Shawn R. Owens
Još jedan odličan dokumentarac o H.P. Lovecraftu, s'tim što se ovaj pored tog biografskog dela bavi i Cthulu mitologijom, pa i filmovima, muzikom, RPG društvenim igrama, religijskim kultovima i raznim drugim divotarijama koje su inspirisane njegovim pričama, tako da je meni u tom smislu ovo mnogo zanimljiviji rad od dokumentarca Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (2008). Stručan, detaljan rivju, možete pročitati ovde. (80 min)

"The Eldritch Influence looks at the world of literary outsider H.P. Lovecraft who posthumously infected a large number of artists, writers, mystics and fanatics with his wonderfully bleak worldview. Using passionate interviews and colorful commentary the film presents a picture of Lovecraft's life and thought through those he's touched and inspired. Featuring Lovecraft biographer S.T. Joshi, authors Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Brian Lumley and filmmaker Stuart Gordon."

The Eldritch Influence: The Life, Vision, and Phenomenon of H.P. Lovecraft (2003) - new MU link added!
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