Monday, May 31, 2010

Rage: 20 Years of Punk Rock West Coast Style (2001)

Michael Bishop
Scott Jacoby

"While the American punk rock revolution started on the East Coast in the mid-'70s, by 1978 California boasted once of the most interesting and important punk scenes in the world, spawning a number of great bands who would change the shape of underground rock & roll and blaze the trails for the independent music community of the '80s and '90s. Rage: 20 Years of Punk Rock West Coast Style is a documentary that offers a brief but telling glimpse of the formative days of California punk, with film clips of important early bands such as the Germs, the Screamers, and the Weirdos and interviews with important scene figures who discuss the long journey of California punk from an outcast artists community to a sound co-opted by the mainstream record industry in the wake of the multi-platinum success of Green Day. Interview subjects include Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys, Keith Morris of the Circle Jerks and Black Flag, Don Bolles of the Germs, Jack Grisham of TSOL, and Harold Bronson of Rhino Records." (66 min)


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Pass :

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Danzig - Live On The Black Hand Side (2001)

01. Godless
02. Left Hand Black
03. How The Gods Kill
04. Dirty Black Summer
05. Pain In The World
06. Evil Thing
07. Halloween II
08. Not Of This World
09. Killer Wolf
10. Little Whip
11. Going Down To Die
12. Bringer of Death
13. Stalker Song
14. Long Way Back From Hell
15. Satan's Child
16. 7th House
17. 5 Finger Crawl
18. Unspeakable
19. Lilin
20. Her Black Wings
21. It's Coming Down
22. Do You Wear The Mark
23. Until You Call On The Dark
24. Deep
25. Belly of The Beast
26. She Rides
27. Twist of Cain
28. Mother

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say

Can you keep them in the dark for life
Can you hide them from the waiting world
Oh mother

Gonna take you daughter out tonight
Gonna show her my world
Oh father

Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till you're bleeding

Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's

Tell your children not to hold my hand
Tell your children not to understand
Oh mother

Do you wanna bang heads with me
Do you wanna feel everything
Oh father

Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till you're bleeding

Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's

Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till you're bleeding

Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like

Download CD1

Download CD2

Afropunk: The 'Rock n Roll Nigger' Experience (2003)

James Spooner

"This film, which many may assume is a historical punk documentary, actually is an honest and needed treatment of race and identity. Punk and Hardcore music is simply the microcosm in which it is told. First time Director, James Spooner, in telling this story, has opened new dialogues on these crucial subject both intra and interracially. Many times funny, sometimes sobering, a wake up call to America. An examination of the duality of racial identity that DuBois called "double consciousness." What could have been "The Bad Brains Story" is a story about kids, alienated by two cultures and two communities. Many of these punk and hardcore kids have never questioned their role in the punk scene or the black community until their interviews, and it's obvious as they struggle on camera to reconcile a fragmented self." (66 min)


Download :

DVD Extras (interviews, live stuff, etc) :

A&E - Peter Sutcliffe - The Yorkshire Ripper (2004)

Ko je pogledao igrani film This Is Personal: The Hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper (2000), evo i dokumentarca na istu temu. (44 min)

The Yorkshire Ripper site

Download :

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Louis Theroux - America's Medicated Kids (2010)

Theroux nas vodi u svet zgudrane dece, dece na psihotropnim lekovima. Inače, u SAD je to već poodavno praksa, da se deci već sa 6-7 godina dijagnostifikuju razni poremećaji ličnosti, kao što su npr. opsesivno-kompulsivni, bipolarni i hiperaktivni, pa im onda nabace terapiju sastavljenu od anti-depresiva, anti-psihotika i ostalih hardkor ludomila, te se tu sad vodi gistro žešća rasprava dal' je to u redu, dal' je moralno, dal' je OK da se nemirno dete automatski proglasi za hiperaktivno i slično. Theroux nas upoznaje sa troje dece, jedan klinac je ospesivno-kompulsivan, klinka je hiperaktivna, a najzanimljiviji je malac od 10 godina koji ima bipolar aka maničnu depresiju, zapravo taj klinac je baš creepy, i to creepy u smislu jednog drugog, našeg pionira, kog sam pominjao na ovom blogu, a ako budete pogledali dokumentarac, moći ćete i sami da se uverite kolko se sve to isuviše poklapa da bi bilo samo koincidencija.

