Zelimir Zilnik
Omiljeni domaći film mog pobratima Collapsa, a bogme i moj, mislim, šta reći kad se opasno ložim na Sanelu, il' kako je to lepo objasnio brat minli "i nemoj da je neko travere diro." Znači, masterpis Želimira Žilnika, vaistinu masterpis, i mojne slučajno da neko nije gledo, jer ipak : Merlinka, Džoni Racković, Luna Lu, Sanela, nema dalje, crazy to the fullest. (84 min)
"In this Serbian anti-war film, radical Serb director Zelimir Zilnik promotes his view that it is better to make love than it is to make war. The heroes are a transvestite, Merlin, and Sanela, a prostitute. They live together in a suburban home outside of Belgrade. Dzoni, who has recently come back from fighting on the Bosnian front, is the aggressive and heavily armed bad-guy. He desperately needs sex to mellow out his destructive urges.
Zelimir Zilnik's film represents a most radical metaphor for a complete downfall of a country destroyed by degenerated outcomes of collectivism in the catastrophe of war which befell young people. Zilnik's characters come back from the battlefield only to face a criminal milieu deeply rooted, extermination of humans, pillage, break down of law and order, quotidian robberies.
Therefore, their only way to survive becomes sharp dropping of all values. Amidst the rottenness of a social scene which represents collectivism destroyed, the first signs of a certain resistance come from desperate people. These live as if in a puddle left after big floods, marginalized and stigmatized because of their perverted outlook of the world of the bottom."
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Zelimir Zilnik
Omiljeni domaći film mog pobratima Collapsa, a bogme i moj, mislim, šta reći kad se opasno ložim na Sanelu, il' kako je to lepo objasnio brat minli "i nemoj da je neko travere diro." Znači, masterpis Želimira Žilnika, vaistinu masterpis, i mojne slučajno da neko nije gledo, jer ipak : Merlinka, Džoni Racković, Luna Lu, Sanela, nema dalje, crazy to the fullest. (84 min)
"In this Serbian anti-war film, radical Serb director Zelimir Zilnik promotes his view that it is better to make love than it is to make war. The heroes are a transvestite, Merlin, and Sanela, a prostitute. They live together in a suburban home outside of Belgrade. Dzoni, who has recently come back from fighting on the Bosnian front, is the aggressive and heavily armed bad-guy. He desperately needs sex to mellow out his destructive urges.
Zelimir Zilnik's film represents a most radical metaphor for a complete downfall of a country destroyed by degenerated outcomes of collectivism in the catastrophe of war which befell young people. Zilnik's characters come back from the battlefield only to face a criminal milieu deeply rooted, extermination of humans, pillage, break down of law and order, quotidian robberies.
Therefore, their only way to survive becomes sharp dropping of all values. Amidst the rottenness of a social scene which represents collectivism destroyed, the first signs of a certain resistance come from desperate people. These live as if in a puddle left after big floods, marginalized and stigmatized because of their perverted outlook of the world of the bottom."
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ja se izvinjavam, al ja to nisam mogo da izdržim dalje od 15ak minuta.
prosto, ti likovi i njine životne priče me ama baš nimalo ne zanimaju, nisu mi prikazani na prijemčiv način, likovi su ružni, fotografija je ružna, sve je ružno i glupo.
za čije babe zdravlje?
Au Ghoulashine, nahvalio si Zivot i smrt porno ganga, a ovo ti ne valja ?! Pa bre ovo je realna preteca celog tog tripa...
Ovaj film nema nikakvu radnju!
Smesni su likovi u filmu i to je to.
Kako je ovo sranje dobilo nagradu na Berlinskom festivalu to mi nikad nece biti jasno?
Opasan film. Nikako da se nacudim komentarima prethodnika...tradicija crnog talasa nastavljena u realnosti sub Beograda, sa realnim likovima. Teska i primamljiva stvar...
Slažem se, jedinstven film! Imao sam priliku da napokon upoznam reditelja i bilo je nestvarno slušajući njegove analize i šta ga inspiriše da snima filmove.
Definitivno reditelj koji i danas ima šta da kaže.
Berlinski žiri je neosporan i ovaj film je zaslužio nagradu te godine.
Ti nisi ciljna grupa ovog rezisera svakako. Ne poznajes ni pravopis.
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