"Retired detective Gordon Davie guides us on a chilling journey into the mind of notorious child murderer James Ryan O'Neill who was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of two young boys after arriving in Tasmania in 1975. He is Tasmania's longest-serving prisoner for a single offence.
Twenty-seven years later, Davie was curious to know the circumstances that led to a good-looking, intelligent young man spending so long in prison. He also wanted to investigate the links between a number of other possible murders and abductions that raise frightening questions about O'Neill's past activities. Over the course of three years Davie and O'Neill built a relationship aided by their shared love of fishing and hunting. Davie takes O'Neill through the story of his life. It is clear that James O'Neill is no ordinary prisoner. He is softly spoken, eloquent and obviously well educated.
This film holds up a torch to a world so dark that most of us can’t even begin to comprehend and poses the question that many of us are reluctant to ask: What does a killer really look like ?"
"The majority of the available published accounts of serial murderers are not in scholarly or technical publications. Even such few academic reviews as do exist typically commence with reference to fictional accounts so that the profile of a serial murderer is typically far from clear or precise.
Hunting Serial Predators is unique in that each chapter, written in detail, explains how to research and interpret, psychologically, the crime scene actions of serial killers. The book provides the reader an empirical facet model of the crime scene actions of American serial murderers based on information available to a police inquiry; an overview of the related scientific knowledge, introducing a new method to classify the serial predator, and accounts of the process and difficulties of profiling the serial murderer.
By presenting a classification model of serial murderers and their crime scene behaviors based on empirical and repeatable studies, this book makes significant advances in the areas of police investigations, etiology, and treatment possible.
The empirical process used to analyze serial murderers' crime scene actions described in Hunting Serial Predators makes it possible to make logical decisions about how to detect, apprehend, and eventually access their dangerousness."
Izvinjavam se svim čitaocima što ovih dana možda neće biti rivjuova u tolikoj meri, ali ne brinite, svakog dana ću postaviti po barem jedan dokumentarac pogledan i odobren, a što se tiče pisanja, podrazumeva se, I'LL BE BACK...samo ovaj put WITH A VENGEACE !
"Eighteen years after Decline of Western Civilization made the exploding Los Angeles punk and hardcore scene the stuff of legend, Penelope Spheeris returned to document the next generation of L.A. punks. This time, rather than focusing on the bands, labels, and zines creating the music and the attendant scene, she looked at a new subset of fans for whom punk isn’t simply a genre of music but a way of life, inheriting classic punk’s appearance if not its DIY attitude. In the grand tradition of punk attracting society’s outcasts, these self-described “gutterpunks” squat in abandoned buildings, panhandle for beer money, and seemingly live merely for the next show or their next drunk. Spheeris endeavors to capture their lives and the punks themselves as fully as possible, eliciting stories of past and current trauma, and learning the rules of their rigid adherence to a codified ritual definition of what punk is. “No future” indeed — in place of furious anger and demands for other options for those out of step with the world, there’s a fatalistic, resigned acceptance."
Naravno da se politički, niti na bilo koji drugi način ne slažem sa ovim protestantima nacionalistima, ali treba jebati ovu mrtvu policiju uvek i svuda, jer policija je represivni predstavnik države, a država je naravno DNO, i to samo takvo. Uostalom, murija da je htela ovo da spreči, sprečila bi na keca, jer ih je bilo u tolikom broju, da ova ekipa što je akcijala, a takvih je bilo zaista malo, ne bi mogla ni da priđe centru Beograda a ne da dođe na miting. Tvrdim.
"A documentary about the classic 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' film, including interviews with Gunnar Hansen (LEATHERFACE), Edwin Neal (THE HITCHHIKER), John Dugan (GRANDPA) and Jim Seidow (OLD MAN)."
"Ponovo zajedno" nazvan je koncert koji su u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u petak navečer održali Jadranka Stojaković i Damir Imamović. Umilni glasovi i sjetne i emotivne melodije obilježili su povratak naše poznate kantautorice iz Japana nakon više od 20 godina umjetničkog angažmana u toj zemlji, a publika je s oduševljenjem propratila ovaj nastup.
- Vaistinu prajsles konferencija za štampu - MUST SEE ! -
Teško bolesna 61-godišnja muzičarka privezana je za invalidska kolica, ali to je nije spriječilo da pjeva rodnom gradu, iako mnogi na njenom mjestu ne bi ni pomišljali na pjesmu.