Dakle, ko je gledo genijalan dokumentarac Boy Interrupted (2008), moći će vrlo lako da izvali šablon ponašanja, po kom su takva deca još od malih nogu opsednuta smrću, dakle ubistvom i samoubistvom, naravno, nadprosečno su inteligentna, vole da čitaju ozbiljnu literaturu već u toj dobi, zatim nemaju drugare, ne druže se sa vršnjacima, ne izlaze iz kuće osim ako baš ne moraju, i ono što je najzajebanije, to je ta ledena hladnoća, ta starmala nadmenost, pa evo bre, ovaj klinac se niti jednom nije osmehnuo ovde, i meni je to skroz nezamislivo, jer znam da kome nije do smeha taj će barem iz nervoze da se osmehne, uostalom tako sam ja radio ko dete, ali ovaj mali čak ni to. Realni Creepy Crawl. Uglavnom, džaba da ja opisujem, mora se pogleda, a onda mi recite dal' sam to samo ja istripovo ili ovaj klinac zaista neodoljivo podseća na ovog našeg po ponašanju, jebeš mi sve ako to nije ta priča, samo mu odelce i kravata fale, no procenite sami. (59 min)

"Ten-year-old Hugh is dour, self-absorbed and obnoxious. Yet it's hard not to feel sorry for a child whose personality has left him lonely and friendless. Possibly more saddening is Hugh's pharmaceutical regime. He's doped up on a staggering array of pills for everything from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to "oppositional defiance", Asperger's syndrome and bipolar disorder. But at the family home in Pittsburgh, where even the dog is on medication, Louis Theroux politely wonders of his parents whether Hugh isn't simply being Hugh. It's a jaw-dropping film - Theroux visits a clinic where he meets Jack, who is on antidepressants. Jack's problem is that he "doesn't like losing". He is six years old."

Download :

Autopsy: Post Mortem with Dr. Michael Baden (2007)

Arthur Ginsberg

Majkl Baden, forenzički patolog koji je učestvovao u autopsijama mnogih poznatih ličnosti, u ovom dokumentarcu pojašnjava kakve su sve krucijalne greške načinjene na mestima zločina, pa i tokom autopsija, u slučajevima JFK-a i OJ Simspona, zatim razotkriva misterije vezane za smrt porodice Romanov, smrt Sid Viciousa i njegove devojke Nensi, i za kraj objašnjava šta je tačno uticalo na povećanje stope smrtnosti njujorških policijaca i vatrogasaca nakon 11. septembra. Za sve ljubitelje crime dokumentaraca, must see. HBO produkcija. (57 min)

"JFK. O.J. Simpson. Sid Vicious. Nicholas and Alexandra. These are some of the most celebrated cases in the history of forensic pathology - and Dr. Michael Baden has had a hand in every one of them.

John F. KennedyIn 1977, Congress appointed the Congressional Select Committee on Assassinations to investigate the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Dr. Baden was in charge of the forensic-pathology investigation, assembling a panel to review autopsy reports, photographs, X-rays, and clothing. As he reported before Congress, no forensic pathologist has ever examined the body of the President. Instead, Washington hospital pathologists who had no training or experience in gunshot wounds bungled what was an "incomplete" autopsy, mistaking an entrance wound for an exit one, and placing the fatal head wound four inches lower than it was. In addition, photos were not done by a professional, the bullet track was not traced, and the notes were re-copied. After examining the scars on John Connally and sending bullet fragments found on the stretcher to a lab, Baden testified there had been one shooter: Lee Harvey Oswald.

O.J. Simpson
On June 13, 1994, one day after the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, Baden arrived at the home of Robert Kardashian, where O.J. Simpson was in seclusion. Examining the suspect, Baden found no marks of a struggle, and noted that Simpson had a healing cut on one hand. Baden did feel Simpson was suicidal, and shortly before police arrived, Simpson disappeared in what was to become the "Bronco chase." Later, at the trial, Baden made several points for the defense, asserting that the crime scene had been contaminated (detectives' bloody shoeprints were everywhere), that the time of death could not be determined (the bodies had been out in the open too long), and that Nicole's body was never viewed at the scene by a medical examiner. Instead, it was flipped over and removed to the morgue, washed (eliminating blood-drop evidence), and left for two days before the autopsy. These and other mistakes doomed the prosecution. Baden's theory is that two men were involved in the murders.

