Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Moscow Theatre Siege

U ovom dokumentarcu naučnici iz celog sveta pokušavaju da ustanove sta su Rusi koristili da bi okončali opsadu u Moskovskom Teatru, u oktobru 2002. godine, kada su čečenski teroristi uzeli oko 850 talaca i zapretili da ce dići celo pozorište u vazduh ako neko pokuša da uđe, ili ako se ne ispune njihovi zahtevi. Trećeg dana opsade Rusi su kroz ventilacione otvore pustili uspavljujući gas, a sat vremena nakon toga, kada su bili sigurni da više niko nije budan, specijalci su uleteli unutra i poubijali sve teroriste. Nazalost, pored mrtvih terorista ostalo je i 129 talaca koji se nisu probudilo iz dubokog sna i naučnici pokušavaju da otkriju o kojem se tačno gasu radi da je toliko ljudi umrlo. Jako zanimljv dok. a postaviću ovih dana i HBO-ov film koji se bavi hronologijom dogadjaja, znači samom otmicom, pregovorima sa teroristima, njihovim zahtevima, napadom specijalaca, svedočenjima preživelih i posledicama ovog terorističkog čina.

"In October 2002, Chechen terrorists took a thousand people hostage in a Moscow theatre and threatened to kill them. The problem was how to get them out alive. A bloodbath seemed inevitable. Three days later Russian special forces stormed the theatre using a secret gas to knock everybody out. 129 hostages died - apparently killed by the very gas that was meant to save them. Horizon investigates the mystery substance, and why so many died.

The Russian authorities insisted their secret weapon was not lethal. The claim provoked contempt from the victims families, and incredulity among doctors and scientists around the world. But were the Russians actually right? The Russians offered just one clue. And in Germany there was a scientist who had the means to test it: a urine sample taken from one of the survivors shortly after he was freed. Horizon follows as extremely sensitive tests are performed to find out if the Russians were telling the truth, and uncovers a deeper secret. With the help of doctors and scientists in America, Germany and Britain, Horizon unpicks the mystery of the Moscow theatre siege."

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