Werner Herzog
O ski-skokovima, mada više o padovima, jer Herzog kad mu nabaci muziku i doda slow motion to je ART samo takav. Inače najveći deo filma je snimljen u tadašnjoj SFRJ tj. u Sloveniji na čuvenoj skakaonici Planica. Priča prati mladog skakača Waltera Steinera, koji se u slobodno vreme bavi i drvodeljstvom, ako to mož tako da se prevede, znači on od drveta pravi svakakva čuda i umjetnine. Uglavnom jedan od zanimljivijih Herzogovih ranih radova. Uživajte. (45 min)

"Herzog's film begins with a brief slow-motion shoot of a ski-jumper floating through the air, mouth wrenched open, imbibing the experience. The moment is perfectly complimented by a somnambulistic ethereal tune by the German group Popol Vuh, long time collaborators with Herzog. The title comes up, followed by the credit: “A film by Werner Herzog.” A second shot shows the Swiss woodcarver Walter Steiner at work, interpreting his art in a strangely disorientating manner. For someone who doesn't know anything about the film, nor anything about Steiner, this is confusing. What are we about to see? A documentary about a primitive artisan, the last of his craft, struggling against modern society? From Herzog this is quite possible. But why the image of the ski-jumper?"

The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner (1974) - new MU link added!
The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner (1974) - NEW LINK!
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