The Romanov Royal FamilyAfter ruling Russia for 300 years, the Romanov royal family disappeared on July 18, 1918, thought to have been executed by Bolsheviks. For 70 years, myths persisted about what happened to Tsar Nicolas, his wife Alexandria, and their five children. Then, in 1991, nine skeletons were discovered in Siberia. A year later, Baden and a team of scientists traveled to Russia to examine the remains. The bodies had been shot, and bullets found in one corpse were consistent to those used in 1918. After estimating the height and weight and checking teeth, the bodies were confirmed to be those of the Romanovs and their servants - except for Anastasia and Alexi, the two youngest children. For years, a woman named Anna Anderson had claimed to be Anastasia, but she was cremated upon her death in 1984. However, DNA from an appendix she had removed confirmed that Anna was not a royal. The real Romanovs were buried in St. Petersburg in 1998 - but two crypts (for Anastasia and Alexi) remain empty.

Sid Vicious
A member of one of the most influential punk bands of the 1970s, the Sex Pistols, Sid Vicious epitomized the excess and rage of that era. At 19, he met Nancy Spungen, who became the most important person in his life. After the band broke up in 1978, Sid and Nancy checked into NYC's Chelsea Hotel and embarked on a downward spiral of sex and drugs. One morning in October, police found Nancy's crumpled body in the bathroom, stabbed in the abdomen. Although Sid said that she had committed suicide, Baden, then the NYC medical examiner, saw no "hesitation" wounds (testing the blade before inserting it) and noted that the blade had been withdrawn. He classified Nancy's death as a homicide, and Sid was arrested. For four months, Sid was drug-free in Riker's Island. But in February 1979, after his mother posted $50,000 bail, he attended a party celebrating his release - and 13 hours later he was dead. Baden concluded he died from an overdose of potent heroin that was too strong for him to tolerate after his withdrawal. In a factoid, we learn that Sid's mother, also an addict, had bought the heroin that killed her son. On September 6, 1996, she committed suicide with a heroin overdose.

9/11 RespondersOn September 11, 2001, Frank Maisano of the NYPD was one of the first responders to the tragedy at the WTC. Like others, who "did what we were told," he inhaled an excess of ash at the site. Three and a half years later, Maisano collapsed while chasing a suspect, and was forced to take early retirement despite just passing his sergeant's test. Meeting with Baden, this once-athletic young man is told he has pulmonary fibrosis, scar tissue on his lungs that may require a transplant. "It's one thing going into a job where you see the perp," says Frank. On 9/11, "we were unprepared." Another first responder, James Zadroga, died in 2006; analyses of his lungs matched particles with those present at Ground Zero. According to Baden, it is "the first death of a responder that is directly linked to Ground Zero by the autopsy findings."


Friday, May 28, 2010

Danzig - Danzig 6:66 Satans Child (1999)

01. Five Finger Crawl
02. Belly Of The Beast
03. Lilin
04. Unspeakable
05. Cult W/Out A Name
06. East Indian Devil (Kali's Song)
07. Firemass
08. Cold Eternal
09. Satans Child
10. Into The Mouth Of Abandonement
11. Apokalips
12. Thirteen


Thursday, May 27, 2010

BBC - Mental: A History of the Madhouse (2009)

U ovom zaista odličnom dokumentarcu između ostalog ćete moći da vidite i kako su izgledale ludnice u Britaniji tokom 50-ih godina. Verovali ili ne, upravo tako naše izgledaju danas. Ne bi' dalje da davim, jer mislim da sam već sve napisao što se moglo na ovu temu, tako da bih iskoristio ovu priliku samo da preporučim svima da pogledaju dokumentarac. Dakle, pogledajte, nećete omašiti, jer ludnice, zatvori, bolnice, kasarne, i sve ostale ustanove sličnog tipa su ogledalo svakog društva. (59 min)

"This fascinating documentary – part of a BBC season on the subject – looks at Britain’s history of mental health care. From frontal lobotomies to care in the community, Mental: A History of the Madhouse tells the story of the closure of Britain’s mental asylums. They’re a grizzly reminder of a time when ‘out of sight, out of mind’ was the mantra for tackling the nation’s mental health issues. But as part of its season on mental health, the BBC has revisited Britain’s asylums to look at how we used to treat the issues that face up to one in four people. In the post-war period, 150,000 people were hidden away in these vast Victorian institutions. Institutions like High Royds Hospital, near Leeds, which forms the basis of this programme. High Royds with its Gothic clock tower and endless corridors, looks like the stuff of nightmares, built to keep out of sight those deemed to be out of their minds. But mental health care in the UK has changed, and today the asylums have all but disappeared as attitudes towards these issues have softened. Built around testimonies from patients, doctors and psychiatric nurses, the film explores the seismic shift in mental health care over the last sixty years. Mental: A History of the Madhouse tackles some heavyweight subject matter and is anything but light evening viewing. However, it does an admirable service to the issues at hand and offers an insightful exploration of a subject that is all too often ignored."

