Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Squeaky puštena na uslovnu posle 34 godine !

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, meni najgotivniji lik iz Čarlijeve družine, je puštena pre par dana (14. avgusta) konačno na uslovnu slobodu. Ne treba zaboraviti da je u zatvor dospela posle čuvenog pokušaja atentata 1975. na tadasnjeg predsednika SAD Džeralda Forda i tako ušla u istoriju kao prva i jedina žena koja je pokušala atentan na predsednika SAD. Uglavnom, mnogo mi drago zbog Skviki, jer nema puno tako odvažnih žena danas, mada nema ni muškaraca ako ćemo iskreno, i setimo se samo njenog fanatičnog bekstva iz zatvora 1987. godine, a ja sam čak i svojoj mački nadenuo ime po njoj - SKVIKI. Znači posle 34 godine robije, konačno uslovna sloboda. Prva Čarlijeva "sledbenica" koja je puštena mada nije učestovavala u Helter Skelter ubistvima ali je ovo možda još i gore, mislim na pokušaj atentata na predsednika SAD jbotebogdatejbo. Uglavnom ono što je bitno je da su počeli polako da ih puštaju iz zatvora, kontam 40 godina je prošlo i dosta je bilo jbga. Naravno jedan deo ekipe nikad neće videti slobodu ali zato Bobby Beausoleil i Leslie Van Houten (koje mi je i najžalije) bi trebali da budu pušteni u dogledno vreme.

"The Charles Manson follower convicted of trying to assassinate President Gerald Ford was released Friday from a Texas prison hospital after more than three decades behind bars.

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, 60, left the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth at about 8 a.m. EDT Friday, spokeswoman Dr. Maria Douglas said. Though a few photographers had camped out since the night before outside the facility surrounded razor wire-topped fences, Fromme slipped by the group unnoticed in one of the many cars streaming in and out of the front gate Friday morning.

It was a far cry from her antics that captivated the United States' attention 30 years ago: shaving her red hair and carving an "X" into her forehead after Manson was convicted for orchestrating a mass murder, wearing a red robe when she pulled a gun on Ford, being carried into her trial courtroom by marshals when she refused to walk.

In September 1975, Fromme pushed through a crowd, drew a semiautomatic .45-calibre pistol from a thigh holster and pointed it at Ford, who was shaking hands with well-wishers while walking to the California state capitol in Sacramento. But Secret Service agents grabbed her and the gun, and Ford was unhurt.

Fromme, who reportedly got her nickname while in Manson's "family," possibly because of her voice, had become its leader. She was never implicated in the 1969 murders of actress Sharon Tate and eight others, for which Manson is serving a life term in Corcoran State Prison in California.

During her trial, Fromme either refused to attend or had outbursts. Her attorney argued that she wanted to call attention to environmental issues and Manson's case and never meant to kill Ford. A few bullets were in the gun but not in the chamber."

Najlepšu pesmicu Eddie Brickell posvećujem Skviki :)


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