Dokumentarac koji će vam jednom za svagda razbiti predrasude o shizofreniji i shizofreničarima. Naime, većina ljudi pogrešno misli da je shizofrenija zapravo multiple personality disorder jer je to na taj način prikazano u npr. Hičkokovom Psihu. Zatim, takođe je ustaljeno mišljenje da su shizofreničari nasilne osobe, jer bilo je slučajeva ubica koji su patili od paranoidne shizofrenije, ali naravno, mediji ko mediji senzacionalistički takvim slučajevima uvek pridaju mnogo više pažnje pa ispada da je to tako najnormalnije, da ako si shizofreničar da si automatski opasan po okolini i da te treba hospitalizovati pa stoga neki ljudi i zaziru od osoba koje pate od shizofrenije, jednostavno ih se plaše. Ono što ćete videti u ovom filmu će vam pokazati da stvari uopšte nisu takve, da su shizofreničari uglavnom preplašeni ljudi, koji pravilnom terapijom mogu da se dovedu u red. Znači shizofrenija nije izlečiva bolest ali simptomi se antipsihoticima i drugim lekovima mogu srediti taman tol'ko da osoba može da funkcioniše bez tih raznih halucinacija i cimanja. Naravno postoje i ekstremni slučajevi kao što je katatonični oblik shizofrenije, gde ljudi upadnu u to stanje katatonije i nema ih, ali to je samo jedan od tipova shizofrenije. Dalje, dosta ljudi misli da je shizofrenija LUDILO. Nemam pojma al' meni se pre čini da je npr. nacionalizam ludilo, da je religija najekstremniji oblik ludila, jer ipak je shizofreničar bolestan čovek, i kad on pomisli da čovek može da ustane iz groba ja to i mogu da razumem jer to je greška u mozgu, preveliko lučenje dopamina ili šta već, ali kada navodno normalna, zdrava osoba, otvoreno, pri čistoj svesti tvrdi da ljudi ustaju iz grobova, a nisu zombiji, e onda tu več nisu čista posla, onda ja više nisam siguran ko je tu zapravo normalan a ko lud. Da ne nabrajam i svakojake druge fantazije u koje ljudi veruju, pa brate to je sve za ludnicu, celo sveštenstvo SPC, mada ako ćemo iskreno oni i ne veruju u to nego samo lože ove ovce i kupe kajmak. I zaista, premala je Srbija kolko ludaka ovde ima, al' bez zajebancije. Dakle, sloboda za shizofreničare, ludake u ludnicu! (60 min)

"Schizophrenia has emerged as one the diseases that are affecting our society at a large extent in modern days. Schizophrenia affects life of a person suffering from this disorder in thousands of ways, effects and severity of the problem varies from person to person who is suffering from schizophrenia. The disease is considered to affect teens and those who are around 20-22 year of age, but in reality, this disorder can affect people of any age and sex and also it does not depend upon the geographical environment. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person suffering from it experiences delusions, hallucinations and some thought disorders. A person suffering from this disorder seems to have lost in the world, which is far away from reality, they experience some abnormal things and their behavior changes from normal to something that is abnormal.
The symptoms of this disorder are as follows:
First symptom is delusion. A person suffering from Schizophrenia experiences something that is not real and which he/she cannot explain in words. He/she believes that something is happening around him/her. People around patient can easily conclude that the patient is undergoing some abnormal experience. Patient may suffer from something unknown or it may happen that he/she may experience happy moments, which are out of this world.
The second symptom of schizophrenia is hallucinations. In hallucination there are experiences such as people hear someone screaming or someone calling them by their name, they smell something without the presence of it in reality, see something happening in front of them and it gets off just in a fraction of second and there is no clue of anything happened etc. Patient suffering from schizophrenia experience something happening or hear some voices which either talk to them or want them to follow it.
People suffering from schizophrenia experience that some external force is trying to control them, which can be anything such as extra terrestrial life or spiritual force. Patient of schizophrenia show no specific behavior pattern, they may start crying at one instance and at the other they may be found laughing. Schizophrenia affects thinking ability of people suffering from it at a high extent, it also causes sudden up rise or fall in emotional levels of the patient.
People suffering from schizophrenia may start laughing or crying without any reason, they sometimes show no response to emotional situations. The lifestyle of patient changes in many ways, they display numbness towards their role in social life, they loose motivation, belief etc. and the normal pattern of their life changes entirely.
There are some causes of Schizophrenia such as heredity, on some extent it is found to be genetic; it is passed from one of the (or both) parents suffering from this disorder to their children. Complications during birth and viral infections during early months of pregnancy induce chances of child developing schizophrenia. As this disorder is related to brain, abnormalities in brain in one of the important factors that induces chances of schizophrenia.
Treatment for this disorder is available, but the pattern of it depends on the intensity of the disorder. It is very important to diagnose this disorder properly in order to decide the treatment. In order to do the proper diagnosis, doctor need deep investigation, which include some tests with patient, depending upon the diagnosis, the patient has to take medications, which include antipsychotic drugs. Along with the drugs, patient needs to undergo some psychosocial treatment. Support from surrounding environment, people around etc. is a very critical factor in conquering this disorder. The changes in behavior of patient, effect of the medication needs to be carefully observed and accordingly medication needs to be changed."
The symptoms of this disorder are as follows:
First symptom is delusion. A person suffering from Schizophrenia experiences something that is not real and which he/she cannot explain in words. He/she believes that something is happening around him/her. People around patient can easily conclude that the patient is undergoing some abnormal experience. Patient may suffer from something unknown or it may happen that he/she may experience happy moments, which are out of this world.
The second symptom of schizophrenia is hallucinations. In hallucination there are experiences such as people hear someone screaming or someone calling them by their name, they smell something without the presence of it in reality, see something happening in front of them and it gets off just in a fraction of second and there is no clue of anything happened etc. Patient suffering from schizophrenia experience something happening or hear some voices which either talk to them or want them to follow it.
People suffering from schizophrenia experience that some external force is trying to control them, which can be anything such as extra terrestrial life or spiritual force. Patient of schizophrenia show no specific behavior pattern, they may start crying at one instance and at the other they may be found laughing. Schizophrenia affects thinking ability of people suffering from it at a high extent, it also causes sudden up rise or fall in emotional levels of the patient.
People suffering from schizophrenia may start laughing or crying without any reason, they sometimes show no response to emotional situations. The lifestyle of patient changes in many ways, they display numbness towards their role in social life, they loose motivation, belief etc. and the normal pattern of their life changes entirely.
There are some causes of Schizophrenia such as heredity, on some extent it is found to be genetic; it is passed from one of the (or both) parents suffering from this disorder to their children. Complications during birth and viral infections during early months of pregnancy induce chances of child developing schizophrenia. As this disorder is related to brain, abnormalities in brain in one of the important factors that induces chances of schizophrenia.
Treatment for this disorder is available, but the pattern of it depends on the intensity of the disorder. It is very important to diagnose this disorder properly in order to decide the treatment. In order to do the proper diagnosis, doctor need deep investigation, which include some tests with patient, depending upon the diagnosis, the patient has to take medications, which include antipsychotic drugs. Along with the drugs, patient needs to undergo some psychosocial treatment. Support from surrounding environment, people around etc. is a very critical factor in conquering this disorder. The changes in behavior of patient, effect of the medication needs to be carefully observed and accordingly medication needs to be changed."

Abnormal Psychology: The Schizophrenias - new MU link !
Abnormal Psychology: The Schizophrenias - NEW LINK!
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