the case.It’s the story of an American anti-hero who will be remembered as one of the most puzzling figures of the century. "

Download :

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Horizon – How to Kill a Human Being (2008)

"Former Conservative MP, Michael Portillo pushes his body to the brink of death in an investigation into the science of execution.

As the American Supreme Court examines whether the lethal injection is causing prisoners to die in unnecessary pain Michael sets out to find a solution which is fundamentally humane. To do so he examines the key methods of execution available today: he discovers why convicts can catch on fire in the electric chair, learns how easy it is to botch a hanging and inhales a noxious gas to experience first hand the terror of the gas chamber.

Armed with some startling evidence Michael considers a completely new approach. Will it be the answer? There is only one way of finding out – to experience it himself."

Download :

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Manson Family (2003)

Jim Van Bebber

Evo malo drugačije filmske verzije onoga što se dogodilo u noći 8. na 9. avgust '69, a ko još nije pogledao, tu je i moj favorit među dokumentarcima Charles Manson Superstar (1989), koji upravo počinje pričom o događajima širom sveta koji su se odigrali baš na taj 8. avgust. Ima li taj datum neku zajebaniju pozadinu ili ne, to zaista nije važno, bitno je da je priča više nego zanimljiva, a ja sam je krstio još i kao "horor sapunicu", jer još nije okončana a i toliko ljudi je učestvovalo na ovaj ili onaj način, da je to što se mene tiče The Biggest Show on Earth, kao najbolja pozorišna predstava, ako se na taj način posmatra.

"If you think you know the story of the Manson Family you are dead wrong. Director Jim VanBebber (Deadbeat at Dawn) delivers an uncompromising snapshot of this cult of personality hell- bent on executing the brutal vision of its leader Charles Manson. On a ranch outside of L.A. the dream of the Love Generation is perverting into something evil. Has what was once an oasis of free love and acid trips becomes ground zero for a madmans paranoid visions? An average group of kids the Family become engulfed in a delusional world where torment and slaughter is considered the path to righteousness. The Manson Family is a dizzying rapid-fire vision of the sex and violence that unifies the misguided group and at the direction of their leader ends in a brutal spree leaving seven people dead in 48 hours. You've seen the story through the eyes of the law. Now witness it through the eyes of The Manson Family."

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The Moscow Theatre Siege

U ovom dokumentarcu naučnici iz celog sveta pokušavaju da ustanove sta su Rusi koristili da bi okončali opsadu u Moskovskom Teatru, u oktobru 2002. godine, kada su čečenski teroristi uzeli oko 850 talaca i zapretili da ce dići celo pozorište u vazduh ako neko pokuša da uđe, ili ako se ne ispune njihovi zahtevi. Trećeg dana opsade Rusi su kroz ventilacione otvore pustili uspavljujući gas, a sat vremena nakon toga, kada su bili sigurni da više niko nije budan, specijalci su uleteli unutra i poubijali sve teroriste. Nazalost, pored mrtvih terorista ostalo je i 129 talaca koji se nisu probudilo iz dubokog sna i naučnici pokušavaju da otkriju o kojem se tačno gasu radi da je toliko ljudi umrlo. Jako zanimljv dok. a postaviću ovih dana i HBO-ov film koji se bavi hronologijom dogadjaja, znači samom otmicom, pregovorima sa teroristima, njihovim zahtevima, napadom specijalaca, svedočenjima preživelih i posledicama ovog terorističkog čina.

"In October 2002, Chechen terrorists took a thousand people hostage in a Moscow theatre and threatened to kill them. The problem was how to get them out alive. A bloodbath seemed inevitable. Three days later Russian special forces stormed the theatre using a secret gas to knock everybody out. 129 hostages died - apparently killed by the very gas that was meant to save them. Horizon investigates the mystery substance, and why so many died.

The Russian authorities insisted their secret weapon was not lethal. The claim provoked contempt from the victims families, and incredulity among doctors and scientists around the world. But were the Russians actually right? The Russians offered just one clue. And in Germany there was a scientist who had the means to test it: a urine sample taken from one of the survivors shortly after he was freed. Horizon follows as extremely sensitive tests are performed to find out if the Russians were telling the truth, and uncovers a deeper secret. With the help of doctors and scientists in America, Germany and Britain, Horizon unpicks the mystery of the Moscow theatre siege."

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