Autobiografija Malkolma X-a je knjiga koju sam pročitao ubedljivo najviše puta u odnosu na sve druge knjige, i ta njegova priča mi je baš dosta pomogla u životu, jer sam prolazio kroz slična sranja kao i brat Malkolm, tako da uvek kad upadnem u neki dublji kanal, ja je dovatim i iznova pročitam. Verujte mi, deluje, i to samo tako. Brat Malkolm je bio veliki čovek, ali i pored toga mnogi ljudi ga osporavaju, te bio je muslimanski ekstremista, te ovo, te ono, svašta mu se kalemi, ali evo, ja pozivam sve ljude da pročitaju knjigu, ili ako ne to, barem da pogledaju ovaj dokumentarac pa nek onda sude o X-u. Inače, pored ovog A&E rada preporučujem i full lenght dokumentarac Malcolm X (1972), a sve u cilju da bi se priča što bolje sagledala. Naravno, nije Malkolm tek tako slučajno baš sad uleteo, naime, dušmani su sinoć iznameštali Đusa najstrašnije, tako da ovu storiju o Malkolmu posvećujem na prvom mestu Bratu Minlom, pa onda i celoj domaćoj hip hop subkulturi, koju je Đus reprezentovo na najbolji mogući način, ali jebiga, seljanija je seljanija, i stoka zbog koje su vođeni ratovi, stoka zbog koje smo izgubili mladost a neki i živote tokom režima slobodana miloševića, to je bre ista ova stoka, bila je zatucana i ostaće zatucana do samog kraja, i tu nema pomoći, uostalom o tome sam već pisao u postu Analiza Farme 2010 pa ne bih da se ponavljam. Toliko. (44 min)
"His was the angry voice of a people kept silent for centuries. But at the height of his power, his outspoken independence led to his assassination. Malcolm X was one of this century's most charismatic leaders, a man so complex and influential that his name still stirs argument 30 years after his murder. Biography® brings you his complete story, beginning with his childhood in the racist and segregated America of the Jazz Age and his early years as the Harlem hoodlum "Detroit Red." You'll follow the future leader through his prison conversion and rise to prominence with the Nation of Islam, where he became a voice of hope for African-Americans. Interviews, photos and film footage reveal a life of continuous growth and change, a life cut short as greater possibilities seemed on the horizon. Join Biography® for this in-depth look at the controversial man who shocked a nation out of comfortable complacency--and whose boldness gave hope to millions of African-Americans."
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"His was the angry voice of a people kept silent for centuries. But at the height of his power, his outspoken independence led to his assassination. Malcolm X was one of this century's most charismatic leaders, a man so complex and influential that his name still stirs argument 30 years after his murder. Biography® brings you his complete story, beginning with his childhood in the racist and segregated America of the Jazz Age and his early years as the Harlem hoodlum "Detroit Red." You'll follow the future leader through his prison conversion and rise to prominence with the Nation of Islam, where he became a voice of hope for African-Americans. Interviews, photos and film footage reveal a life of continuous growth and change, a life cut short as greater possibilities seemed on the horizon. Join Biography® for this in-depth look at the controversial man who shocked a nation out of comfortable complacency--and whose boldness gave hope to millions of African-Americans."
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i love you malcom are my hero. I am you
Could we have another links ? These ones are dead. Thanks!
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