- Ko zna reći -
Sa Damirom Imamovićem, umjetnikom koji sjajno izvodi sevdalinke, prije pet godina prvi put je pjevala zajedno, a sinoćnji koncert ovo dvoje izvanrednih muzičara upotpunio je i nastup beogradskog basiste Ivana Mihajlovića i sarajevskog saksofoniste Timura Sijarića."
O ovome sam već naširoko pisao povodom dokumentaraca Waco: A New Revelation (1999), Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997), i još nekih igranih i dokumentarnih filmova, pa ko voli nek mu ga da, samo nek u search ukuca WACO, a može i preko lejbela INCIDENTS. Ovo je između ostalog priča i o jedinom člana Loze Davidijanaca koji je uspeo da se na vreme izvuče iz vatrene buktinje koju je izazvao ATF u nameri da posle 51-og dana okonča opsadu.
"The Branch Davidian cult led by David Koresh in Waco, TX, will long be remembered for the sad, fiery way that its members lost their lives in 1993. When negotiations with the FBI and other authorities stalled, chaos reigned. This program features interviews with many of the federal government officials who were responsible for making the critical decisions that might have peacefully ended the standoff. Attorney General Janet Reno and others were outraged not just by the attack on the compound, but also by the early attempts to cover up what actually happened. Footage shot on that fateful day is reviewed while experts comment on the tragic events that quickly got out of hand."
Pesmica u kojoj smo se skoro svi pronašli svojevremeno, a videćete i zašto, znači obrati pažnju na spot i skroz sulud tekst !
"Sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
I get real frustrated and I try hard to do it and I take my time and it doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
It's like I concentrate real hard and it doesn't work out.
Everything I do and everything I try never turns out.
It's like I need time to figure these things out.
But there's always someone there going.
Hey Mike:
You know we've been noticing you've been having a lot of problems lately.
You know, maybe you should get away and maybe you should talk about it, maybe you'll feel a lot better
And I'm all like:
Oh nah it's ok you know I'll figure it out, just leave me alone I'll figure it out.
You know I'm just working on it by myself.
And they go:
Well you know if you want to talk about it I'll be here you know and you'll probably feel a lot better if you talk about it. So why don't you talk about it?
And I go:
No I don't want to I'm okay, I'll figure it out myself.
But they just keep bugging me and they just keep bugging me, and it builds up inside.
So you're gonna be institutionalized
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have anyting to say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way.
I'm not crazy - Institutionalized
You're the one that's crazy - Institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - Institutionalized
They stuck me in an institution,
Said it was the only solution,
to give me the needed professional help,
to protect me from the enemy - Myself
I was in my room and I was just like staring at the wall thinking about everything.
But then again I was thinking about nothing
And then my mom came in and I didn't even know she was there.
She called my name and I didn't hear her and then she started screaming: MIKE! MIKE!
And I go:
What, what's the matter?
She goes:
What's the matter with you?
I go:
There's nothing wrong mom.
She's all:
Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
I go:
No mom I'm not on drugs I'm okay, I was just thinking you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi.
She goes:
NO you're on drugs!
I go:
Mom I'm okay, I'm just thinking.
She goes:
No you're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't be acting that way!
I go:
Mom just get me a Pepsi, please
All I want is a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me.
Just a Pepsi.
They give you a white shirt with long sleeves
Tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
Drug you up because they're lazy
It's too much work to help a crazy
I'm not crazy - Institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - Institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - Institutionalized
They stuck me in an institution,
Said it was the only solution,
to give me the needed professional help,
to protect me from the enemy - Myself
I was sitting in my room when my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a chair and they sat down.
They go:
Mike, we need to talk to you.
And I go:
Okay what's the matter?
They go:
Me and your mom have been noticing lately that you've been having a lot of problems,
And you've been going off for no reason and we're afraid you're going to hurt somebody,
And we're afraid you're going to hurt yourself.
So we decided that it would be in you're best interest if we put you somewhere
Where you could get the help that you need.
And I go:
Wait, what are you talking about, WE decided!?
MY best interests?! How do you know what MY best interest is?
How can you say what MY best interest is? What are you trying to say, I'M crazy?
When I went to YOUR schools, I went to YOUR churches,
I went to YOUR institutional learning facilities?! So how can you say I'M crazy?
