Friday, May 2, 2014

Dearly Departed: Vol. 1 (2006)

Michael Dorsey

Konačno, posle 8 ne baš tako dugih godina, evo isplivao je i ovaj prajsles dokumentarac. A da samo znate kolko sam ga tražio i tražio, ma bruka jedna, al' se vala i isplatilo, nije da nije! Naime reditelj Mike Dorsey u saradnji sa okultnom facom Scott Michaelsom kao vodičem, a koji je široj publici poznat kao zasigurno najbolji poznavalac Tate-La Bianca slučaja, vodi nas u turu po Holivudu, ali ne bilo kakvu turističko-smaračku, nego turu kroz overdouze, ubistva i samoubistva poznatih ličnosti, od Merlin Monro preko meni omiljene, nikad prežaljene Crne Dalije, do Dee Dee Ramona, Bobija Kenedija, Ed Wooda, Dženis Džoplin i mnogih drugih. Znači, nećete verovati kakve sve podatke Scott izvlači iz glave na licu mesta. Lik je ladno realna hodajuća enciklopedija, al' bez zajebancije. Inače, ako ste gledali The Six Degrees of Helter Skelter (2009) od istih autora, e ovo vam je taj neki fazon dokumentarca, samo što je ovde obrađena tamna strana Holivuda, znači totalna demistifikacija glamura i sjaja, ali to-ta-lna. Must!

"Scott Michaels knows everything about all the scandals, murders and strange deaths in Hollywood. His website find a is one of the best websites out there. At around $40 his tour is the best buy for a tourist or local because you are sure to find out something you didn't know about Hollywood's underbelly. From what I understand this is the first of a series of videos which give a deeper look at what you see on the tour. Michaels' has an academic approach to some of the most shocking situations in Hollywood. You go into the apartment where Jack Cassidy burned to death, Michaels' very matter of factly points out the spot on the floor where Cassidy's charred body was found. Great work, to be watched again and again."


Aleksandar said...

Hvala mnogo za dokumentarac!

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