"In this book, David Boonin examines the problem of punishment, and particularly the problem of explaining why it is morally permissible for the state to treat those who break the law in ways that would be wrong to treat those who do not. Boonin argues that there is no satisfactory solution to this problem and that the practice of legal punishment should therefore be abolished. Providing a detailed account of the nature of punishment and the problems that it generates, he offers a comprehensive and critical survey of the various solutions that have been offered to the problem and concludes by considering victim restitution as an alternative to punishment. Written in a clear and accessible style, The Problem of Punishment will be of interest to anyone looking for a critical introduction to the subject as well as to those already familiar with it."
Bobby Granted Parole... Again
2 days ago
Ako moze opet po zeljama, da li slucajno imas "Balthus s druge strane ogledala"
i od Laure Mulvey "Frida Kahlo i Tina Modotti"
Kad si mi vec poklonio Reverona, ajd da pokusam nazicat i ovo. Inace, da si mi dobro i nemoj se sekirat previse oko politike, glavno da si svjestan, da koristis ovaj blog ko plataformu da cujemo sto se dogadja, al jebga, nazalost puno toga se ne moze promijeniti, take care.
I vec kad te tako besramno trazim dokumentarce, da li imas mozda kvalitentu verziju "Degenerate ARt", Davida Grubina, jer ovu sto sam skinula s neta je VHSrip i slika ajd jos nekako, al sumi i zuji, a voljela bih ga pokazat studentima, poucan je. Hvala unaprijed za sve.
Bolji snimak "Degenerate Art" nećeš naći.
Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti (1984) imaš ovde :
A Balthusa takođe ima samo ga treba skinuti sa torrenta, a to neće ići baš tako lako, javiću ti.
Joj, NAJBOLJI SI!!! Pusa iz MEksika, sto mi je lijepo zapoceo dan zahvaljuci tebi )
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