They say they're gonna fix my brain
Alleviate my suffering and my pain
But by the time they fix my head
Mentally I'll be dead
I'm not crazy - Institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - Institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - Institutionalized
They stuck me in an institution,
Said it was the only solution,
to give me the needed professional help,
to protect me from the enemy - Myself
Doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyways."
"The main themes of Murder Music are: the musical origins of black metal, from Birmingham, UK hard rock group Black Sabbath to Newcastle extreme metal pioneers Venom; the anti-Christian sentiment of its practitioners; the controversies surrounding the criminal acts (arson and murder) of the early Norwegian scene; and the paradox of a Christian form of black metal, represented by Scandinavian band Frosthardr."
"Motherpig. Bend koji već 2 godine funkcionira na relaciji Sarajevo-Županja. Iza sebe ima već popriličan broj nastupa kako u inozemstvu (1 europska turneja), tako i na domaćim prostorima. Snimljen je, isproduciran i poslan za štampu novi materijal, tj. materijal za prvi službeni cjelovečernji album "Nojev let" nazvan simbolično po jednoj od epizoda strip serije Dylan Dog. Ova stvarka je izabrana kao prvi singl sa tog albuma, te dio uvida u još veću priču koja se krije iza ovog albuma. Više informacija o bendu, te nadolazećem albumu na dole priloženim linkovima."
"Insomnija" is first single off the Motherpig's debut album "Nojev Let". "Nojev Let" will be released in May/early June 2011 on CD by Beyond The Sun Records. You've probably had a chance to hear promo track (unmastered version) of the song here on Bandcamp, on Myspace and Facebook, but know it's completely finished and this is the real deal.
Track tells the story about those sleepless nights when decisions you make and actions you take just take the sleep away from you. They might be good, they might be bad, but no one can judge you - only you know the feeling of pride or guilt which nests inside of your mind.
Atlija Hun, Motherpig's guitar player wrote the music, and as he said, it might sound different, but he was inspired by music of Little Richard and Death Breath. And he wrote awesome lyrics for this one, too. But the English translation will be available soon on our website and on demand via e-mail.
Why we've picked this one? Don't really know, it doesn't represent the complete picture of album's sound, but it is fun to play and it's the first one written for the album, so it's probably a good one for the start. There are no similar tracks on our upcoming album. This one is thrashy, dirty and fast as fuck. The rest will be a complete surprise.
As for the mixing, engineering and recording of the track (and the whole album), our long-time friend and no-time fan Mirza Šišić dealt with it and he succeeded in incorporating influences from all around the world because we've begged for it - dirty South American thrash, harsh Japanese 80's sound, bulldozing kind-a-Nyctophobic-grindish wall of sound. We're proud. We love it. You'll learn to love it. This track (and the rest of the album) was supremely mastered by Adnan Dado Mušanović.
Sinoć sam sanjao da sam ladno video Ratka Mladića u nekom kineskom tržnom centru na Novom Beogradu u kom naravno nikad nisam bio al' uglavnom taj kineski trž. centar mi se stalno "javlja" u snovima tako da mi je poznata lokacija, uglavom neki Kinez hteo da mi uvali knjigu o istoriji Kine (na kineskom naravno), iz fazona nešto na rate mesečno po 20 dindži, ne sećam se koliko meseci, dakle suludo. Pratim ja njega šta mi priča, a ta tezga taman pored glavnog ulaza u tržni centar...i sad vidim ulazi neki general naše vojske, e sad jebemliga, nema šanse da se setim koji, uglavnom neka poznata faca koju sam prepoznao u tom trenutku, i ja u sebi : "vidi bre, šta će ovaj ovde ?!", i u sledećem trenutku nekih par metara iza njega ulazi ladno Ratko i gleda me PRAVO U OČI, i ja se prep'o na trenutak i zbunio se, jer ne verujem šta vidim, i ladno tako istripovan stanem u stav mirno i kao "Dobar dan generale" (nisam to svesno uradio neko više instinktivno) i to skroz naglas.
Dakle usr'o sam se živ kad sam shvatio šta sam uradio, sva sreća pa nikoga nije bilo okolo da čuje, samo ovaj Kinez koji me nije ni konstatov'o, a Ratko me gleda u fazonu "koji ti je bre kurac ?!", a ja mu kao očima pokazujem da sam skapir'o i ladno mu namigujem kao "diskrecija zagarantovana", a iza njega ide obezbeđenje, naravno svi low profile, i nastavljaju dalje kroz tržni centar, a ja se usr'o, jer jebiga sad sam SVEDOK !!! Da me ne roknu ovi jebote ?!
