Director :
Ruth Selwyn
Ovo sam baš dugo, dugo tražio. Konačno će svekolika srpska javnost (i šire) imati prilike da vidi kako zaista izgleda retka i misteriozna bolest pod nazivom Multiple personality disorder, koja se po novom zove Dissociative identity disorder. Neverovatno, poodavno me nešto nije ovoliko potreslo a baš sam svašta-koješta gledao. Videćete i sami, promena ličnosti se ne izražava samo u glasu, već i u izrazu lica, i što je najšokantnije - u očima, znači neverovatno nešto, moram priznati da sam ostao zatečen.
O ovom poremećaju se vrlo malo zna, ali primer ove devojke, zapravo žene, Helen, će vam pojasniti mnoge stvari. Nemam ideju koliko ljudi u Srbiji živi sa ovim poremećajem, ali ja sam upoznao samo jednu osobu koja navodno ima tu bolest, ali ne mogu ništa da tvrdim jer ništa nisam ni video, dakle u ovom dokumentarcu nećete videti nikakve scene poput onih iz Hičkokovog Psiha i sličnih filmova, uostalom ova žena je pravi, klasičan primer kako to zapravo izgleda. Potresno, čudno, ali veoma edukativno. A MUST-MUST SEE. (60 min)
Official Documentary Website
"Helen and Ruth were best friends at school. Helen, according to Ruth, was one of the prettiest and cleverest girls in the class. Whenever Ruth thinks of school she thinks of the fun times she shared with Helen. Soon after leaving school, however, they lost contact. Fourteen years later Helen and Ruth bumped into each other by chance on a train. As they sat together on the train, Helen told Ruth that she had Multiple Personality Disorder, had been satanically and sexually abused as a child and had tried to take her own life on a number of occasions. Since that meeting six years ago Ruth and Helen have begun to rekindle their old friendship. This film follows Ruth on her journey of discovery into Helen's world. We accompany her as she gets to know her friend again, as she tries to find out what happened to Helen in the fourteen years they were apart and to understand what it means for Helen to live with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)."
Ruth Selwyn
Ovo sam baš dugo, dugo tražio. Konačno će svekolika srpska javnost (i šire) imati prilike da vidi kako zaista izgleda retka i misteriozna bolest pod nazivom Multiple personality disorder, koja se po novom zove Dissociative identity disorder. Neverovatno, poodavno me nešto nije ovoliko potreslo a baš sam svašta-koješta gledao. Videćete i sami, promena ličnosti se ne izražava samo u glasu, već i u izrazu lica, i što je najšokantnije - u očima, znači neverovatno nešto, moram priznati da sam ostao zatečen.
O ovom poremećaju se vrlo malo zna, ali primer ove devojke, zapravo žene, Helen, će vam pojasniti mnoge stvari. Nemam ideju koliko ljudi u Srbiji živi sa ovim poremećajem, ali ja sam upoznao samo jednu osobu koja navodno ima tu bolest, ali ne mogu ništa da tvrdim jer ništa nisam ni video, dakle u ovom dokumentarcu nećete videti nikakve scene poput onih iz Hičkokovog Psiha i sličnih filmova, uostalom ova žena je pravi, klasičan primer kako to zapravo izgleda. Potresno, čudno, ali veoma edukativno. A MUST-MUST SEE. (60 min)
Official Documentary Website
"Helen and Ruth were best friends at school. Helen, according to Ruth, was one of the prettiest and cleverest girls in the class. Whenever Ruth thinks of school she thinks of the fun times she shared with Helen. Soon after leaving school, however, they lost contact. Fourteen years later Helen and Ruth bumped into each other by chance on a train. As they sat together on the train, Helen told Ruth that she had Multiple Personality Disorder, had been satanically and sexually abused as a child and had tried to take her own life on a number of occasions. Since that meeting six years ago Ruth and Helen have begun to rekindle their old friendship. This film follows Ruth on her journey of discovery into Helen's world. We accompany her as she gets to know her friend again, as she tries to find out what happened to Helen in the fourteen years they were apart and to understand what it means for Helen to live with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)."
ja se skroz zakacila o tvoj blog, same dragulje nalazim i sve redom skidam. sjajan ti je ukus, hvala za toliko ludog materijala.
jedina sugestija: a da malo ubacis spanj. govorno podrucje?, kad vec nalazis cuda nevidjena, jer to bi mi itekako dobro doslo.
Izvini, ali ovo zaista nisu želje i pozdravi, dakle na mom blogu ja postavljam šta ja volim, a špance baš i ne volim ;)
ok, cuj, kaze da su linkovi offline.
The Woman with 7 Personalities - New MU single link added
Your site is wonderful, thank you so much for your effort. And this doc seems really really interesting!
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