Is it brain-washing or like-mindedness? What attracts followers to cults and what holds them? This special feature-length documentary infiltrates the hidden world of these secretive groups.
--Interviews with cult survivors, investigators, parents of cult members and faithful adherents.
--Original and archival footage is coupled with dramatic reenactments of secret rites.
--The Vatican, the FBI, and the NIH all have departments dedicated to cults.
Sarin gas in Tokyo's subway, cyanide-laced Kool-Aid in Guyana, the World Trade Center attacks: these and similar evils are the legacy of cults. What forces could foster such unthinkable acts and drive formerly right-thinking humans to carry them out? Discover the truth in this intriguing feature-length documentary from THE HISTORY CHANNEL.
Journey behind closed doors into a secret world where faith and devotion lead to desperation and despair. From the bizarre prophecies of Charles Manson to the desperate paranoia of Jim Jones, cult leaders draw followers into worlds of power, paranoia, and death. Why do people join? Why do they stay? And how can we stop them? Through interviews with world-renowned scholars and the survivors of cultic tragedy, DANGEROUS DEVOTION unmasks the mystery of cults.
Meet survivors of modern-day cults and true believers who still number among the faithful. Hear from mothers and fathers who have lost a child to a cult and observe FBI agents working to identify exploitative groups that endanger individuals or even the entire nation. And delve through history to examine how cults have seized hearts and minds throughout time.
CULTS: DANGEROUS DEVOTION is a truly eye-opening examination of a world that few of us will ever see, but that potentially affects us all.
Just some of the charismatic leaders and cults examined in DANGEROUS DEVOTION are:
--Charles Manson
--Jim Jones and Jonestown
--Warren Jeffs and the Yearning for Zion Ranch
--Shoko Asahara and Aum Shinrikyo
--David Koresh and the Branch Davidians
--The Nizari, the drug-fueled assassins from the time of the Crusades
PASS : docs
dokle ćemo više da trpimo SEKTE u našim redovima, i one koji ih propagiraju!?
Dokle moramo, ja se tu zaista vise nista ne pitam, ono malo mozga sto mi preostade je pod APSOLUTNOM kontrolom onog-chije-ime-se-ne-izgovara. Postao sam bot bukvalno sa staticnim sa osmehom na licu :]:[
dokle ćemo više da trpimo SEKTE u našim redovima, i one koji ih propagiraju!?
Dokle god ne postanemo pravoslavni talibani.
Dotle ima da se tolerišu verske razlike. A kad postanemo pravoslavna džamahirija, prvo da pobijemo katolike i muslimane, oni su najveći šizmatici i sektaši. A kamoli male religije, slovake baptiste, mađarske kalviniste, ono malo goranskih derviša. Iz Srbije su već proterani Adventisti. Svi su se zbog spaljivanja njihove crkve popakovali i otišli u Ameriku, dobili azil, jer je ta zemlja ustavno zasnovana na pravu verskih sloboda.
"Sekte" je popovska floskula kojom se plaši narod. Sve u cilju da oteraju svoju versku konkurenciju. Sekti, što hrišćanskih, što nehrišćanskih postoji milion. Svako neka zadovoljava svoje verske potrebe na svoj način. Neka cveta hiljadu cvetova, reče drug Mao. Reformacija i Martin Luter, oko koje su besneli ratovi, pokazala se kao preko potrebna.
E, onda dolazimo do reči kult.To je destruktivna sekta. Postoje mnoge definicije šta je verski kult, po meni su date na engleskoj vikipediji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Cult_checklist
Znači bespogovorna vernost vođi, prepisivanje imovine, kontrola uma, uništavanje lične volje i kolektivizacija ličnosti, izolacija, itd.
Nije svaka verska zajednica kult. Ovaj dokumetarac je odličan. Edukuje i pomaže da se definiše šta je kult i sagleda njegova opasnost i kako se protiv njega valja boriti.
Great upload...higly interesting.
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