Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Circumcise Me? (2006)

Christopher Sykes

Obrezati se ili ne, u prevodu osunetiti ga ili jok? Dal' je bolji seks obrezanima ili naturalnim, mnoga pitanja se nameću? Danas kod nas pitaju roditelje dal' oće da im bebu srede, a u SAD je to odavno najnormalnije. Kao zdravije je i bolje, a i u pornićima svi su obrezani, lepše izgleda za oko, pa vi sad procenite sami, neću ja da forsiram jbga hehe. :)

"Christopher and Michael Ogden set off on a funny but edgy journey through Britain and the USA to find out why circumcision is still practised after thousands of years. Many people believe it's essential - because God or doctors say so, or because it's 'a better look', while others claim that circumcision is a barbaric mutilation that deprives both men and women of sexual pleasure."


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