Idem dalje kroz onaj tržni centar a realno nije mi dobro, jer tripujem da me ovi njegovi iz "šireg prstena obezbeđenja" snimaju sve vreme, jer sam kao sad svedok i samo gledaju dal' ću da se uvatim za mobilni pa da me smaknu snajperom ili čime već, i sva sreća pa nisam imao mobilni, inače ko zna šta bi bilo. Uglavnom, kad sam shvatio kasnije da je to bio samo san bejah JAAAKO SREĆAN, e sad, šta ovo može da znači - ja to stvarno ne znam, uglavnom ne sluti na dobro...
Pošto sam se svojevremeno intezivno bavio čuvenom japanskom apokaliptičnom "sektom" Aum Shinrikyo te njenim akcijama među kojih je bila i ona najčuvenija, gde su u tokijski metro pustili smrtonosni gas Sarin te pobili krdo ljudi, a postavljao sam i par dokumentaraca od kojih su najznačajniji sigurno A (1998) i A2 (2001) reditelja Tatsuya Morija, dužan sam da baš ja objavim ovaj rad, a inače hvala bratu cutteru na ustupljenom materijalu.
Naime, istaknuti članovi Aum Shinrikyo su verovali ili ne, boravili u prvoj polovini 90-ih u Beogradu, i to samo da bi posetili muzej Nikole Tesle. Navodno, Beograd su posetili početkom marta '95 a što dojaja jezivo zvuči ako znamo da je napad na tokijski metro izvršen 20. marta izjutra.
No, dobro, ono što mene zanima ovde je njihovo interesovanje za Teslu, te sam jako ponosan što pripadam narodu koji je iznedrio takvu jednu veličinu, koja prevazilazi sve ličnosti 20. pa sigurno i 19. veka, jer realno je da veće face od Tesle nema, jer da njega nije bilo ko zna kakvu bismo patetičnu struju danas imali i sve ostale aparature od onog smrada Edisona, mislim, OK, ne sumnjam da bi bilo kompjutera, ali bi realno šljakali na lož ulje, a startovali bi se logično na kurblu, a da ne pričamo o radiju, televiziji itd.etc.
I vaistinu, jebeš poreklo, nek bude i Hrvat, Eskim, Štatijaznamac, boli me baš kurac, ali zaista mislim da je Tesla ako ne najbitnija, onda među 3 najbitnije ličnosti koje su hodile Planetom Zemljom, i svojim izumima i idejama dovele civilizaciju na ovaj nivo na kojem je danas. Da li se slažete sa mnom ?
E sad, šta su stručnjaci iz Aum Shinrikyo tražili u Teslinom muzeju u Beogradu to možda nikad nećemo saznati, možda su jurili neko novo/staro oružije, a možda ih je samo zanimao Tesla kao jedna vrsta nadčoveka, kao spiritualno biće koje je uspelo da nadiđe ovozemaljsko, patetično ljudsko postojanje, i da postane nešto više, kao npr. Dete-Zvezda u Klarkovoj Odiseji, uostalom, ko to mož' da zna ? Inače, brat cutter mi je danas dostavio jedan intervju, iz časopisa Galaksija, sa dr Aleksandrom Marinčićem i dr Velimirom Abramovićem, gde oni skroz otvoreno govore o svom susretu sa članovima Auma i neposrednim iskustvima povodom njihovog interesovanja za Teslu, te vam ga stavljam na uvid. Enjoy!
"Cinematic magician, legendary provocateur, author of the infamous HOLLYWOOD BABYLON books and creator of some of the most striking and beautiful works in the history of film, Kenneth Anger is a singular figure in post-war American culture. A major influence on everything from the films of Martin Scorsese, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and David Lynch to the pop art of Andy Warhol to MTV, Anger's work serves as a talisman of universal symbols and personal obsessions, combining myth, artifice and ritual to render cinema with the power of a spell or incantation.
Covering the second half of Anger's career, from his legendary SCORPIO RISING to his breathtaking phantasmagoria LUCIFER RISING, Fantoma is very proud to complete the cycle with this long-awaited final volume of films by this revolutionary and groundbreaking maverick, painstakingly restored and presented on DVD for the first time anywhere in the world."