Sunday, March 14, 2010

Please Kill Mr. Kinski (1999)

David Schmoeller

Evo jednog kratkog rada o problemima koje je imao reditelj David Schmoeller sa Klausom Kinskim, tokom snimanja svog horora Crawlspace (1986). Po svom starom običaju Kinski je divljao po setu, menjao scenario, režirao, dakle sve one standarne njegove akcije kakve je priređivao i Herzogu, s'tim što ovaj reditelj nikako nije Herzog pa su mu malo popustili živci. (9 min)


"This is a short 9-minute filmed made by a horror director who looks back on his experience when he made a film with international star Klaus Kinski. The film was called 'Crawlspace', and it was yet another junk film Kinski made for the sake of making money. It is a little interesting to see how Kinski acted behind the camera. He was well-known for being very hard to work with. His ego is prevalent within the first minute of the film when he talks about how "allergic" he is with other directors. Enough though he was a talented actor, did Kinski really need to act like this? He looks exactly like one of those stereotypical snobby actors who walks with his nose in the air. Maybe that is not important. We the audience should only care of what is the final product on the screen."

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