Download :

Or :

This Is Personal: The Hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper (2000)

David Richards

Samo za fanatike. Britanska dokudrama na fazon The Capture of the Green River Killer (2008) pa delimično i Zodiac (2007). Film se bavi lovom na jednog od najzajebanijih britanskih serijskih ubica, Jorkširskog Trboseka aka Yorkshire Ripper. Lepo urađeno, skroz dosledno istinitoj priči, što je meni i najbitnija stavka kada su ovakvi filmovi u pitanju. (120 min)


"This is a dramatisation of the real-life investigation into the Yorkshire Ripper murders of the late 1970s, showing the detail of a unique investigation and the effect that it had on the police, the community and notably, the health and career of Assistant Chief Constable George Oldfield who led the enquiry. This is an excellent dramatisation of this horrific series of murders of 13 women in Yorkshire. It focuses upon the investigation and the socio/political context. It will enlighten those interested in finding out more."

Episode 1 :

Episode 2 :

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Danzig - Danzig 5: Blackacidevil (1996)

01. 7th House
02. Blackacidevil
03. See All You Were
04. Sacrifice
05. Hint Of Her Blood
06. Serpentia
07. Come To Silver
08. Hand Of Doom: Version
09. Power Of Darkness
10. Ashes


Podrška Krešimiru Mišku i emisiji "Na Rubu Znanosti"

Za sve fanove kultne hrvatske emisije "Na Rubu Znanosti"...obrati pažnju !

"Bilo je pitanje vremena kada će lucidni i elokventni, a uz to i prilično odvažni Krešimir Mišak, zasmetati masonsku tvrđavu zvanu institut "Ruđer Bošković". Osobno sam, iz pouzdanih izvora upoznat s događajima na tom institutu, gdje je gotovo nemoguće dobiti posao ako niste član masonske lože, ili nekog "prirepka framasona", poput "Rotary Cluba" ili "Lionsa". Rad Krešimira Miška pratim već godinama, i upravo je on bio osoba koja je na polju razotkrivanja "teorija međunarodne zavjere" u Hrvatskoj, donijela najviše pouzdanih i vjerodostojnih informacija. Činjenicu da mu je državna televizija dala emisiju, pa makar i u izrazito nepopularnom terminu, možemo zahvaliti energiji nekolicine entuzijasta sa državne televizije, koji su srećom upućeni u sve zakulisne radnje koje vode prema Novom svjetskom poretku.

Naravno, nijedna televizija nije imuna na dobru "stopu" gledanosti, a upravo je to Mišak svojom izvanredno koncipiranom emisijom donio, inače sve manje gledanoj državnoj televiziji. Iz istih razloga ga je pozvao i "Večernji list"; jednostavno momak odlično piše, svjež je i aktualan s informacijama, a izgradio je i odličnu mrežu prema ključnim svjetskim ekspertima po pitanjima "s ruba znanosti". Dugo je godina naš Krešimir, osim po znanstvenom, hodao i po "rubu životne opasnosti", jer teme koje je on u Hrvatskoj pretvorio u "mainstream", a time posredno olakšao i rad našeg portala, jako su opasne za mnoge političare, znanstvenike i javne ličnosti, koje u Hrvatskoj već godinama bogato profitiraju ne zbog svog velikog znanja i kvalitete, već samo na osnovu svoje povezanosti s gore spomenutim tajnim i polutajnim društvima. Najnoviji napad hrvatskih znanstvenika na lik i dijelo Krešimira Miška (jučer je čak pokrenuta i peticija protiv njega, što je vrhunac antidemokracije i graniči sa fašizmom), dokaz je da je ovaj neumorni momak, alkarskim rječnikom govoreći "pogodio u sridu"."

