Friday, December 23, 2011

O Vitezovima i huliganima uopšte: Kratak klip sa promocije!

"Bojan Pandža AKA Son Of Man sa Abraxas 365 bloga, na promociji svoje knjige "Abraksasov vodič niz dokumentarni film" u Beogradu 20. 12. 2011. priča kako je postao Vitez FK "Obilić", o svojim navijačkim danima, huliganima i još ponečemu."


Jorge A. Trejos I. said...

dude I wish I could read your language..... please include a brief description of the activity.... to know what you are into....


son of man said...

Hi B.N. my brother,

In this youtube clip I'm talking about my life when I was football hooligan (1999-2006) and funny and crazy things that happened to my CREW (Serbian Knights) during our travels to another cities where our club played the game. Of course, most of us was never really interested in football, and I can say that we even hate football, it's most stupidest sport in my opinion, so the main reason we traveled sometimes more than 500 kilometers by train to "watch" the game was our friendship, unity, alcohol, plenty of all kinds of drugs, fights with rival crews, adrenaline, and lots of fun in every posible way. I can call it even some kind of anarchy in most primitive way, when you can go in the shop on gas station, with all those clerks who watch you sadly, and steal whatever you want without even a word from them. And that's just one way of that "anarchy", cause in city we came we are in charge, and no one can stop us, cause there is not enough police to react on our hooliganism, so that's some kind of big power which lasts only on that trips, cause when we came back home in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, we are relatively normal and loyal citizens. We go to regular work from 8 AM to 16 PM , we go to university, and that saturday is the only day when we became crazy hooligans.

Of course, now is a very different situation, so you are forced be a hooligan 24/7, cause rival CREWS atacks you whenever they may find you, even in front of your house with a girlfriend. So, lots of things changed but I really don't care anymore cause that's my past, I finished with that in 2006, cause lider of our group went to Barcelona, Spain, and there were no other person inteligent enough to fullfil that space, so only 5 to 10 peple stayed (from 100-200) in the group, and we were very easy pray for every rival crew which numbered even 30 active guys, so they attacked us every single time we came in their neighbourhood, and there were knife stabings in clash with supporters of F.C. Vozdovac - INVALIDI (Invalides) in the local bus, so I decided to disform the group, to call it quit, cause I would never forgive to my self to participate in a "fight" where any kid died. Sorry, but that's not my way. And believe me, Serbia is the Europian state with biggest rate of killings in footbal supporters scene. We are negative recorders in that, like Argentinians, and that's very, very sad, cause some of them even use firearms in that "fights". That's a BIG, BIG SHAME for Serbian hool and ultra movement, and I'm very glad that I'm no more part of it. And yes, I'm still fascinated with that, but only in the way that I watch it on internet, the pictures and youtube clips of coreographies and fights. That's it. Hope you understood me.

All the best,
SON OF 365 ;)

Sova je said...

a što sam ja kontao da si ti radovac.. ?

son of man said...

Zaista, ne znam zašto bi bilo ko ovde kontao da sam Fors ? Mada, ajde to navijač Rada i nije tolko strašno ali većina starijih su Ljotićevci i nažalost naci, što mene trenutno izopštava iz te slike iako ih gotivim ovako, imam i neke drugare, ali baš sad ne drvimo previše o politici, ako me kontaš...

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