Saso Podgorsek
Evo konacno i ovog filma, ja mislim da smo svi chuli za njega al nisu svi imali prilike da ga pogledaju. Ostra kritika (prikaz) americhkog drustva u 2004. godini i zloslutna Laibachovska predvidjanja o tome sta ce se desiti u buducnosti SAD-a sto se naravno polako i obistinjuje danas, jer Laibach naime retko grese sa svojim kvazi-prorocanstvima, uostalom setimo se kada su u Beogradu '97 najavili totalni duhovni i fizichki kolaps Srbije u onom cuvenom govoru Petera Mlakara u Hali Sportova ("Braco Srbi, odrekli ste se Boga..."), e isto nesto na taj fazon su upozorili i Amerikance u ovom filmu, uglavnom najezicete se provereno od Mlakarevog govora. Mnogo jak film i realno gledljiv cak i za one koji ne vole muziku Laibacha.
"Divided States Of America, directed by award winning Slovenian film maker Sašo Podgoršek, is a unique document of Laibach’s US tour, set during the traumatic 2004 post-election atmosphere in a country deeply divided by two opposite political and cultural poles. Laibach conducted its first tour of North America in 1989, two years before the disintegration of its mother country, Yugoslavia. It was called "Sympathy for the Devil Tour" and was followed by two further tours in 1992 and 1997. In 2001 came the attack on WTC, then followed the avenging wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, and the universal offensive against terrorism, events which radically marked the new millennium - but also tightened the doors to the USA for many foreigners. Despite that, in election year 2004, in a tensely divided atmosphere between President Bush and Democratic candidate Kerry, Laibach successfully slipped again into the country to carry out their latest 15-concert North American tour. The first stop was in Washington, D.C., only a gunshot from the White House and only one day after the election results had been announced. In the air was a feeling of uneasiness, dark clouds covered the sky and rain fell all day..."

Fala bratu Senicaru iz SLO koji je nabacio ovaj DVDrip. Zivio ! ;)
Amerikanci i dalje sasvim pogrešno shvataju Laibach. pri tome mislim na onih sitnih par promila među njih 300 miliona koji su u stanju sklopiti prosto proširenu rečenicu, a ne na izgube koji sačinjavaju većinu fanova koje vidimo u ovom filmu, pošto oni ne samo da pogrešno shvataju Laibach, nego se shvatanjem ni ne bave; zamjenjuju ih idiotskim zanimacijama poput "seksi cura na stejdžu", "jebanja šest sati uz Laibach", "koreografije", "sweet man" dispozicije članova benda, kul simbola za tetovaže, kul odjeće za kopiranje, kul mjuze za dati prijateljima i sl.
dakle, Amerikanci na koje mislim vide u Laibachu, kako se da iščitati iz izjava prikazanih pojedinaca, "support" za njihovu priklonjenost Demokratama nasuprot priklonjenosti Republikancima. "dobroj" vlasti nasuprot "zloj" vlasti. vječno ograničeni svojim samobitnim, egocentričnim pogledom na svijet, misle da se sve vrti oko njih i njihove politikice, što unutrašnje što vanjske.
Laibach je, narafski, izdignut iznad tog sukoba Democrats-Republicans i bavi se sasvim jednom trećom stvari, koja podjednako obuhvata vladanje i iz ugla jedne i iz ugla druge političke orijentacije (ako ta diferencijacija uopšte i postoji kad je u pitanju vanjska politika... sjetimo se da je John F. Kennedy kad je preuzeo vlast poslao u Vijetnam još vojnika). Žižek Laibach fino sumira:
BS: Years ago, you were involved with the band Laibach and its proto-state, NSK (Neue Slovenische Kunst). Why did you get involved with them?
Zizek: The reason I liked them at a certain moment (which was during the last years of "really existing socialism") was that they were a third voice, a disturbing voice, not fitting into the opposition between the old Communists and the new liberal democrats. For me, their message was that there were fundamental mechanisms of power which we couldn't get rid of with the simple passage to democracy. This was a disturbing message, which was why they got on everyone's nerves. This was no abstract theoretical construct. In the late 1980s, people got this message instinctively - which is why Laibach were more strongly repressed by the new democratic, nationalist powers in Slovenia than previously by the Communists. In the early 1980s, they had some trouble with the Communists, but from the mid-1980s onward, they didn't have any trouble. But they did again with the transition of power. With their mocking rituals of totalitarian power, they transmitted a certain message about the functioning of power that didn't fit the naive belief in liberal democracy. The miracle was that they did it through certain stage rituals. Later, they tried to change their image (to put it in marketing terms) and they failed.
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Laibach - Divided States of America (2006) - NEW LINKS ADDED!
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