Friday, December 10, 2010

Inside WikiLeaks (2010)

Ovaj čovek, Julian Assange, je samo za par dana, a čega smo bili svedoci, postao internacionalni heroj i outlaw na svim mogućim nivoima, i to ne samo iz razloga što je objavljivanjem tajnih depeša na svom sajtu pokazao pravo lice američke dimplomatije, nego i ovako, jer je mnogim ljudima  širom sveta dao nadu da taj licemerni sistem vrednosti na kojem počivaju ne samo SAD nego i većina modernih država uključujući naravno i Evropsku Uniju, može i mora pasti.  Ljudi bre, pa on je ovom svojom akcjom, ako ćemo iskreno, naneo SAD daleko veću štetu nego navodni Bin Laden.  Alal mu vera. Dakle, sloboda za Asanža, smrt državi !

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stunned the world this week when he leaked more than 90,000 secret Afghan war files. Dateline's Mark Davis was filming as Assange prepared to release his massive cache of highly classified US documents and as he weathered the media storm that followed. The documents reveal hundreds of civilian casualties, secret hit squads to track and kill Taliban leaders, a steep increase in Taliban attacks, and collusion between Pakistan's intelligence service and the Taliban leadership.

Davis first connected with the mysterious whistleblower in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Australia for a story broadcast in May, called The Whistleblower. This time he has been filming in London where Assange was working with journalists from The Guardian, The New York Times and Germany's Der Spiegel. The release of the documents has rocked the White House and drawn comment from Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Some of the classified reports refer to Australia's military operations in Afghanistan. In a move that will further shake governments and top military brass around the world, WikiLeaks says they have delayed the release of a further 15,000 reports, but these will eventually be released in full."

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Anonymous said...

Julian Assange is a Intelligence Asset being usd to force regulation on the internet. WikiLeaks has not released info that we did not already know. Media backs him way to much. He has stated that the 911 official story is right. He stated that Iraq had WMDs. He has stated that Bin Laden is alive in Pakistan pushing for a new war. He stated that 100,000 civilians died in Iraq when it is known more than 1.3 million have been killed in Iraq. He fails to show real evidence...

Anonymous said...

koji je pass za ovaj prvi i jedan link za dwnld?

Anonymous said...

izvalio sam.

sifra je:

son of man said...

Hvala tebra, nisam skidao sa tog linka pa nisam izvalio, odma' će biti ispravljeno.

ivanmilke said...

odlichno brate, i linkovi i stream

Pratim razvoj ove situacije jos od letos, lik i ekipa su ludaci kakvi nam trebaju ovih dana


Stephen said...

hey hey,

is there a password for the fileserve file?


son of man said...

Pass :

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