Wednesday, September 29, 2010

God's Angry Man (1980)

Werner Herzog

Još jedan Herzogov nenamerno genijalan dokumentarac, naime radi se o portretu jednog podivljalog sveštenika čini mi se evangelističke crkve al' ne držite me za reč, znači dokumentarni portret sveštenika koji vodi veoma popularan late-night show pod naziviom 'Festival of Faith', gde on uz live muzičke pauze al' bukvalno proziva najstrašnije svoju publiku, dakle izdire se na gledaoce ko polu-lud, lud, a sve naravno u cilju da bi što više telefonskih donacija za crkvu pristiglo u toku emisije. Dakle, nešto neverovatno, a mislio da sam sve video kad su religijski fanatici u pitanju.

Dalje, pored tog svog navodno opravdanog divljanja po studiju, ovaj lik je i neviđeni hvalisavac, pa i rasipnik, mislim da je zajebo čak i sveti sinod SPC-a što se tiče bahanalisanja sa limuzinama i slično, ali ko i svaki čovek, i ovaj sveštenik ima svojih dobrih strana, no to ostavljam vama da izvalite. Uglavnom, skroz luda priča, sa tim hajlajtom na kraju kada besni po studiju a uporedo idu snimci iz limuzine gde racionalizuje svoje postupke i objašnjava nam zašto to mora baš toliko agresivno. Znači kralj. Obavezno! (44 min)

"God's Angry Man, a 44-minute documentary on Dr. Gene Scott of the nightly Festival of Faith, is great. It focuses on Gene Scott's three decades as a broadcaster during which he attracted a large number of viewers for whom his program was never intended — what we generally call a cult following — and his cross-section of fans were legion, if not exactly ready to give their hearts to Jesus anytime soon. It’s certainly a testament to the stamina (if not the downright perversity) of anyone if they could endure three to ten hours a night of a visibly enraged man with a fine, snow-white Charlie Rich pompadour and an icy stare hectoring his audience in television land to get on the phone right this minute and empty out their bank accounts to keep his ministry on its feet. And this is by no means an exaggeration. A good deal of Herzog’s 44-minute film is taken up with scenes of Scott live on the air, angrily rifling through pledges from viewers that were just called in — none of which are ever less than three figures — eventually flying into a hardcore Old Testament fury at the foul stinginess of the apostate public when he sees they haven’t coughed up that extra thousand he told them he needed."


Anonymous said...

all the links are down - please renew!
i was looking so long for this movie.

son of man said...

God's Angry Man (1980) - new MU link !

Anonymous said...

thank you!

son of man said...

God's Angry Man (1980) - NEW LINK!

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