Romano Sole
Glavni urednik HRsvijeta

"Sjetite se što je za sve nas napravio Krešimir Mišak kroz ovih osam godina. Javite se u što većem broju i pokažimo našu snagu dajući mu podršku, kako bi i dalje mogli gledati Na Rubu Znanosti."

Peticiju protiv ukidanja emisije "Na rubu znanosti" možete potpisati OVDE.

North Korea - Crossing The Line (2007)

Povodom ovog rata koji se sprema, evo jednog skroz prikladnog dokumentarca. Radi se o američkim vojnicima stacioniranim u Južnoj Koreji koji su dezertirali 1962. godine te prebegli u Severnu. Kao veliki fan korejskog naroda i njihove specifične kulture, iskreno se nadam da do ovog bratoubilačkog rata neće doći, jer južno-korejska kinematografija je trenutno jedna od najjačih u svetu, a bogme i ekipa sa severa ima svoje tripove, samo što zbog izolacije nemamo baš često prilike da to i iskusimo. Jebiga, ipak je to jedan narod, govore istim jezikom, imaju iste pretke, istoriju, ma sve isto, a dušmani (velike sile) ih podeliše. More, smrt dušmanima ! (90 min)

"The story of US soldier James Joseph Dresnok, who deserted his unit in 1962 while guarding the peace in South Korea. After walking the most heavily fortified area on earth, he defected to the Cold War enemy, finding fame as a film actor and being hailed as a coveted star of the North Korean propaganda machine. Forty-five years later, this film reveals the lives of Comrade Joe and other American defectors."

Download :

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dupe od mramora (1995) aka Marble Ass

Zelimir Zilnik

Omiljeni domaći film mog pobratima Collapsa, a bogme i moj, mislim, šta reći kad se opasno ložim na Sanelu, il' kako je to lepo objasnio brat minli "i nemoj da je neko travere diro." Znači, masterpis Želimira Žilnika, vaistinu masterpis, i mojne slučajno da neko nije gledo, jer ipak : Merlinka, Džoni Racković, Luna Lu, Sanela, nema dalje, crazy to the fullest. (84 min)


"In this Serbian anti-war film, radical Serb director Zelimir Zilnik promotes his view that it is better to make love than it is to make war. The heroes are a transvestite, Merlin, and Sanela, a prostitute. They live together in a suburban home outside of Belgrade. Dzoni, who has recently come back from fighting on the Bosnian front, is the aggressive and heavily armed bad-guy. He desperately needs sex to mellow out his destructive urges.

Zelimir Zilnik's film represents a most radical metaphor for a complete downfall of a country destroyed by degenerated outcomes of collectivism in the catastrophe of war which befell young people. Zilnik's characters come back from the battlefield only to face a criminal milieu deeply rooted, extermination of humans, pillage, break down of law and order, quotidian robberies.

Therefore, their only way to survive becomes sharp dropping of all values. Amidst the rottenness of a social scene which represents collectivism destroyed, the first signs of a certain resistance come from desperate people. These live as if in a puddle left after big floods, marginalized and stigmatized because of their perverted outlook of the world of the bottom."

Download :

Monday, May 24, 2010

Danzig - Danzig 4P (1994)

01. Brand New God
02. Little Whip
03. Cantspeak
04. Going Down To Die
05. Until You Call On The Dark
06. Dominion
07. Bringer Of Death
08. Sadistikal
09. Son Of The Morning Star
10. I Don't Mind The Pain
11. Stalker Song
12. Let It Be Captured
13. Invocation


Rockovnik (2010) - epizoda 4

Najjača epizoda do sad, što je u neku ruku i logično kada je tema Rajvosa. I najlepši citat gore, ko da su ga birali za moju dušu, jebeš mi sve.

Download :

Pass : Danko

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saopštenje za javnost RadiVizije povodom diskvalifikacije Juicea sa "Farme"

Kao javni servis Hip Hop scene Srbije, javno osuđujemo diskvalifikaciju Ivana Ivanovića Đusa sa rijaliti šoua 'Farma', u noći između 22. i 23. maja 2010. godine, od strane Zadruge (produkcije 'Farme'). Najpre moramo napomenuti da je Ivan Ivanović Đus (u daljem tekstu Đus) jedan od najistaknutijih i najcenjenijih pojedinaca muzike u Srbiji i šire, koju naš servis promoviše, zbog toga smo na pozive mnogobrojnih Đusovih fanova odlučili da se obratimo javnosti, kao i RTV Pink i čelnim ljudima 'Farme'.

