Peter Klein
Skoro svi se sećamo one pucnjave iz decembra 2012. u Konektikatu, kada je klinac od 20 godina uleteo u osnovnu školu Sandy Hook gde je radila njegova keva i pobio 20-oro dece i 6 članova osoblja. Naravno, pre čitave akcije prvo je gajbi ubio kevu a na kraju klasično izvršio samoubistvo. E, ovo vam je jedan malko drugačiji dokumentarac na tu temu, film koji su mnogi želeli da zabrane ali očigledno nisu uspeli. Dakle, autori ovde pokušavaju da odgovore na pitanje šta se zaista desilo tog dana u Sandy Hook-u, u prevodu da li je uopšte došlo do masovnog ubistva tolikog broja dece i osoblja ili je to samo još jedna štelovana akcija od strane vlade Sjedinjenih Država zbog raznih njima znanih interesa. U filmu je izneseno dosta dokaza u prilog hoax teoriji, a dokumentarac traje skoro čitava 3 sata, i ko poput mene voli ovakve conspiracy akcije ovo je jedan skroz opak rad za obavezno pogledati.
"After a group of independent journalists who call themselves the Independent Media Solidarity released the controversial documentary “We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook“, the internet censors went into overdrive trying to ensure every single trace of it is removed from the World Wide Web. Mainstream video hosting websites including YouTube, Vimeo and Archive.org made checking for reuploads their priority, working around the clock to ensure they are removed before anyone could watch them.
Then coincidentally, when The Pirate Bay became one of the last places where the video could be downloaded from, their office was raided and the website shut down. At that stage, it became apparent that the video needs to be made public via Best Gore as well. Mark Marek went to jail for your right to have access to information, so in the spirit of his sacrifice, you can watch the full documentary “We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook” here.
If I were to bluntly sum up the Sandy Hook conspiracy, I’d say that it appears to have been an attempt to pass off a drill as a real event. Nobody saw 20 dead kids, 600 evacuate, or any scrawny gunman weighed down by guns."
"It is now almost a full two years since the Sandy Hook FRAUD Operation of December 14th, 2012. Since the time of that fake operation that was nothing more than a drill where nobody died, the American people have been subjected to a wraith of tyranny and deception based upon the psychological effect of the false fear generated by that operation. We are also now watching as the government in the United States passes new legislation that will enforce mental health "evaluations" in the poor American Public Education System and thus put many innocent American children on psychotropic drugs. The result will be devastating where many normal children will now be turned into nothing more than drooling zombies thanks to fraudulent "mental assessments"!"
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