O.B. Babbs
A.J. Catoline
Uz ovu izvrsnu zakusku odlično ide i Timothy Leary's Dead (1996) kao predjelo, jer su i te kako related, a za desert naravno preporučujem jučerašnji specijalitet Young Turks At Harvard (Ram Dass). Ajme meni, majko draga, kako sam se sad prosro, to kao 'oću budem duhovit pa rabim jeftine kritičarske fazone, znate one izraze tipa : "autor nam je dozvolio da zagrebemo samo glazuru", dakle strava i užas ! Sramim se i obećajem da neću više nikad. (56 min)

Evo ga Ram Dass levo, koji kralj sunce ti...
The second half of the movie concerns Leary's last trip, which turns out to be 2 trips -- one to a Hog Farm get-together in 1995, with some historically important footage of Kesey & Leary hanging out together. There's also contemporary interviews with George Walker, Wavy Gravy (looking great, like an old Polynesian tribe chief), and Kesey & Leary. Interspersed throughout is an interview with Leary from a studio (or his home), which I think is unique to this movie. There's some on-stage footage with Dead type music and Pranksters in costumes, and Leary giving the event his benediction.

Leary's "second last trip" is a meeting on Internet between himself and Kesey, shortly before he died. It's pretty amusing to see the funky connection and very old-skool Netscape browsers 10 years later. Not much of importance is said, it's mainly an exchange of greetings.
Like "Timothy Leary's Dead" this movie has some specific, minor flaws, but combining these two fan-oriented DVD features you get a terrific view of Leary, the modern (post-1960) history of LSD, and a substantial dose of the equally important Merry Pranksters."

Imam primerak na srpskom, izdao neki trash izdavač ART PRESS 90-ih
Leary's "second last trip" is a meeting on Internet between himself and Kesey, shortly before he died. It's pretty amusing to see the funky connection and very old-skool Netscape browsers 10 years later. Not much of importance is said, it's mainly an exchange of greetings.

Could you reupload the film because it's some error in extract. Thank you! :)
In WINRAR check the option KEEP BROKEN FILES like in the picture, it works.
I check that option,but it still says:
CRC failed in Timothy Leary's Last Trip\Timothy Leary's Last Trip (1997).avi. The file is corrupt
Please help!
Forget about CRC error mesages, they always appear, check out the folder with AVI file, it works for sure, just try it.
Yeah,im feeling like a newbie right now :)) It works,great doc.Thank you son of man,ili bolje receno fala lepo,blog je fantazija,ziv bio!
Would love to see this re-upped along with "Timothy Leary's Dead" -- if you ever have the time or the inclination. Thanks.
PS Great blog!
Timothy Leary's Last Trip (1997) - NEW LINK ADDED!
Yes, it's me, Anonymous.
Thank you so much for the re-up!
Hello, it's me, Anonymous again. Is something up with Rapidshare? I've been trying for DAYS to download the Leary docs you were kind enough to re-up but have consistantly received the same message:
"File owner's public traffic exhausted."
I have to say this has occurred on two other people's Rapidshare links in the last week.
Is there something wrong with Rapidshare itself? How long does it take for you to "rebuild" your trafic allowance?
Thank you.
Don't know what's wrong with rapidshare but everybody has the same problem, so we'll just sit and wait for now...
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