Sinoć je Đus diskvalifikovan sa 'Farme' pod optužbom da je seksualno zlostavljao jednog od učesnika, Miloša Bojanića. Moramo napomenuti da je ono što se moglo videti u TV prenosu, kao i na popularnim video sajtovima jasan pokazatelj o jako lošoj odluci ljudi da to protumače kao seksualno zlostavljanje i samim tim nekoga izbace sa 'Farme'. U TV prenosu se videlo da je popularni Đus u jednom trenutku uhvatio za zadnjicu Miloša Bojanića, što svakako nije primeran gest (a bilo je i mnogo gorih od strane Miloša Bojanića od početka njegovog boravka na ’Farmi‘), ali je jasno i očigledno da je u navedenoj situaciji reč o šali i da nema govora o 'seksualnom zlostavljanju'.

Kao pasionirani gledaoci popularnog rijaliti šoua moramo se osvrnuti na mnogobrojne stvari koje su se dešavale na ovogodišnjoj farmi, a koje nisu za posledicu imale diskvalifikaciju. Gledaoci farme su u više navrata mogli da se uvere u takve postupke, a mi želimo da podsetimo javnost i na neke druge rijaliti programe u kojima su učesnici pred svojim 'cimerkama' pokazivali polni organ i nazivali ga budalom, a to niko nikada nije okarakterisao kao seksualno uznemiravanje. S obzirom na to da je posle izbacivanja Đusa gospodin Miloš Bojanić pričao da ga je popularni rep umetnik napastvovao tako što mu je gurao jezik u usta, skidao pantalone i gaće pred njim, da mu je gurao prst u zadnjicu… mi molimo ljude zadužene za to da to što pre pokažu javnosti te snimke jer su to vrlo jake optužbe, kao i između ostalog optužbe da je Đus 'seksualno uznemirivao' bilo koga. Ukoliko se ispostavi da to nije tačno, a mi verujemo da nije, zato što nigde nismo mogli da vidimo u toku televizijskog prenosa takve stvari, zahtevamo javno izvinjenje Miloša Bojanića Đusu, kao i ekspresno povlačenje odluke o diskvalifikaciji i povratak Đusa na farmu kao znak izvinjenja produkcije za učinjenu nepravdu. U suprotnom ćemo biti primorani da pozovemo veliki broj nasih članova, simpatizera i poštovalaca na bojkot ovakve emisije, koja sa jedne strane propagira nekažnjavanje verske, nacionalne i etničke mržnje, najgnusnije psovke, a sa druge strane drastično kaznjava očiglednu šalu, takođe ovo jasno shvatamo kao i napad na srpsku hip hop zajednicu, kao i celu hip hop kulturu.

Javno iskazujemo nezadovoljstvo udruženja obožavaoca hip hop muzike RADIVIZIJA, koje broji više od hiljade članova, ali i nekoliko hiljada svakodnevnih posetilaca 'Radivizija' portala i učesnika u diskusijama na našem forumu. Smatramo da je produkcija 'Farme' odgovorna za namerno izbacivanje Ivana Ivanovića iz ovog programa. Želimo odgovor na pitanje šta je sa novcem koji su ljudi uložili glasajući za svog favorita Đusa, koji ni jednom nije bio blizu izbacivanja, a bez bilo kakvog opravdanja su ostali bez svog favorita. Da li produkcija ili cenjena publika odlučuje ko je favorit ili ne? A Ivan Ivanović je to definitivno bio. Ili je u pitanju Saša Popović i njegova produkcija, koja na sve moguće načine gura svoje adute u ovom popularnom rijaliti programu. Nije bez osnova ni priča koja se spominje u poslednje vreme da 'Grand' drži monopol na nacionalnim frekvencijama u Srbiji, što svakako nije u skladu sa zakonskim odredbama koje je potpisala RRF. Na kraju saopštenja, koji zasigurno može potpisati sva omladina koja voli hip hop muziku i podržava jednog od omiljenih rep izvođača Ivana Ivanovića, njega i citiramo: 'Vi ste mislili da smo se smirili?! Ustvari smo se uznemirili!'

RadiVizija, Javni servis Hip Hop scene Srbije, 23. Maj 2010.

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